Вісник Національного транспортного університету. Серія «Економічні науки».
Науково-технічний збірник. Випуск 2 (38), 2017


Karlova I.A., Khomenko V.S. Оrigin, formation and further development strategic management accounting as science 3

Kozak L.S., Fedoruk O.V., Ludchenko J.A. Prospects for development of the national market of transport services in the context of integration in the European economic space 12

Kompanets K.A. Essence globalization and their impact on the functioning of enterprises 26

Kompanets K., Ivanchuk S. Paradigm of modern management of enterprises of the tourism industry 33

Levishchenko O.S. Logistics Consulting and its role in modern 41

Litvishko L.A., Sukmanyuk V.M. Restructuring, аs a tool of reform Ukraine motor transports enterprises    47

Marunych V.S., Kabanov V.G., Tsekov K.V. Long-Term Financing of Companies in the Current Conditions of the World Economy Development 54

Sokolova N. Approach to the management system of economic environmental risk assessment 66

Sofiychuk K. The insurance protection of local tourists in Ukraine and abroad   73

Khavruk V.O. Statistical imitating modelling in storekeeping 80

Kharchenko A. Problems of property rights in the implementation of standard forms FIDIC contracts in the road sector in Ukraine 92