Article title | Author (authors) | Abstract | Pages |
Synergetic interpretation of Kerner model for traffic flow dynamic | Dmytrychenko M.F., Bakulich O.O. | The concept of within the framework of the adiabatic approaching of Lorenz model, synergetic interpretation of Kerner model for dynamic of traffic flow at transition from free to a dense phase that is based on the analysis of experimental data. The object of the study is processes are in traffic flow of street network of city. The purpose of the study is analytical description of transition as transport congestion as a result of self-organization of the system. Research methods - analytical description of transition is between the states of a traffic flow. First within the framework of the adiabatic approaching of Lorenz model, synergetic interpretation of phase diagram of Kerner transition is got from free to a dense traffic flow that is based on the analysis of experimental data. Presence confirmed in theory, in obedience of Kerner labors, three phases in a traffic flow: free, synchronized and wide to the cluster that moves. The got analytical dependences of rate of movement of a traffic flow of characteristic time The results of the study can be used at research of a transport network of cities there are transport congestions in that. Forecast assumption for the object of the study the use of analytical description of transition between the states of a traffic flow will allow carrying out in the future further development of theoretical ideas about the dynamics of traffic flow, perfection of methods of design of processes that take place in them. KEYWORDS: LORENZ SYNERGETIC MODEL, TRAFFIC FLOW, KERNER’S THREE-PHASE TRAFFIC THEORY, MODES OF A TRAFFIC FLOW, TRANSPORT CONGESTION. | |
The communicative and metric nature of money | Bazyliuk A.V. | The article represents the author's vision of the nature of money as a part of the communication system in regard to exchange of the results of the work and as an element of the metric system, which quantitatively and qualitatively gauges the value of tangible and intangible assets and provides a record of their movement. The purpose is to identify unexplored aspects of the nature of money. The method of research is subject-logical analysis of causal circumstances of money emergence in the retrospective. It is believed that money arose at the origin of commodity production and were natural. Expressing the opinion that the exchange is not about goods, but about the results of work embodied in them, the author states that money has an account nature regardless of their form. Money is the number of the cost of the worth (value) of tangible and intangible assets and formalize the relationship. The author`s hypothesize is that money came with the advent of human as a communication on the exchange, money provided a clear procedure for assessing of the value and transfer it into a digital equivalent. The article presents merely some moral and ethical principles of money relations and quantitative parameters of the valuation of land and rights in the 50 years cycle contained in the Bible, which according to the author, was the first decisive instruction for the use of money and debt relief. Based on these guidelines it was set the criteria for transferring values in money equivalent and described consequences of deviation from them. It is recommended to use fractal analysis to evaluate the adequacy of cash gauges and identifying the critical structural deformations to prevent crises. KEY WORDS: ORIGIN OF MONEY, THE NATURE OF MONEY, DIRECT BARTER, FORMS OF MONEY. | |
Inclusive growth as a basis for socio-economic development | Bazyliuk A.V., Zhulyn O.V. | The paper investigates the types of socio-economic development, formed an inclusive development model and analyzes its prospects for implementation in Ukraine, methodical recommendations for calculating the index of inclusive growth and the factors to influence it. Object of study - the socio-economic development and inclusive growth. Purpose of the study - to study the importance of inclusive growth as the basis of socio-economic development through the inclusion of all society’s members and development method of calculation the index inclusive development. Method of the study - methods of economic, systemic, comparative analysis, integrated assessment and index method. Results and innovation of the study - in paper investigates the types of socio-economic development: integration, segregation, extraction and inclusion. Analyzed American and western European model of inclusive development singled out their advantages and disadvantages and proposed the formation complex model of inclusive development, which combines the advantages of each, by the creation in the country equal access to opportunities and equal access to the results of work. The paper presents two methodological approaches to the definition of inclusive growth index (IIG). First method of calculating the index inclusive growth shows the state loses GDP because of poverty, unemployment and debt financing of the economy and the other is based on identifying, within the central integral indicator of inclusive development by determining the level of access to opportunities and results of work by means of socio-economic indicators and parameters. Ñalculation results showed that in 2009 Ukraine shortfall 28% of GDP and in 2014 - 45%. Inclusive development in Ukraine has a negative trend, recommendations summarized for its improvement. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - reduction inclusiveness of economic development suggests untapped potential in the country, so the expansion methodical recommendations to determine the integral index of inclusive development will facilitate counting more numbers of factors influence the development: economic, social, environmental, humanists and other. KEY WORDS: DEVELOPMENT, INCLUSIVE GROWTH, POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT, DEBT FINANCING. | |
The essence machinery of public-private partnership and its role in supporting the development of tourism in Ukraine | Bondar N.M., Kosharnyi V.O. | The study aims to clarify the place of public-private partnerships to provide investment policy tourist infrastructure. The object of theoretical research is the development of tourism infrastructure. The study examined the tools of investment support. Today, for the development of tourism in Ukraine acute the creation and support of tourism infrastructure solution which not only implements international competitive potential of Ukraine as an object of tourism, but also provide jobs for the population of the regions, create conditions for the preservation of natural resources and environmental protection, improve the socio-economic status areas. At the same time, limited budget and high risks relevant investment projects for private investors holding back the development of tourism infrastructure. One way to stimulate the development of tourism infrastructure is a mechanism state-private partnership (PPP). The article deals with the definition of PPP identified their common features. A proper definition of Public-Private Partnerships and defined areas create an institutional environment projects of tourism infrastructure in terms of PPP. KEY WORDS: PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP, INVESTMENT, TOURISM, TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE, MACHINERY OF CREATION. | |
Features of strategic planning cruise shipping in the Black sea region | Golubkova I.A. | Purpose - the objective actuality of the development of methods and indicators of strategic planning, infrastructure capacity of cruise shipping in the growth capacity of the fleet of the leading companies in the world. Given the steadily growing demand for standard sea cruises, you should pay attention to the alternative approach to the choice of classical type cruise ship, best suited to the socio-economic purpose of the cruise business. In conditions of increasing demand for cruise type of vacation and the formation of significant investment and cash flows focuses on the social-economic role of the industry. Accordingly, there is a need for improving the performance management of cruise shipping. Require substantiation of the threat intensity and characteristics of the development of the local cruise areas, as well as the principles of advanced planning capacity passenger vessels. KEY WORDS: CRUISE SHIPPING, LOCAL CRUISE ZONE, CRUISE TOURISTS, INVESTMENTS, STRATEGY, CRUISE FARES. | |
Innovative partnership as a factor of development of the national innovation infrastructure | Grechan A.P. | The article is devoted to the substantiation of ways to enhance innovation by creating an environment based on the principles of innovation partnership. The object of study processes of formation and development of innovative partnerships. Purpose - to determine the effect of the innovation partnership for the development of a national innovation infrastructure. Methods of research - theoretical generalization and systematic analysis of the development of innovation infrastructure. The development of a national innovation infrastructure in Ukraine provides for the active dissemination of traditional types of innovative structures (industrial parks, business incubators, special economic zones). Their effective operation is impossible without the joint efforts of all participants in this process based on the principle of innovation partnerships. The partnership will create a harmonious commitment control system and regulation of innovative development in the regional and local levels as well as at the level of individual industries and all the related industries. KEYWORDS: INNOVATION, PARTNERSHIPS, NATIONAL INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURE | |
Justification use innovative marketing tools in the field of automobile tourism | Hryshchuk O.K., Tyshchenko A.M. | In the article the mobile application to help plan your own car journey. Also, given the problems and solutions introduction of innovative technologies and the further development of trailering to Ukraine. The object of study is the caravanning market of Ukraine. Subject of research: - Technology providing tourist services in the field of automobile tourism. - Methodology expert study introduction of mobile applications in the field of road transport. Practical value: the proposed mobile applications make it possible to make preliminary conclusions on the development of road transport. Methods: compare and experiment. The results of the article can be used for self-formation and car tour to further innovation in the tourism sector of Ukraine. KEY WORDS: automobile tourism, innovation, mobile applications. | |
Estimation of business activity risks in the conditions of synergistic development for the economic | Danchuk V.D., Kozak L.S., Danchuk M.V. | In this paper is proposed an original method for business risks evaluation within the VaR methodology. This method may be applicable not only to describe stable markets, but also for nonlinear dynamic economic processes and crisis. This approach is based on computer simulation studies of a business evolution by synergetic model of Lorenz system. Presented method allows adequate estimation of VaR-value taking into account an asymmetry and fat tail risk curve in real time mode without using historical information. KEYWORDS: VALUE-at-RISK METHODOLOGY, BUSINESS RISK, RISK CURVE, LORENZ SYNERGETIC MODEL. | |
Formation of the modern conceptual approach to definition of essence of new macroeconomic indicators | Kozak L.S., Ulasenko Iu.A., Fedoruk O.V. | The article explores theoretical and methodical bases of formation of the modern conceptual approach to definition of essence of new macroeconomic indicators; explains the significance of new macroeconomic indicators, in particular Human Development Index, Index of Globalization, Index of Economic Freedom, in propagation conditions of globalization processes of the world economy; defines the role of strategic tools of human development concept in regulation of world economic processes. Object of the research - the process of ensuring economic security of international cooperation. Purpose of the study - improvement of the mechanism of formation of the modern conceptual approach to definition of essence of new macroeconomic indicators under conditions of amplification of integration and globalization processes. Methods of research - method of abstracting, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, system approach. Under present-day conditions of the global economic system are used widely new macroeconomic indicators, in particular Human Development Index, Index of Globalization, Index of Economic Freedom, designed to mapping new value characteristics of economic life. The concept of human potential development is one of the most famous of intellectual products developed by experts of the United Nations Development Programme. The countries with the same level of GDP per capita may have different level of public welfare, because it is characterized, except GDP counting on one person, yet life expectancy, level of education, balanced nutrition, level of compliance with the law etc. These indicators are largely dependent not only on the volume of GDP, but also on the degree of differentiation of incomes in society, state social policy, level of openness and competitiveness of the national economy. Today, along with indicators of system of national accounts should use new macroeconomic indicators for accurate and objective reflection of economic processes. UNDP was created the concept of human development exactly to promote social and economic development at the international level. It is worth noting that the methodology of calculation of Human Development Index of UNDP is based on a minimum set of indicators, for their calculation can be collected reliable comparative data in virtually all countries of the world. New macroeconomic indicators are designed to quantitatively reflect key measurements of economic development, analysis of these indicators will allow to define priority needs of society, to identify the main groups of countries, on the experience of which should be guided in making managerial decisions at the national, international and global levels. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - improvement of the mechanism of ensuring economic security of international cooperation. KEYWORDS: new macroeconomic indicators, Human Development Index, Life expectancy index, Education index, Gross national income index, Index of Economic Freedom, Index of Globalization, Gender Inequality Index, Multidimensional Poverty Index, United Nations Development Programme. | |
Problems and development prospects of production costs accounting | Korolova O.I. | In the article the advantages and disadvantages of cost accounting methods and cost of goods (works, services) calculation: incl. regulatory, ABC costing and direct costing, are investigated. The expediency of method of production (management) accounting "standard-costing" implementation at Ukrainian enterprises is approved in the article. The subject of research is accounting costs establishment. The purpose of the work is to determine management costs accounting issues for domestic enterprises and to develop proposals for its solution. Among research methods are general empirical and theoretical. In the recent years, some companies have started to abandon of production costs planning and its calculation. This resulted in numerous deviations in accounting. The absence of production costs accounting and costing at enterprise violates the principle of revenues & expenses calculation and compliance. Without calculation of the actual production costs it is impossible to provide analytical inventory of finished goods; to determine the actual cost of sales and detect financial results; to analyze production costs on the base of accounting articles, products, identify the causes of overspending; as well as to reflect internal reserves of the company. We should also keep in mind that production costs accounting is carried out in order to make different types of reporting. Therefore, the refusal of production costs accounting deviates another accounting principle - the principle of historical (actual) cost, according to which the evaluation of assets based on the cost of its production and purchase is the priority. The article draws attention to the unsatisfactory implementation of advanced costs accounting methods and production costs calculation. The problem is that in an unstable economic environment most of the information on production costs, which is accounted at domestic enterprises, is not used for its effective management as there are no incentives to reduce production costs. It is therefore in domestic practice modern methods of costs accounting and production costs calculation are not implemented. KEY WORDS: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ACCOUNTING, PRODUCTION COSTS, STANDART METHOD, STANDART COSTING, ABC COSTIN, DIRECT COSTIN, TOTAL EXPENDITURES, DISTRIBUTION BASE. | |
Problem of balanced state budget | Levchuk N.M., Dudka T.V., Peresada T.M., Gaidai G.G. | The balancing of the budget relates to the key issues of the budget system. A balanced budget, which are part of the budgetary system of Ukraine, is a necessary condition for fiscal policy. Appropriate legal action on this matter not only provide clear and effective functioning of the budget system, but also determine the actual activities of the various authorities. If budget expenditures exceed revenues, it means that there is a budget deficit. In this case no equilibrium. If the income is higher taxes, there is a budget surplus or a budget surplus. The budget is in balance when revenues equal expenses. The aim of this study is to validate the problem of the existence of the budget deficit, the study of the possibilities to avoid this problem. KEYWORDS: BUDGET, BUDGET SYSTEM, BUDGET DEFICIT, BUDGET SURPLUS, BALANCED BUDGET. | |
Methodological approaches for conducting diagnostic potential of the motor company | Parfentyeva O.G. | The paper proposed and justified the use of economic diagnostics as a tool with which to identify the optimal ratio of sustainable development of the enterprise proved an economic category "potential of enterprise development", presents a meaningful description of the diagnostic potential of auto plants and methods of its carrying out. Potential resources of production, their quantitative and qualitative parameters that determine the maximum capabilities of the society for the production of wealth in every moment. Development potential — the property of the carrier to undergo changes that will ensure the strengthening of existing, or the emergence of new properties which can be optionally created in size, limited natural, organizational, technical and General economic conditions. Traditional approaches to integrated economic diagnosis is mainly based on the rating analysis and involve the use of diverse methods and techniques to the analysis of the company. Given the dynamics and variability of the influence of factors internal and external environment during the formation of the model of diagnostic potential of enterprise development should adhere to the principle of multidimensionality, through which the object of this simulation is seen in several planes, but with different coordinates and vectors of development. If the diagnostic potential of enterprises, it is necessary to use approaches based on the theory of multiplicity, and choice of development strategy of the enterprise should be viewed as the process of managing different types of resources and specific capabilities. KEYWORDS: DIAGNOSTICS, CAR ENTERPRISE, ENTERPRISE POTENTIAL, DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL. | |
Aspects concerning the Strategic Meaning of “Logistics Management” | Rosenthal Klaus | Globalization leads to a change from an instrumental towards an anticipated view of logistics. This means logistics itself becomes part of managerial calculation. The distributive function of logistics is replaced by an anticipated function. Having started out by organising smooth and cost efficient distribution processes it now evolves towards a new management concept called “Logistik der Distributionspotentiale”, which enhances the former instrument by adding a strategic dimension. Thus “logistics management” also generates a potential to manage future marketing possibilities. "Logistics management" originates from the historical concept of logistics - namely finding an efficient solution to a predetermined task. The term “management of logistics” addresses a new way of thinking. It focuses on the allocation of logistics itself. KEYWORDS: Logistics Management, Globalization, «Logistik der Distributionspotentiale», business economics, distributive function of logistics, logistic tasks, optimization of logistic processes. | |
Study of current status of tourist activity in Ukraine | Shcherbakova N.A. | The article is considered the current state of tourism activities of Ukraine during last years. The analysis of statistical data of the number of tourism stakeholders (travel agents, tour operators, entities engaged in sightseeing activities) is made; the ranking of the ten most popular tour operators is determined; the net income from the implementation of travel services and cost allocation that are used in the production of tourist product are researched; the costs structure by type of transport, which is often used by tourists during the journey is researched; the analysis of the number of accommodation, resorts and recreational facilities is made; the distribution of the served tourists by purpose of travel and tourism. The object is the process of providing tourism services by tourism stakeholders. The goal is to analysis of the tourism situation, to develop measures to increase the number of inbound and outbound tourists by improving the quality of tourist services and marketing activities aimed at informing potential customers. On the basis of studies prerequisites for the formation of tourism clusters, which will allow more efficient use of available resources to restore and expand the tourist infrastructure of the region are identified. Forecast as for development of the research object - improving the quality of tourist services through the creation of tourism clusters. KEYWORDS: TOURIST ACTIVITY, TOURIST, TRAVEL AGENT, TOUR OPERATOR, TOURISM PRODUCT, TRANSFER, CLUSTER. | |
Professional practice-oriented monitoring of quality of training specialists in the field of vocational education | Bakhtiiarova Kh.Sh. | The present article addresses the concept of vocationally oriented monitoring of education quality performances at engineering and teachers’ high educational establishments. It focuses specifically on a number of the latest advancements, aimed at putting in place an up-to-date efficient training system for future engineers and teaching instructors, that have been lately introduced at the Ukrainian National University for transports. Keywords: monitoring, professional practice-oriented monitoring, quality of education, engineering and teacher education, training of engineers and educators in the National Transport University. | |
Being as means of cognition becomes legal (epistemological ontology of law) | Kozlovskyi A.A. | Epistemological ontology of law acts as a link between a particular legal theory, its methods and the fundamental philosophical and ontological principles on which they are based. One of the tasks epistemological ontology of law is the identification of the ontological foundations of a legal justification for the method and thus its real heuristic potential. It was found that the right to due not only being, but also knowledge. Therefore, it is double the standard. Any method or methodology as a system of methods must be ontological and epistemological justified. The laws of life are responsible for the knowledge of normative and regulatory rules determined by how the laws of life, and by regulations knowledge. Each corresponds to a certain epistemology and ontology, on the contrary, every ontology provides features of the self-knowledge, self-determination and self-realization, that is, becomes the epistemological ontology law. KEY WORDS: KEY WORDS: gnosseology of law, ontology of law, methodology of law, being of law, models of law. | |
Consumer Right ànd Ñonsumer Protection’s Legislation ³n Ukraine | Yazvinska Î.M. | The article revealed the foundations of the legal regulation of the ñonsumer ðrotection in Ukraine. The îbject of research supports the analysis of the conceptual problems of consumer protection. The object of study is the legal regulation of the ñonsumer ðrotection in Ukraine. Article urgency is determined by necessity of the analysis of specificity of legal regulation in the field of the ñonsumer ðrotection that actually expressed in creation of institute of the ñonsumer ðrotection in Ukraine. Scientific novelty of the received results consists in generalization of conceptual problems of legislative support of the ñonsumer ðrotection in Ukraine. KEYWORDS: ÑONSUMER, CONSUMERS’ RIGHTS, ÑONSUMER ÐROTECTION, ÑONSUMERIZM, INSTITUTE OF ÑONSUMER PROTECTION’S LEGISLATION.
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The driver of the vehicle as a subject of special administrative responsibility | Yarovaya R.V. | Purpose - to explore the features of driver as a subject of special administrative responsibility. Ascertained that the science of administrative law decided to set apart general and special features of the subject of administrative responsibility. Common sins the subject of administrative responsibility are age and sanity. But to brought the person to administrative responsibility in some cases these signs are not enough. Proved that the driver of the vehicle is a subject of special administrative responsibility, who has its own particular features. In particular, these features are age, specific knowledge, which confirmed by a driver certificate, the available licensing system which regulates the procedure for issuing such certificates, a special procedure of bringing to responsibility and determine the state of insanity. It is necessary to legally detail features of driver as a special subject of administrative responsibility. KEYWORDS: administrative responsibility, sanity, driver, offense licensing system, the right to drive vehicles. |