Scientific journal «Economics and management on transport»
Issue 2, 2016
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Use of concept of effective car for simulation of traffic flow dynamics in the urban transport system |
Dmytrychenko M.F., Bakulich O.O. |
The concept of an efficient car has been suggested in the article. On the basis of Saati’s method of hierarchies analysis the method of determining performance indicators of an efficient car has been developed. The object of the study are processes in transport flows of a city street network. The purpose of the study is to develop the method of determining performance indicators of an efficient car as a characteristic of a transport flow in a certain area of a transport network. Within the suggested concept an efficient car is considered as a model vehicle being a characteristic of a transport flow in a certain studied area of a transport network. Performance indicators of an efficient car have such values which characterize the state of a transport flow in a certain area of a transport network. Besides, they are close to definite parameters of vehicles moving in a certain area. The results of the study can be used for the research of Kyiv transport network. Forecast assumption for the object of the study is that using the concept of an efficient car will allow the future development of theoretical ideas about the dynamics of transport flows and the improvement of process modeling methods. KEYWORDS: EFFICIENT CAR, TRANSPORT FLOW, SAATI’s METHOD of the HIERARCHIES ANALYSIS, DETERMINING PERFORMANCE INDICATORS. |
Priorities for improvement of investment policy in Ukraine |
Amelina N.K., Iemeliantseva D.I. |
The article describes the priority directions of development and improvement of the investment policy. Covers the basics of state support of investment activity. The main innovations of the Tax code relating to investment activities in Ukraine. It is determined that the urgent task is to increase the state's role in improving the investment policy and, accordingly, increased flows of foreign investment by creating a favorable investment climate for investors, both domestic and foreign. KEYWORDS: INVESTMENT POLICY, INVESTMENT CLIMATE, INVESTOR, PRIORITIES, IMPROVEMENT. |
Advantages and disadvantages of accounting outsourcing’s using |
Antonenko N.V., Tsarenko V.Î. |
The features of the application of outsourcing of accounting reveals are represented in this work its advantages and disadvantages, and the main directions of their elimination are also shown. The analysis of the current state of outsourcing services in Ukraine is carried out. The prospects for further development of this type of service are discovered. The object of research is accounting outsourcing as a model of business organization. The subject is features of the application of accounting outsourcing in the process of Ukrainian enterprises’ activities. The aim of this study is to find out the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing accounting and an assessment of outsourcing processes’ development in modern Ukrainian economy. Research method - scientific method of theoretical generalization, observation, abstraction, formalization, analysis. The article proved that, in spite of all the advantages and opportunities, outsourcing is an effective way of doing business. Enterprise-outsourcing customer has the opportunity to save on its resources due to the transfer of enforcement of accounting and settlement operations to another organization. Savings on salaries of the accountant, reduce the cost of construction and maintenance of an employee's workplace - these and other factors determine the effectiveness of outsourcing. An equally important problem, which is disclosed in the article, is the choice of a responsible provider of outsourcing services is a complex process at the present time because of insufficient market development of such services. Internal and external risks, which are associated with the use of outsourcing, which require moderate and balanced approach to the use of these services in own activity are based and reviewed in the article. The importance of further studies of the problem determines the topicality of the using of outsourcing services in the enterprise activity. KEY WORDS: ACCOUNTING OUTSOURCING, AUDITING COMPANY, ACCOUNTANT, CONSULTING FIRM. |
Features of choice of criteria for the formation of strategies for the development of enterprises of motor transport |
Boyko V.V., Kyrychenko A.V. |
In the article the problem of choosing optimal criteria forming business development strategies of road transport and paid attention to the feasibility study and the choice of certain others. criteria for the relevant domestic enterprises, including vehicles. Object of study - the criteria for the formation of enterprise development strategies. Purpose of study - to determine the effect of quantitative and qualitative criteria in the formation and selection of development strategy. Research methods - methods of evaluation, analysis and synthesis. The choice of strategic alternatives enterprise development is carried out using a variety of criteria, which in modern economic literature include: maximizing profits or revenues from product sales, the profitability; increase in market share of the entity; increase cash flow or value of the company; ensuring a certain level of ratios that characterize financial condition. Development of the company's development strategy involves the problem of choosing criteria decision-making with various systems, models and approaches to assess the effectiveness of the company. The results of the article can be used for selecting optimal development strategy, focusing on the growth of value - one of the most important criteria for modern effective management. KEY WORDS: CRITERIA OF FORMATION OF STRATEGIES, ROAD TRANSPORT, GROWTH ENTERPRISE VALUE. |
Mechanism of realization of conception of customer oriented management processes and systems of transportations is in the conditions of development of partnerships |
Vorkut Ò.À., Karpenko O.A., Kovalchuk S.O. |
The offered conception of client oriented management processes and systems of transportations with taking into account of risk and vagueness - as such, that envisages a management processes and systems of transportations in stalemate in intercommunication with forming in the enterprises of their clients of criteria of efficiency of a transport service in the conditions of realization of integration principles in interorganizational relations. The researching object - processes of choice of transport service and management processes and systems of transportations providers. The research methods: theory of chances and mathematical statistics, method of the stochastic programming, methods of theory of transport processes and systems. In the article are submitted the model of development conception choosing the potential clients which based on the method of stochastic programming and methodic of creating transport companies by offers clients to the provided level of possible rejections for transport vehicles to arrival time in the delivery points of loads and proper price. The results of article provide theoretical basis for the selection of suppliers of goods (services) general methodological on the one side, and management processes and systems for effective transport provision that allow customers to achieve key elements of value transportation of goods from another. KEYWORDS: MANAGEMENT OF PROCESSES OF TRANSPORTATIONS, CUSTOMER ORIENTED. |
Methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of innovation |
Grechan A.P., Parfentyeva O.G. |
The article is devoted to substantiation approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of innovation in a changing environment. The object of study - the process of evaluating the effectiveness of innovation. Purpose - to study theoretical and practical aspects of evaluating the effectiveness of innovation. Research methods - theoretical generalization and analysis of systemic innovation. Enhancing innovation in domestic enterprises provides for mandatory assessment of the effectiveness of innovation. The article summarizes the problem of assessing the effectiveness of innovation in a dynamic market environment; The use of an integrated model of assessing the effectiveness of innovation and the basic principles of such evaluation; efficiency features reasonably certain areas of innovation. KEYWORDS: INNOVATION, EFFICIENCY, INNOVATION PROJECTS. |
Gomel region economy «points of growth» |
Dragun N.P., Ivanovskaya I.V. |
This article presents the method of determining of the potential regional "growth points" and the results of its approbation by the example of Gomel region (Belarus). Object of the study - potential regional "growth points". The goal of the study - to develop the method of determining of the potential regional "growth points" and to test it by the example of Gomel region (Belarus). The methods of investigation are monographic, logical modeling, analysis of statistical data. We developed the method of determining of the potential regional "growth points" (PRGP), which differs from the existing are, firstly, to develop a system of quantitative and quality-governmental selection criteria PRGP, secondly, the definition of threshold values of quantitative criteria for classifying the object being analyzed to PRGP that allows objectively evaluate the capabilities economic activity as "points of growth" and on this basis to develop regional development programs. As a result of testing methods by the example of Gomel region following areas are identified potential regional growth point, classified into three groups: the point of the direction of growth - the "new industrialization" of the economy of the region, more efficient use of the resource and resource potential of the area and the development of services. Our results can be used by governments for solving urgent problems, which arise in the process of determining the "points of growth" of the economy of the region-time processing of regional development programs, to boost capacity in the economy of integration, bathrooms and other industrial structures. Projected assumptions about the development of the research object are the definition of regional "growth points" of the Gomel region and mechanisms for their activation. KEYWORDS: GOMEL REGION, TECHNIQUE, INDUSTRY, REGIONAL ECONOMY GROWTH POINT. |
Export and import security as an important component of foreign security |
Duleba N.V., Bazilevska Ya.I. |
In the article considered the economic security of the state as a subsystem of foreign security. Object of study - foreign security of the State as part of economic security. Purpose - to study appropriate level of economic security, including foreign trade, which is achieved by creating a unified state policies, strengthened system of coordinated measures adequate internal and external threats. Methods - economic methods used in empirical research and theoretical levels. Having examined the condition of export and import security of Ukraine it can be argued that in the context of world globalization and an increase of international integration process the national economy of Ukraine is not sufficiently protected from adverse foreign economic factors. In a situation where indicators of openness of the national economy of Ukraine are more than twice higher than similar indicators in developed countries, the problem of foreign economic security is becoming more important. At the current stage of development it is crucial for Ukraine to ensure its foreign economic security as an essential level of economic security and an important indicator of the state export and import security. The main achievement of reforms in foreign economic policy should be the alignment of competition for domestic products in foreign markets. The situation in Ukraine's foreign trade demonstrates the need for implementation of new approaches to foreign policy, the main result of which should be the establishment of an effective mechanism for functioning of foreign economic activity, overcoming the negative balance of foreign trade and diversification markets for domestic products. Key words: economic security, export security, import security, FOREIGN economic security, foreign trade security. |
Taxes as a factor of financial and economic security of the state |
Duleba N.V., Lutay T.V. |
The article describes the main threats to the security of the state tax, namely: the economy; the state of public finances; features of existing institutions; social characteristics of society. A large number of factors, which generates each of the sources of tax threats, a need to identify those destabilizing factors, the impact of which on the most important security tax. The object of study - the most important parameters that describe the state of the national economy - indicators of the level and dynamics of gross domestic product (GDP). Purpose - to study the impact of destabilizing factors on the tax Ukraine's security in the context of its economic security. The methods of research - economic methods used in empirical research and theoretical levels. A high public debt leads to the increase of public debt management costs (for payment of interest or a definite part of the debt) that will determine the necessity of additional tax revenue and thus will cause a threat to the tax security. According to the data of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in 2010-2014 the national debt is still far falls short of annual GDP and remains in the range of 30-40%. However, despite this fact it should be noted Ukraine nevertheless increases debts quite rapidly and mostly these funds are not used for investment purposes but for the current consumption. Under these circumstances the growth of public debt increases expenses of next budgets for their management and redemption and accordingly reduces the financial capacity of the government and degrades the level of the state's tax security. Analysis of tax security indicates a high level of tax burden in Ukraine. There is a way out of this situation. The tax burden should optimally be reduced both for taxpayers and for the state. Reducing the tax burden on a taxpayer will release financial resources what he may use in productive process and will provide the rise of investment funds and increase an enterprise's business activity that will promote the growth of tax revenue. Moreover, the optimizing of a tax burden will help to increase of real household incomes, household savings, purchasing power of population that will lead to economic growth in the country. KEY WORDS: TAX RATES, TAX SECURITY, STATE OF PUBLIC FINANCE, STATE OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY, GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, PUBLIC DEFICIT, PUBLIC DEBT. |
Stimulation of innovation activity of enterprises |
Ziuzina V.P., Komchatnykh O.V., Redko N.A. |
In the study highlighted the problems and trends stimulation of innovation activity of enterprises. On the basis of the considered methods to stimulate innovation activities proposed an mechanism to stimulate innovation enterprise. Object of the study - innovation activity of enterprises. Purpose of the study - taking steps to improve the mechanisms of stimulation of innovation activity of enterprises. Method of the study - methods of analysis and synthesis, logic and theoretical generalization. This article focuses on approach for stimulating innovation activity the personnel of enterprises. The theoretical views to the methods of stimulation innovative activity of enterprises. The key factors of stimulation of labour are distinguished in an innovative process. Considered and analyzed foreign experience of inducement to innovation activity of workers. The expediency of usage of moral and financial stimulating the innovation enterprises personnel is substiated. The meaning of motivation for the development of innovation activity of enterprise is outlined. KEYWORDS: INNOVATION ACTIVITY, PERSONNEL, METHODS, MECHANISM TO STIMULATE INNOVATION ACTIVITIES. |
As for the environmental and economic efficiency improving passenger on a city route |
Ziuziun V.I., Sabybina V.S. |
In the article, the problem of the functioning of urban road passenger transport in step changes in the economic system. Passenger researched, analyzed costs, income, and emissions of excess emissions penalties on all routes to the selected vehicle. The proposed change to the bus more economical (greater passenger capacity) and environmental (class Euro 5). Object of study - process in urban passenger transport systems. The goal is to develop proposals on the order of evaluation of economic and environmental efficiency of urban passenger transport. Method study - observation of passenger traffic and economic-mathematical method. A passenger survey, the analysis results, the expected daily, annual traffic volumes on the route, made rationing speeds. Done determine the required number of vehicles. The main criterion for choosing a vehicle best meet the needs of the population in transportation, effective operation of buses and improving the quality of passenger service are provided. Select the type of bus for urban transport produce the maximum capacity of passenger traffic during the hours of "peak". Due to constant changes in passenger traffic during the day, it is necessary that the number of buses in every hour of the day corresponded largest passenger. Defined modes vehicles. Calculated parameters of the production program. Calculated the cost of transportation, financial and economic indicators of the route. Based on the data, their analysis suggested a package of proposals to improve the quality of transportation, improve the economic and environmental efficiency. Research found strengths and weaknesses passenger on city routes, major expenditures that will further efficient use of available resources. The results of the article for the formation of the route and its reorganization can be used. KEY WORDS: PASSENGER TRANSPORT, URBAN TRANSPORT, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, COST-EFFECTIVE, BUSES. |
Balance of payments as an important tool of generalizing assessment of the state of national economy |
Kozak L.S., Fedoruk O.V. |
The article explores theoretical and methodical bases of formation of balance of payments; studies concepts and models of regulation of balance of payments; determines structural elements and ascertains macro-economic importance of balance of payments; substantiates directions of equilibration of balance of international settlements; investigates the influence of macroeconomic policies on balance of payments position of the country; generates strategy for reducing of deficit of balance of payments. Object of the research - the process of ensuring economic security of international cooperation. Purpose of the study - improvement of the mechanism of formation of the modern conceptual approach to definition of essence of balance of payments as an important tool of generalizing assessment of the state of national economy. Methods of research - method of abstracting, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, system approach. Under present-day conditions has increased the value of balance of payments in the system of state regulation of the economy. Equilibration of balance of payments is priority task of government economic policy along with ensuring of high rates of economic growth, curbing inflation and unemployment. Availability of sustainable external payments imbalance is a sign of the emergence of the crisis phenomena in the country economy, the removal of which requires of correcting of balance of payments through appropriate of monetary and fiscal policy. Macroeconomic significance of balance of payments is to display the state of international economic relations of the given country with its foreign partners. Balance of payments plays the role of macroeconomic model that systematically reflects economic transactions implemented between the national economy and the economies of other countries of the world; such model be drawn up for the purpose of development and implementation of justified foreign economic policies of the state, analysis of state of commodity and financial markets, bilateral and multilateral comparisons, scientific researches etc. On the basis of actual data about balance of payments position by international financial organizations, particularly the International Monetary Fund, decisions are made on granting to specific countries financial assistance for balance of payments adjustment and overcoming of its deficit. Development and drawing up of balance of payments is a prerequisite for all countries - members of the International Monetary Fund, based on single methodology in accordance with the standard classification of components and structure of consolidated information. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - improvement of the mechanism of ensuring economic security of international cooperation. KEYWORDS: national economy, balance of payments, economic development, imbalance in external payments, international economic relations, macroeconomic model, International Monetary Fund, Balance of payments and international investment position manual, current account, capital account, financial account, International Transactions Registration System. |
Investment policy of motor transport enterprise |
Kozak L.S., Tsvietkov D.V. |
This article examines the aspects of the investment policy of the transport company, analysis of approaches to assessing the investment projects, developed and proposed investment project for transport company in Cherkasy, discussed priority directions of investment. Object of research - investment policies of transport company. Purpose of the study - analysis of the investment policy, the development of the project, an example of its implementation. Companies provide simple and expanded reproduction of capital, create new jobs, increase wages and purchasing power, the influx of taxes to the state and local budgets. The effectiveness of investment policy is evaluated according to how it reflects the interests of various circles of society and how contributes to the achievement of strategic objectives and solving specific problems. Investment activity in that particular level inherent in any enterprise. Investment decision is impossible without taking into account the following factors: the type of investment, the cost of the project, the number of available projects, limited financial resources available for investment risks, which associated with the adoption of a decision and others. Results of article can be used in developing investment projects in companies having similar activities. KEY WORDS: INVESTMENT POLICY TRANSPORT COMPANIES, INVESTMENT PROJECT, INVESTMENT IN TRANSPORT INDUSTRY. |
The present state of the information economy in Ukraine |
Kryvosheieva S.V., Klimenko I.S. Taranukha O.M. |
In the article the notion of the information economy. The place of information and operation information market in terms of post-industrial economy. The role of information support economic sphere. Object of study - information market The purpose of research - analysis of the information market of Ukraine in terms of accelerating the integration process. Methods - abstraction, general empirical and theoretical. The current stage of economic development characterized by structural changes associated with the emergence and active promotion of market-specific formats that use advanced production technologies and modern information systems. informatization of society as a natural, global process of civilization is a prerequisite of information society and developed information market. At present factor that guarantees stable advantage of a country in the global market is the possession of advanced technologies, ie innovative system resource procedures create new products and processes. KEY WORDS: INFORMATION, INFORMATION ECONOMY, INFORMATION SOCIETY, GLOBALIZATION, E-COMMERCE, E-BUSINESS, INFORMATION MARKET. |
Methodical bases of valuation of motor transport enterprise |
Liubarska N.V. |
The article analyzes the methodical approaches to the valuation of the company and its positive and negative aspects, and features of their application in the current economic conditions and determined the best approach and method of valuation of trucking companies. Object of study - methodical approaches of valuation of the company. The aim - to determine the optimal approach and method of valuation of trucking companies in the current economic conditions. Research method - a method of analysis and synthesis - the study of approaches and methods of valuation of enterprises and justification optimal choice. The article analyzes the legal framework for the valuation of companies, including the analysis of methodical tools. Presented description of the income (property), supplies and comparative (market), optional approach and an approach based on the model of Olson, approach, which based on the model of "economic profit", also singled out the positive and negative aspects of each. To estimate the cost of road transport enterprises chosen the best approach and method of evaluation. Results of articles aimed at optimizing the valuation of the company and can be introduction to business management for road transport. KEY WORDS: valuation, enterprise value, approach, method. |
Directions of partner co-operations of the state and business are in providing of development of transport |
Malysh N.A., Bondar N.M. |
In the article the generalization and systematization of the areas and forms of partnership of state and business in development of transport. Object of study - a partnership cooperation in transport development. Purpose - to systematize areas of partnership of state and business interactions in individual transport, determining the content and form of such partnerships. The method of research - monographic. In terms of types of transport industry - Automobile and Road Complex, railways, urban transport, ports and maritime transport, ports and river transport, airports and river transport, multimodal (mixed) transportations identified areas of partner interactions: development of transport infrastructure, providing services for transportation , the provision of support services. Some form of partnership, appropriate modal directions and partner interactions. Results of articles can be introduced in developing public transport strategy Ukraine. Projected assumptions about the object of study - clarify the characteristics of application forms partnerships interactions in the development of individual modes of transport. KEY WORDS: public-private partnership, transport, transport infrastructure concessions. |
Areas of improvement resulting indicators efficiency by enhancement the functioning of the transport system |
Protsyk O.P., Korchmeniuk S.V. |
In the article reviewed the complex of factors, that affecting the investment attractiveness of the domestic business and offered the ways of improvement. The object of the study - the impact of transport and custom component to international indexes. Purpose of the study - to determine the main measures to improve the major factors influencing the resulting performance index of business activity in Ukraine. Scientific novelty of the work is a comprehensive approach to determine the measures to improve the attractiveness of the business activity and improve business in Ukraine through the prism of global performance of the economy. Method of the study - multiple correlation analysis, Delphi method, statistical analysis, forecasting. In modern conditions of growing competition in the international market there is a problem of low efficiency of services provided. An important criterion in the world community is Logistics Performance Index (LPI), which gives a comprehensive description of trading in more than 155 countries. To improve the performance of Ukraine in the world rankings were analyzed material indices and suggests ways to improve through the impact on transport and customs component. Results of the study provide scientific and methodological framework to stabilize Ukraine's rating on the transport market. Projected assumptions about development of object of research - the search for mechanisms for improving the efficiency of domestic business, that minimize costs and improve reliability of services provided. KEYWORDS: CUSTOMS INDEX, PERFORMANCE INDICATORS, CORRELATION COEFFICIENT, LOGISTICS PERFORMANCE INDEX, BUSINESS, MULTIPLE ANALYSIS. |
Using neural networks for modeling and forecasting financial activities of the transport enterprise |
Sedaya A.V. |
This article has expediency and efficiency of neural networks to establish the existence of links between financial indicators and to improve the accuracy of forecasting financial performance. Research object - neural network model and its algorithms. Purpose - determine advantages of using a neural network in predicting values of financial indicators and the definition of relations between them. At present time in Ukraine transport enterprises engaged in freight transportation, using neural networks for management decisions and forecasting of key financial indicators not acquired distribution. The introduction of the use of neuron modeling allows enterprises to reduce time for management decisions, such as by using a neural network forecasting. One of (neural network) advantage is that it is trained, it can use different types of data (numeric, text, etc.). Neural networks accelerate the process of dependency due to the simultaneous processing of all these neurons. So, using neural networks can reduce time management decisions to reduce the number of experts who were previously involved in decision-making, and most importantly forecasting compared to traditional methods is more accurate. KEYWORDS: NEURAL NETWORKS, FORECASTING, COMMUNICATION, NEURONS, TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES, FINANCIAL INDICATORS. |
Methodical bases of diagnostics the cash flow of enterprise |
Chesnakova L.S. |
The methodological approaches of diagnosing of the cash flow of company's solvency in the current and in the future period are proposed in the article. The object of study - the process of cash funds. The purpose - to identify opportunities to ensure uninterrupted financing cash operating, investing and financial activity. The methods of the research - the balance, ratio analysis. The effective diagnostics of the cash flow creates the preconditions to make informed decisions on the management of a solvency, the real and financial investments, capital structure, inventory, accounts-payable. The basis for the diagnosis can be performance balance. Unlike the cash flow statement, which now make up the company direct method the performance balance allows us to determine the factors that affect the net cash flow for business activities. An algorithm for constructing the balance of sources and uses of cash, which is based on increasing net cash flow causes decreasing in the balance sheet items asset and increasing liability items. On a balance of sources and uses of funds the set of coefficients to assess the movement of money for activities, monetary independence from external businesses attracted and borrowed revenue as they use is proposed. Results of the article may be the part of the method of a solvency analysis. Assumptions about development of the object of research - the search for optimal management cash flow are predicted. KEY WORDS: CASH, NET CASH FLOW, BALANCE SHEETS, RATIO ANALYSIS, SOLVENCY. |
Personnel development as fundamental preconditions of the development of enterprise |
Shvets L.V., Gaidai G.G. |
In terms of increased competition and globalization of economic strategy as a whole and individual businesses should be the intellectual potential accumulation that occurs primarily through continuous staff development enterprises and organizations. There is a relationship between strategy development and general staff development strategy towards improving the efficiency, flexibility and competitiveness. It analyzes the current trends in development of personnel at domestic enterprises and outlines ways of improving management of these processes. Gaps in the regulatory framework of educational activities, lack of financial resources in general and public resources in particular - for higher education, especially in view of its role in increasing the innovative development of society, hampering reforms begun conducting educational activities. It is necessary to adapt the experience gained in other countries about the legal basis and the management in educational and research activities of universities and the active participation of business in financing this sector. KEY WORDS: INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT, ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES, REFORM OF THE EDUCATIONAL SECTOR. |
Migrant crisis in Europe and the problems of interreligious relations |
Aristova A.V. |
This paper identifies and classifies main features of the current wave of migration from the Middle East and Africa to Europe, its differences from the previous migration inflows of the last century, and the potential impact on inter-religious relations, social and religious processes in European society. The object of the study - a modern migration crisis in Europe. The purpose of the study - the definition of the specificity of the latest wave of immigration as a factor of changes in the field of inter-religious (mainly Christian-Muslim) relations and also the challenges for public administration. Methods of research - systematic approach, structural-functional analysis, comparative analysis, retrospective and prospective analysis of the religious processes, descriptive and analytical methods. On the basis of summarizing and analyzing a broad theoretical and empirical material, the author singles out the specifics of a new wave of immigration in Europe on a number of parameters, such as: the volume of migratory flow, its composition, vectors, character, economic and socio-cultural consequences. It was determined that in case of the migrant crisis, along with intense and poorly controlled growth of Muslim enclaves in Europe there are also growing alienation and confrontation between European society and Muslim minorities, closure of the diasporas, fusion of different forms of xenophobia (Islamophobia, Christianophobia, migrantophobia etc.), the radicalization of the ideology and practice of the Muslim minorities, the change of their institutional forms, the aggravation of various forms of internal and inter-religious conflicts. The results of the article can be used in religious and jurisprudential research, by public authorities, academic and educational institutions in the development of strategies of the tolerant inter-religious relations, security stabilization programs or optimizing a model of church-state relations. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - the search and testing the ways of modernizing of the state church-state policy as a part of the immigration and integration policy of the European Union. KEY WORDS: MIGRATION CRISIS, WAVES OF MIGRATION, INTERRELIGIOUS RELATIONS, XENOPHOBIA, CHURCH-STATE POLICY, MUSLIM MINORITIES, EUROPEAN SOCIETIES. |
The gist of didactics planning: principles, structure, levels, stages and actions |
Bakhtiiarova Kh.Sh. |
The present article addresses the core of didactics planning of educational materials as an obligatory stage of teaching instructor’s activity. It is well-proven that planning of pedagogical preparation of future engineers-teachers is based on principles of planning, has certain structure, levels, stages, methods and planning tools. The outcomes of the pedagogical planning are experimental findings in relation to implementation of this activity. Keywords: the didactics planning, purpose, process, tools, stages, result, product, preparation of future engineers-teachers at the National transport University. |
Social transformations in the process of information activities |
Bogachevska I.V. |
The article analyzes various aspects of information activities in all social spheres, particularly in education and the economy, their influence on the mindset and psycho-emotional sphere of modern man. The object of the research is information activities of modern society. The purpose - integration of heterogeneous knowledge about the information activities as sociotransformative factor, its system characteristics. Research methods - analytical description of social transformations which occur as a consequence of information activities. It is noted, that modern information and communication technologies developed global cross-border information and telecommunications networks, have transformed modern social being through mediation, achieves the society and created a hyperreality, founded the new iconic systems and schemes, understanding, communication and assimilation of the information, formed a new computer culture, have changed the mechanisms of the social memory, turning it into a global information system. The results of this paper can be used in the analysis of contemporary social transformations and the prediction of their consequences for society and for individuals. KEY WORDS: INFORMATION, INFORMATION ACTIVITIES, SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS, THE INTERNET, SOCIAL MEMORY, NETWORK ECONOMY, E-COMMERCE. |
Philosophical reflection of law in anthropocentric conception of P.D. Yurkevich |
Davydov P.G., Hrimli I.A. |
Purpose - to study developments actually legal philosophical anthropology on the basis of domestic philosophical, legal and pedagogical traditions, in particular, the views of Pamphilus Danilovich Jurkevich. It proved that knowledge is particularly relevant legal philosophical anthropology P. Yurkevich today, when a person is faced with the problem of its survival in the face of globalization of the modern world, the scale of which is often leveled by an individual or becomes invisible to the public body destruction. It is proved that the philosophical and anthropological concept of the right Pamfil Yurkevich is based on the philosophical concept and philosophy cordocentrism heart. In his mind, it is the path of spiritual development (improvement) of the individual and society on the basis of the national idea and pedagogy in accordance with the agreement aspirations of the individual and of society, not by the law (enforcement of the state), and with the help of "religious and moral law" - waste with "religion of humanity" (Christian and human values) and the age-old moral principles inherent in people - sees Yurkevich path of building a harmonious state. That is, Yurkevich sees the basis of traditional Ukrainian community - as the prototype of the civil society. KEYWORDS: cordocentrism, humanity, identity, globalization, survival enormous. |
Innovation policy in solving problems volume of traffic noise in Ukraine |
Zhyzhoma M.K., Levishchenko O.S., Levishchenko D.K. |
The article deals with the problem of innovation policy in Ukraine for solutions to road noise, the main factors and characteristics of traffic noise on the environment are analyzed too The author considers that noise pollution is one of the most common sources of environmental complaints in the European Union (EU). Noise pollution not only causes irritation, but can also be significantly compromised health in the short and long term. The article looks at awareness of noise pollution among politicians and the public which is too low. Important technical innovations aimed at reducing noise often neglected due to high costs, but further investment in the use and development of cost-effective technologies can bring additional health benefits. KEY WORDS: INNOVATION POLICY, NOISE TRAFFIC, NOISE POLLUTION ENVIRONMENT. |
Development of tourism enterprises in a competitive environment |
Ivanchuk S.I. |
The paper studied the possibilities of tourism companies in the world and Ukraine in particular in terms of competition. Object of study - competition in the tourism market. Purpose - to explore the features of tourism competition and its impact on the development of the industry. The method of research - analysis and synthesis. In a market economy competition is the main regulator of social production. It subordinates and directs the activities of all market actors, acting natural control of supply and demand for goods and services and is an objective law that makes the most efficient use involved in the manufacturing process of the economic resources that form the owner, and offer the market more cheap and quality compared to competitors products and services. We know that competition is possible where there is significant excess supply over demand and the main subject is the buyer. Such markets offer products of high quality, high level of service provided. In this case, the victory can expect only that the company, which will have a strong enough market position compared with competitors. With the development of market reforms and Ukraine's integration into the global economy, output of enterprises of the tourism industry to the international market and increase the number of potential competitors, increased competition between undertakings that offer tourist services. To ensure success in the market, a tour company like any other, should strive to improve the quality of service at reasonable prices, increased productivity, improved forms of service of consumers and increase profit on this basis. The results of the article can be used when conducted lectures and practical workshops, as well as in enterprises of tourism industry. Projected assumptions about development of object of research - development classification of competition in the tourism industry. KEY WORDS: TOURISM, TOURISM MARKET, COMPETITOR, TOURISM COMPETITION, DOMESTIC COMPETITION, CLASSIFICATION OF TOURISM COMPETITION. |
Issues of differentiation of administrative and civil liability in the field of motor transport |
Kovenko L.D. |
Purpose - to explore the issues of delimitation of administrative and civil liability in the field of transport. The issue of differentiation of administrative and civil liability in the field of motor transport is not sufficiently investigated. The relationship of administrative responsibility for violation of the rules governing the activities of transport regulated by the Code of Administrative Offences of Ukraine. But some of the legal nature of the relations in the transport sector - private and has a civil nature. Administrative liability is different from the civil order that the object of assault offenders are generally binding rules, and the civil liability incurred for breach of contractual obligations, causing a non-contractual property damage, as well as for the violation of moral rights. It is necessary to harmonize the rules of both instruments regulating legal relations in the sphere of transport, taking into account the division of issues of administrative and civil liability. KEYWORDS: ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITY, CIVIL LIABILITY, ADMINISTRATIVE AND CIVIL SEGREGATION OF DUTIES, HARMONIZATION OF LOW. |
The main factors and perspectives of innovation development of enterprises and technology transfer in Ukraine |
Kozak L.S., Chervyakova V.V. |
The article is devoted to the research of problems of innovative development of enterprises and technology transfer in Ukraine and substantiation of ways to overcome them. Object of study - innovative activity and technology transfer of enterprises in Ukraine. Purpose - determination and classification of the main factors of innovation development of enterprises and technology transfer in Ukraine. Methods of research - generalization, abstraction, analysis, synthesis, graphic. The dynamics and structure of scientific and technical activity financing in Ukraine were analyzed. The dynamics of innovative activity of domestic industrial enterprises and the intensity of their innovation expenditure were researched. The main sources and directions of innovative activity financing of Ukrainian enterprises were characterized. The key trends of acquisition and transmission of advanced technologies in Ukraine and abroad were revealed. It was concluded that because of weak interaction between science and business technology transfer has not acquired prevalence in Ukraine. In conditions of permanent underfunding of scientific and innovative activity, domestic business entities are forced to import much more technologies from other countries than they can export. The main hampering factors of innovation development and technology transfer of domestic enterprises were determined and systematized and the ways to overcome them were proposed. Keywords: innovation, scientific and technical activity, innovative activity of enterprises, financing of innovative activity, technology transfer. |
The main directions of cooperation public-private partnership in tourism |
Kosharnyi V.O. |
The aim of this study is the systematization forms of public-private partnership and determine the conditions of feasibility of its use in the tourism industry. The object of theoretical research are the types of PPP contracts. The subject of the study is the characterization and methods of implementation of PPP in the tourism industry in the world. In printed sources a large number of theoretical material on public-private partnership. Despite the tourism industry, the government is still doing little for its development. Therefore, for a better understanding of the status of this issue requires an analysis intersectoral structuring of individual spheres of tourism, using various forms of PPP. Considering the existing methods of implementation of PPP in the tourism industry in the leading countries of the world, directly related to strategic planning, organization process and are closely related, we can conclude that properly structured Public-private partnerships can mobilize previously unused resources from local , regional or international private sector, seeking investment opportunities. Increasingly, contracts are hybrid, taking the features of several contracts to reflect the best local demands for private sector aim at joining the PPP is making a profit from its activities and business management. The private sector seeks compensation for its services by fees for services provided through the profitability of invested capital. In the article, as a result of the conducted analysis of the organization Public-private partnership was offered the opportunity to improve and accelerate the process of developing a particular PPP project that fulfills a clear customer and would fit the narrow specialization of tasks. KEY WORDS: PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS, CONCESSION AGREEMENT, JOINT VENTURES, HYBRID CONTRACT, AFFERMAZH, SERVICE CONTRACT, TOURISM. |
Social, spiritual and cultural consequences of the commercialization of higher education in Ukraine |
Lavrynovych Î.A. |
This article discusses the features of functioning of universities in the new socio-economic conditions: the transition of the educational system to a market economy, "educational services" market development, the desire of universities to profit from its own activities, etc., represents different approaches to the reform of the education market. The object of the study - national system of higher education in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is analytical description of the peculiarities of the process of commercializing of higher education in market economy, understanding the social, spiritual and cultural consequences of the commercializing of higher education for the Ukrainian society. Methods of research - descriptive and comparative analysis of commercial transformations of the higher education system. The paper revealed that the problem of commercializing of higher education mainly reduced to compensate for the lack of budget financing costs involved in obtaining educational services agents, which leads to the inhibition of the development and availability of education in higher prices for education services and reduce the number of budget places in universities; forming in the minds non-educational values and attitudes towards formal education and knowledge. Particular attention is paid to the social and cultural implications of these processes for the Ukrainian society. Author emphasizes, that in the process of commercializing of higher education along with the development of the education market should ensure their quality, accessibility for the interested and gifted youth, the real responsibility of all the agents of the market and, most importantly, reproduction and broadcast of the high educational value. The results of the study can be used in the complex research of the system transformation of the national higher education system, its findings will be of interest to pedagogical teachers, as well as civil servants in the context of the development of effective optimizing means of the education market in the country. KEYWORDS: COMMERCIALIZING OF EDUCATION, EDUCATIONAL SERVICE MARKET, CONSUMERS, ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS, NON-EDUCATIONAL VALUES. |
Criminal legal description of the massacres |
Pitula O.E. |
Purpose - conduct a comprehensive study of the problem and other legal issues that directly relate to this type of crime prevention and criminal responsibility for committing mass murder. Conduct a comprehensive study of the problem and other legal issues that directly relate to criminal legal characteristics of mass murder, and comparative analysis of mass murder with similar types of homicides let you understand that all kinds of murders, mass murder is the most unpredictable type of offense to Unlike other carried a short Proved that to prevent massacres must thoroughly investigate the identity of the murderer and external factors influence it. The necessity for legislative level to consider the issue and to carry out preventive measures to prevent the massacre. KEY WORDS: MASS MURDER, MASS MURDERER, PREVENTION OF MASS MURDER, CRIMINAL LIABILITY. |
Modern view on the issue of intellectual business formation |
Polonskiy V.G., Komchatnykh O.V. |
The article highlights the author’s vision of intellectual business nature. A creatively oriented professional does not only absorbs final information but generates, interprets and spreads knowledge. The term “Entrepreneurship” can’t be considered as the only material sphere of innovations. With the increasing role of knowledge the language is to present another constituent part of this phenomenon based on the principles of creativity, enabling to characterise entrepreneurship in a broader sense, not only an entirely economic notion. The object of study - processes of formation and development of intellectual business. The article is aimed at defining insufficiently researched aspects of intellectual business nature and grounding the need in uninterrupted education process of professional training on the terms of economics knowledge. Methods of research - theoretical generalization and systematic analysis of the development of intellectual entrepreneurship. The problem of knowledge management is of utmost importance when setting up and developing intellectual business environment. The content of modern public production determines gradual substitution of conventional industrial means of production by the sophisticated ones. Modern awareness of knowledge and its new role in public production leads to crucial changes of the main task of Economics science from the researches of production relations in the framework of material production towards non-material, spiritual production. Intellectual knowledge and relations, spiritual values are getting prevailing. Entrepreneurship is considered as being the process of self-organisation, self-rejuvenation motivated by the needs and wants of an entrepreneur who runs his business in the format of dynamic interaction with other subjects of micro- and macro environment. Socio-cultural information being available is closely related to such effective interaction allowing to meet other people’s requirements with the entrepreneur maximizing abilities to develop and satisfy his socio-economic needs. Intellectual entrepreneurship becomes a new type of business that is directly linked to the increasing role of knowledge and intellect in public production and is stipulated by the new tendency of national socio-economic development. Business abilities as a relatively new production factor based on knowledge and information application plays a distinctive role in opening great opportunities to change goods and services production for those that are currently on demand. Thus, it’s necessary to strain intellect in order to find more ways of satisfying new needs. Moreover, an intellectual businessman creates new needs, the latest ones, in the market, so becoming a driving force of modern development in this capacity. The problem of intellectual business training becomes increasingly important and indispensable in the sphere of economic education. KEY WORDS: INFORMATION, HUMAN RESOURCES, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, KNOWLEDGE OF ECONOMICS, INTELLECTUAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. |
The basic directions of informational training of tourism industry professionals |
Prymak T.Yu. |
In this paper, the necessity of updating approaches to the formation of information competencies of tourism business professionals is proved based on an analysis of the current state of training and the needs of the tourism industry in Ukraine. Object of study - the rationale for strengthening of practical information for future professionals training of tourism industry. Purpose - to develop steps to reinforce the cycle of information training of tourist profile students. Methods of research - analysis, synthesis. One of the key problems of complex automation of tourism industry is insufficient training of staff for companies participating on the tourism market. This is due to lack of proper training of specialists - such as the training of experts in universities began recently, and with the blatant weakness in the training programs of information technology. The result of the shortcomings of training specialists of tourism sphere is forming too general, weak, isolated and far from the practice knowledge of information technology at the field, where almost always interview when hiring begins with check level of IT. The practical significance of the results of implementing a comprehensive approach to teaching information technology is the ability for training of tourism industry specialists to understand the role of information resources and advantages of information technology in the organization and doing of tourism business. The practical orientation of teaching should be provided through the use of demonstration versions of related software with maximum practical computer activity, while methodological and didactic component of teaching should be built on situational problems. KEY WORDS: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, COMPETENCE SPECIALISTS OF TOURISM INDUSTRY, EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS, COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS. |
Problems and prospects of development of adventure tourism in Ukraine |
Temnyk I.Î. |
The article is discussesed the trend of tourism development and the new direction of travel - adventure tourism. Specify the components of adventure tourism, its classification is shown, the current regional organization of adventure tourism is given. The analysis allowed to see the recreational resources existing and the development opportunities for adventure tourism on the territory of Ukraine, as well as problems that hinder its development. Suggestionsthat may help to overcome these problems are provided The object of study is the process of formation and promotion of a new tourist destination - adventure tourism. The goal is to analyse and study the prospects for the development of adventure tourism in the tour agency in the current economic conditions in Ukraine. On the basis of the study the preconditions for the formation of the tourist product in the field of adventure tourism in frame of tourist enterprises were identified. KEYWORDS: ADVENTURE TOURISM, TOURISM, SPORT TOURISM, ADVENTURE TOURISM, TRAVEL AGENCY. |
Prospects clustering transport market in the region: a methodological approach |
Khomenko I.Î. |
The article identifies conducted research and generalization of the allocation system of dialectical relationships within areas that are key to the development of transport clusters. The object of study is using the cluster approach to improving transport networks areas. Purpose of the study is finding resources for sustainable development of transport complex of separate units in modern conditions. Methods of research are theoretical and empirical methods of learning, analysis and synthesis. Extensive and efficient infrastructure is critical to the effective functioning of the regional economy, creates opportunity as quality and timely transportation of manufactured products. Industrial processes also depend on the supply of raw materials, as many products as raw materials and intermediate products are often transported from one area to another. Therefore, high-quality transportation network creates conditions for territorial development. Analysis and evaluation of the functioning of the transport rolls clusters and their role in the areas of foreign countries suggests that the formation of clusters helps enhance transport processes of modernization of transport networks, combining intellectual, material and financial resources for the development of transport and logistics systems. State transport networks in Ukraine showed that the transport system, both national and regional levels requires new approaches to effective development. Features functioning transport clusters and their role in the areas of foreign countries suggests that the formation of clusters helps enhance transport processes of modernization of transport networks, combining intellectual, material and financial resources for the development of transport and logistics systems. Thus on the basis of international experience found that cluster cooperation can improve the competitiveness of transport networks by about union territories into a single center of coordination and management processes of the various transport networks (rail, road, port, etc.). KEYWORDS: CLUSTERING FACTORS, CLUSTER APPROACH, TRANSPORT NETWORKS, TRANSPORT CLUSTER. |
Research of technologies of teaching social disciplines in the technical university according to their axiological content |
Tsypko V.V. |
This paper identifies the efficiency of teaching social sciences according to their axiological content, and also summarized and systematized different forms of study social sciences at universities. The object of study - the process of training students of Technical University in the social sciences. The purpose of the study - theoretical foundation of conditions of the formation of humanistic values among students studied social sciences in technical universities. Methods of research - descriptive and analytical, comparative analysis, system analysis, pedagogical experiment. In the article the author examines the efficiency of leading forms of the social learning in universities according to their axiological content. A great potential for the formation of students humanist values belong to main social sciences studied in all universities, the content of which contributes to solving problems of educational training, first of all in the spiritual sphere. The knowledge gained in the study of social sciences help students to deep their understanding of social reality and choose their own individual way of social life, to develop their sense-life values. The results of the article can be used in teaching students of technical universities, as well as at pedagogical universities in the study of methods of teaching social sciences. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - development and testing of social science education axiological content in aim to form humanistic values of students of Technical Universities. KEY WORDS: INNOVATION, HIGHER EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY TRAINING, SOCIAL SCIENCES, AXIOLOGICAL CONTENT, HUMANISTIC VALUES, STUDENTS, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. |
Prevention criminality and homelessness minors on the highway transport: historical genesis |
Cheban O.M. |
Purpose - to explore the historical significance and powers of the bodies of internal Affairs on transport in prevention of the crime and neglect of minors. Was described powers of the transport police in combating crime and neglect of minors. Thanks to the bodies of internal Affairs on transport has conducted the following activities: identification and detention of unaccompanied minors, measures of evacuation, was opened new facilities for juveniles - children's rooms and reception centers, finding of the families for patronage, job search for juvenile, propaganda work among the population. It is necessary on the legislative level to secure the sources of financing of the social rehabilitation centre for street children (children's town) as an institution of social protection for neglect minors, among which to allocate funds from work of the minors, whom the law allowed employment. Because attracting street children to useful work prevents crime and neglect among youth. KEYWORDS: NEGLECTED CHILDREN, HOMELESS MINORS, CRIME PREVENTION, TRANSPORT POLICE, THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS ON TRANSPORT, PATRONAGE, SOCIAL REHABILITATION. |
Civil-law liability of infringement of consumer protection’s legislation |
Yazvinska Î.M. |
The article revealed the specificity of the civil-law liability of the infringement of the ñonsumer protection’s legislation. The legal ground for the application of the civil-law liability of the manufacturer (the executor, the salesman) is justified by such conditions: harm presence (material, moral); the illegal conduct (inactivity) of the debtor; a presence of causal connection is between the illegal conduct of the debtor and caused losses; guilt of the debtor. The civil responsibility consists in application to the debtor of such forced sanctions: collecting of the put losses to the victim; collecting of penal sanctions; awarding a duty to fulfil a commitment in nature; the property penalty for the debtor for a covering of losses of the consumer-victim; application to the debtor of other means directed on renewal of the previous property state of the consumer-victim. KEYWORDS: ÑONSUMER, CONSUMERS’ RIGHTS, ÑONSUMER’S ÐROTECTION, ÑONSUMERIZM. |
The concept of administrative liability of special subjects - motor vehicle drivers |
Yarova R.V. |
Purpose - to explore the features of the administrative liability of special subjects - motor vehicle drivers, and to define the administrative liability of these subjects. Established that it is decided to allocate general and special features of the subject of administrative liability in administrative law science. General features of the subject of administrative liability are age and sanity. But in some cases these features are insufficient to hold the person to administrative liability. Proved that to reveal the definition of "administrative liability of special subjects - motor vehicle drivers" it is important to research both general featureas of administrative liability and special features which are inherented exclusively with administrative liability of motor vehicle drivers. Proved the necessity to detailize features of motor vehicle driver as special subject of administrative liability at legislative level KEY WORDS: administrative Liability, MOTOR vehicle drivers, ADMINITSRATive penalty, deprivation of special rights. |
Management of competitive strategies and competitiveness of enterprise |
Iatsenko I.V. |
The article explores the problems of management of enterprise competitiveness and competitive strategies. Substantiated factors and principles which should base formation of strategic management of enterprise competitiveness and proposed main areas for improvement. Also in the article the question of competitive advantage of enterprises, the main elements of provide competitiveness of enterprises and the links between them. Keywords: Strategic management, competitive enterprise. |