Herald of National Transport University. Issue 40. Series «Engineering» - 2018. |
Al-Ammouri H.A., Degtiarova A.O., Klochan A.E. Statistical evaluation the technological complexity of special cases in flight on summaries of emergency control cards.......................................................................................................... |
Andrusenko E.N., Glazunov S.N. Minimization of resistance forces in motion of drill string inside a bore-hole with discontinuous axis...................................................... |
Baranov G.L., Komisarenko O.S. Technology integration heterogenic processes modeling formation of materials for future transport systems................................... |
Baranov G.L., Mironova V.L., Nikitina O.S. Structural complex modeling of intellectual maneuvers transport vehicles................................................................. |
Bereznyatsky V.V. Selection rational variants for solving combinatorial problems in the technical operation of vehicles with application of models of behavior tactics of living creatures...................................................................................................... |
Borovoy N.A., Gololobov Yu.P., Isaienko G.L. The features of temperature expansion of TlInS2 crystals polytypes in temperature range T=180 – 300 K ............................. |
Vikovych I.A., Dmitrichenko M.F. A substantiation of a simplified analytical method for determining the magnitude of the horizontal force of impact of a fluid on the wall of a mobile rectangular container............................................................................ |
Virsta L.V., Lukjanova V.V., Khrutba A.S. Maintenance and balanced development of the forests of Prykarpattya...................................................................................... |
Gavrilenko O.V., Getmanenko O.V. Optimization of searching process of text data due to preliminary processing of input dat............................................................... |
Gorbunovich I.V., Levkivska L.V. A study of the problem of identifying critical states of drill string in vertical and curvilinear boreholes.................................................... |
Gulyayev V.I., Shevchuk L.V., Kutsman O.M. Seasonal redistribution of stress fields in layered road structures under transport load action............................................... |
Gutarevich Y.F., Karev C.V., Yushchenko M.M. Improvement of the combined method of power control of a modern gasoline engine.............................................. |
Zaiets Yu.O. On mechanism of thermoelastic delamination of road coating under daily change of temperature fields........................................................................... |
Ivohin E.V., Adzhubey L.T. Optimization of of power distribution channels based on Orlin's algorith....................................................................................................... |
Ishchenko R.M. Using the analogy method for increasing the motivation of students of technical universities to study physics................................................................. |
Kanin À., Kharchenko A., Tsónka A. Analysis of world experience and development of proposals for the implementation of FIDIC contracts in Ukraine........................... |
Krasulin A.S. On the question of the structure of the locomotive fleet in railway transport of industrial enterprises............................................................................ |
Kulish M.R., Malysh M.I. Metod of measurement of two-photon absorption............... |
Kunda N.T., Babyna D.A. The combination of two modes of transport by semigraphical model.............................................................................................. |
Kunda N.Ò., Oleshchuk N.V. Delivery Optimization of small-lot Cargo on Road Transport............................................................................................................... |
Kunitska Î.M., Dzhyhyr V.A.. Review of current conceptions of logistic management by enterprise.......................................................................................................... |
Lysin V.I., Melnik N.I.., Kovalenko I.V. The ways of electroconductivity elevation for carboxylate salt systems ........................................................................................ |
Markov O.D. Factors of service car development..................................................... |
Marchuck O.V., Levkivskiy S.A. Construction of a semi-analytic finite element method for analyzing the stress-strain state of sandwich composite arrays................. |
Meish V.F., Meish Yu.A. The waves processes of the system cylindrical shell – twolayered soil media............................................................................................. |
Melnychenko O.I., Lepskiy V.V. The
methods of cognitive and coherent management of threats |
Musiyko V.D., Kravets S.V., Pukhtajevich O.I. Determination of the
rational modes of operation |
Polyakov V.M., Razboynikov A.A. Theoretical study of the vehicle movements on uneven road surface............................................................................................... |
Prokudin G.S., Chupaylenko O.A., Dudnik O.S. Methods for determining optimal characteristics of transportation networks ............................................................... |
Sakhno V.P., Ivanushko A.N. Expert analysis of causes change of technical state of automotive vehicles................................................................................................ |
Savina Î.Yu., Kharuta V.S. Risk management for project portfolios of science-based enterprises............................................................................................................. |
A.O., Protsyk O.P.
Developing a rational transport technology schemes |
Sistuk V. O. Pedestrian Traffic Management Improvement with the Use of Microsimulation Study........................................................................................... |
Khavruk V.O. Model of management of stocks under conditions of uncertainty based on the decision-making theory................................................................................ |
Sharai S.M., Babyna D.A., Yashchenko V.M. Theoretical base for the building of transport and logisics cluster................................................................................... |
Shlyun N.V. Theoretical fundamentals to analysis of the drill string buckling phenomena in curvilinear bore-holes....................................................................... |