Herald of National Transport University.
series «Engineering»
Issue 1 (58), 2024
Al-Ammouri A.N., Ishchenko R.M. Using a wind generator for increasing of power reserve of electric car |
Bilonog O.E., Yanishevskyi S.V., Klymchuk Y.O., Chernenko I.O. Urban Mobility in Ukraine: Analysis of the Main Challenges |
Budnychenko V.B., Kharlamov S.A. Method of resource involvement Traction battery |
Vorkut T.А., Bozhok Y.O., Petunin A.V., Kharuta V.S. Method of situational structuring of public participation projects |
Voskoboyniк V.F. Onyshchenko A.M., Chyzhenko N.P., Klymenko M.I., Moshkivskyi R.V. Physical modeling of the surface waves with a penetrating breakwater interacting |
Danchuk V.D., Hutarevych O.S. Adaptive route optimization method for the dynamic traveling salesman problem using the modified ant colony algorithm |
Kirichok O.G., Malichenko V.I., Malichenko V.I. Student self-government in the colleges of National university of water and environmental engineering |
Korpach A.O., Levkivskyi O.O., Korpach O.A, Pauliukas А. Modern engine fuel systems diagnostic using a digital oscilloscope |
Kunytska O.M., Danchuk V.D. The European Green Deal in the context of sustainable development of the transport sector of Ukraine |
Lanovy O.T., Kiselyov V.B., Kosharny O.M., Kosharny V.O. Experimental studies of the characteristics of traffic flows on the highways of suburban areas of Ukrainian cities |
Levkivska L.V. Еlastic supercritical bending of drill strings in cylindrical cavities of oil and gas wells |
Malysh M.I., Kulish M.R., Klochan A.Ye. Fresnel rhombie – phase retarders |
Musiyko V.D., Koval A.B., Nikolaenko V.A., Ragulin V.M. Assessment of maneuverability and ensuring controllability of the soil compacting machine under pipeline |
Polishchuk V.P., Nahrebelna L.P., Vyhovska I.A., Popov S. Yu. Applying energy principles to the assessment of road traffic safety |
Savin Y.H., Mytko M.V. Contemporary practices in servicing and repairing |
Topolskov Y.O., Sokulskyi O.E. Methodology for assessing the quality of the work of motor vehicle drivers using AVL systems |
Trushevsky V., Raida I. Features of designing traffic lights for public transport |
Khabutdinov R.A. Principles of technologically sustainable development in motor transport and system synergy |
Khodakov D.V. Architectural templates and styles. Combination of architectural styles........................................................................................... |
Shevchuk L.V., ZaietsYu.O. On negative thermomechanical effects in grain composites....................................................................................................... |
Shyriaieva S.V., Diachenko I.O. Аnalysis of interaction among participants in freight forwarding activities in road transportation |
Shlyun N.V. Plane and spatial periodic bending vibrations of elongated carbon nanotubes |