Управління проектами, системний аналіз і логістика: Науковий журнал. - Вип. 10. - К.: НТУ, 2012. - 635 с.
Name of the article | Author | Annotation | Page |
Systematic attitude development project vision |
Galak I.I. |
The paper proposed a systematic attitude development vision of the project and modeled two main stages of the process, such as the formation of ideas and original vision of the project. Object of study – the process of developing a vision of the project leader. Purpose – to develop the theoretical foundations and models of vision of the project, which formalizes the main success factors of projects. Methods – formalization and modeling – to study the theoretical and practical foundations of theories of project management and allocation of the initial conceptual models. Formation and clarify the vision of the project is a complex, dynamic and forward-looking task. However, currently there is no regimented approach to solve it. Most often, the problem is solved on an intuitive level and is based solely on the experience and competence of the project team. The vision of the project determines the direction and ways of further development of each phase of the project life cycle, which contributes to the need for more detailed study of the conceptual attitude development vision of the project. Results articles provide scientific and methodological basis for the formalization of the vision of the project and achieve the desired result. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – further deepening the scientific basis of this approach to develop a vision of the project and its results. |
8–12 |
Considering some features of adaptation of biodiesel fuels to diesels of modern transport units that are in exploitation |
Hovoroon A.G., Pavlovsky M.V., Kotelenec O.O. |
The article goes over the ways of improvement of the ecological properties of automobiles with the modern diesels, that are in exploitation by means of gradual transfer from supplying diesels with regular fuel to supplying with the alternative types of fuels. The aim of research is broadening of the fuel base of automobile transport while using the alternative types of fuels. The object of research – the influence of mixed biodiesel fuels on fuel-economy, ecologic and energetic properties of the automobile with engine. Methods of research – experimental. The optimization of physical and chemical features of mixed biodiesel fuels is one of the effective ways of reducing the toxicity of exhausted gas and improvement of fuel economy. This can be reached by providing the necessary physical and chemical features of mixed biodiesel fuels as well as by narrowing their limits of verification in other words by adaptation of these fuels to the diesels that are in exploitation. Consequently the optimization of physical and chemical features of mixed biodiesel fuels allows to improve the efficiency of its use in modern diesels and to reduce the emissions of harmful substances with the exhausted gas. The results of the article may be used as the recommendations while preparing and using the mixed biodiesel fuels for the automobile transport. |
12–17 |
Simulation of field flows of pollution in urban areas using neural networks |
Danchuk V.D., Oliynyk O.I., Oliynyk R.V., Taraban S.M. |
Research meteorological fields based on methods that are based on distance mass measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution, confident enough proved that in the atmosphere are quite common objects motion with horizontal scale order 1-102 km. Among specialists-meteorologists engaged mesoscale modeling process is the classification of these processes, whereby the field of wind flows across individual street canyon city is meso-γ scale. Simulation meteorological regime city involves using one of two approaches. The first approach mathematical modeling based on the solution of equations of gas thermodynamics and heat flow in urban areas. Another approach is the parameterization of atmospheric processes. Existing empirical models do not allow to fully take into account the course of meteorological processes in urban conditions, as the wind flow in street canyons characterized presence loose-zones and areas of recirculation. An approach for
simulating complex fields of wind flows in urban areas is proposed. This
method is based on the use of mathematical tools of self-learning of the
neural network based on empirical data. The results obtained in the framework
of the method parameters of wind made it possible to decompose the velocity
vector on the projection of |
17–23 |
Synergetic model of personnel management at the conditions of increased level of uncertainty and business risk |
Danchuk M.V. |
The paper describes the synergetic model for evaluation of enterprise personnel performance based on determining and analyzing the behavior of synergetic potential within frameworks of three-parameter Lorenz system model. This study also proposes some methods to manage this activity. The object of the study – activities of enterprise personnel at the conditions of increased level of uncertainty and risk. The subject of the study – methods and models for evaluation of enterprise personnel performance. Purpose of the study – to develop synergetic model of personnel management at the conditions of increased level of uncertainty and risk. Methods of the study – system analysis, economic and mathematical simulation. There are no theoretical and methodological studies which rationalize using models, methods and tools to perform proactive human resource management at the conditions of increased level of uncertainty and risk. This study describes the novel synergetic model for evaluating the performance of enterprise personnel and it also discusses some mechanisms for managing them, derived from the present model. This model was based on the concept of the existence of the self-organization forces within the company, which could be activated in the response to external factors of nonlinear business environment. It is important that these forces operate independently of targeted management action and they can enhance management actions to adapt to business environment, or, conversely, the self-organization forces could act against them. The latter could lead to poor performance of the enterprise. The proposed model is based on the analysis of the adiabatic approximation of three-parameter Lorenz system. Here the order parameter is the correlation between the selected company strategy and tactics of the business and changes in the market environment. In this case, the field associated with the order parameter could be interpreted as information about changes in the environment, and the control parameter is the number of employees whose activities correlate with the strategy and tactics of the company. Evaluation of the enterprise personnel performance is based on the identification and analysis of the behavior of synergetic potential of the system which in turn describes the stability and adaptability of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise to external factors of the market environment. The obtained simulation results show that the optimal combination of self-organization and management of the company leads to the formation of sustainable steady state of the company and facilitate efficient business. These data strongly suggest that a combination of self-organization and management of the enterprise is the main criterion of effective management at modern conditions of increased levels of uncertainty and business risk. From the one hand, this balance should be established as adaptation to changes in the market environment and it should be also resulted from the internal integration activities of the staff, on the other hand. The modified hybrid system of «linked incentives» is proposed to stimulate the internal integration of activities of the staff. This system based on the index of added value EVA and takes into account both financial and non-financial indicators. The latter, in particular, include variety of actions aimed to transform the structure and functions of enterprise and intended to achieve the proper sustainable steady state of the company and adapt to changes in the external business environment. Often, these actions could be heterogeneous and therefore using the multi-directional expertise might be advisable to determine the relative weights of proper coefficients. This study results can be used in modern practice of management for companies in a various fields of financial and economic activity. The further development of the study – analysis based on using proper financial and economic data on business activities to improve the proposed approach. |
23–37 |
Fullerenes and their application |
Dmitrichenko M.F., Volosovskiy V.V., Lizanets V.I. |
The paper presents the main essays on the history of fullerenes, their physicochemical characteristics and applications of materials which contains fullerenes. Opening fullerenes – is one great event in the history of the science of carbon. In contrast, diamond and graphite, the structure of which is periodic lattice of atoms, a third form of crystalline carbon (fullerenes) are molecular. The most stable among these molecules possess C60 and C70. The object of study – the mechanism of action of lubricating oils and rheological properties of Nano additives. The purpose of history manifested emergence and study of lubricating oils with additives fullerenes. The method of research – statistical and experimental characterization of materials which contains fullerenes. In the early 990s synthesized carbon formation: mono-and multilayer carbon tube. Multilayer nanotubes can be represented as coaxial cylinders of graphite rolled up nets and nested into each other. Distances between the grids is 3.4 A, the inner diameter of nanotubes is 20-40 A, outer several hundred angstrom, the length of ~ 1 mm. Multilayer nanotubes have a diameter of ~ 10-20 A and length up to several micrometers. Based materials with fullerenes (FVM) proposed a new class of anti-friction, anti-wear and extreme pressure additives and additives to solid lubricants. At the Ukrainian market for example, it NANOPROTEK, MEHAFORS, Atomic Esembler. These supplements really contain fullerenes C60 and fullerene soot (C60 content of not less than 7%) and it is a trade secret. Based on the tests, it was concluded that the role of fullerenes is to initiate processes trybomerization naphthenic and paraffinic oligomers contained in mineral oil, and the formation of a protective polymer film on the friction surface. |
37–41 |
Features of trybomehanichnyh systems in poor lubrication with increasing bulk temperature lubricants |
Dmitrichenko M.F., Savchuk A.N., Bilyakovich O.M. |
The article presents results of a study of the mechanism of action of lubricating oils and rheological properties in the temperature range 20 – 70 º C in poor lubrication. For lubrication friction knot used the following lubricants: gear oil TAД-17і, universal motor – gear oil EMT-8, oil for automatic transmissions (AКП), motor oil and SAE15w40 SAE10w40. Research conducted at the contact strains 251.5, 316.9, 362.7 MPa in a gradual increase in the total speed rolling (from 0 to 3.3 m / s) with 15% slip. Thickness of the lubricant is determined by optical interference of. The object of study – the mechanism of action of lubricating oils and rheological properties. The purpose was to study the mechanism of action of the oil and rheological properties of oils in the temperature range of 20 – 70 º C in conditions of inadequate lubrication. Research method – experimental characterization of lubricants by an interference method. Decrease of the effectiveness of lubrication and increasing the implementation period in semi contact lubrication regime. Established acceleration of forming lubricant layer oils that do not contain petroleum residual components. Kinetics of changes tribotechnical contact characteristics under elevated temperatures is characterized by the following features: lower efficiency lubrication and increasing the implementation period in semi contact mode lubrication occurs with increasing pressure and the temperature of oil to 700С due to dilution of lubricant – the effective viscosity in the contact is reduced by 15 – 50% depending on the fractional composition of oil (exception – oil AКП for which is set to grow by 12% effective viscosity due to the formation of the structural frame of polymerization at high shear gradients). At low contact loads in tight lubrication set acceleration of forming a layer of lubricating oils that do not contain petroleum residual components. In conditions of limited lubrication temperature increase from 20 º C to 70 º C leads to acceleration of forming thick lubricant films in contact for AКП and SAE10w40 by 25%, SAE15w40 – 18% EMT-8 – 3%, and the oil TAД-17і contrary is slow to of 16%. Increased contact stress σmax from 251.5 to 362.7 MPa at a temperature lubricants 70ºC leads to slow formation of lubricant film for oils: TAД-17і, AКП, SAE15w40, SAE10w40 respectively 1.41: 1.15: 1.27: 1 33, but for EMT – 8 times faster at 1.36. |
41–46 |
Researches on thermal mode of friction zones of processes of restoration of shafts by means of distribution |
Dmytrychenko M.F., Sopotsko Y.O., Dementeev O. V. |
Under distribution of shafts by means of friction, the maximum thermal value and its spacing have sufficient influence on structure of metal of parts under restoration and on efforts necessary for processes of distribution. It is necessary, first of all, to determine the value of heat generation on point of separation of details from tools. Thermal mode changes during the distribution processes were followed by measuring with the help of three thermo couples, that were mounted on surfaces of shafts at the distance of 5, 15 and 25 mm from shafts’ ends. At the moments of distribution of shafts by means of friction, heat reflection at points of separation was presented more or less cycles of distribution were quite short and heat consumption for reflecting and convection were not sufficient. There was accomplished calculation of heat reflection during processes of distribution of shafts by means of friction. There was used a method based on problem of thermal exchange. The calculation make it possible to determine axial force of distribution of shafts of pre-calculated dimensions made of 40X steel by dorns made of BK6 alloys. The materials may be used for calculation of energetic and power parameters of equipment for restoration of parts of different range of sizes by means of distribution. |
47–51 |
Diagnostics of defects and damage to pavements as a result of infrared equipment |
Dmytriev M.M., Gameliak I.P., Popelish I.I. |
In the article questions the use of thermal equipment for prompt diagnosis and maintenance of airfield pavements. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies on the use of thermal equipment for assessing asphalt pavement of roads, the results have allowed us to develop methods of thermal survey pavement roads, determine the list of required thermal and auxiliary equipment and their specifications, design documentation, which defines organizational basis for this survey. Studies show that regular monitoring of pavement with known defective parts, will allow for the early stages of fracture repair to take appropriate measures and impact with the minimum cost to recover to a level roadbed with technical documentation. Based on the research recommendations on thermal imaging survey of roads for rapid determination of their technical condition and the need for their development. The results of the article can be used for further research of technical condition of roads and airfields, quality control of works when constructing asphalt pavements, energy audit firms road – transport system that will increase the quality of construction of roads and airfields, energy saving in the road sector. Object of study – infrared control defects and damage asphalt pavement structures flexible pavement. |
52–58 |
The basic directions of urban improvement transportations of the Kremenchug passengers |
Dmytriev M.M., Moroz M.M. |
In clause the approach, to maintenance of quality and efficiency of urban passenger transportations is offered. Object of study – process of transportations of the passengers urban route by transport. Purpose – prove the methodical and practical recommendations to improvement of urban passenger transportations Kremenchug. Method study – analysis and synthesis of passenger transportations and transport system of city. The development of urban passenger transportations consists in wide introduction of means logistyk of passenger transportations, which provide the purposeful decision of scientific – applied tasks and provide efficiency and quality of final results of activity. The analysis of models of transport technology of transportation of the passengers is carried out and is developed object from improvement and development a network of Kremenchug city. The models of transport mobility of the population are developed allow to predict mobility of the population for formation of the appropriate economic decisions and maintenance on this basis of high efficiency and quality of passenger transportations. The results of the article can be introduced into the enterprises of transport service of the population Kremenchug. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – search of optimum parameters and modes of operations of transport system of city, that will allow to raise(increase) quality of service of the passengers. |
58–62 |
Informative signs for construction algorithm thermograms airport surfaces |
Dmytriev M.M., Papchenko O.M., Derkachov O.B., Rutkovska I.A. |
There is written out in this report the reasons of the inadequate sight of airfield surface’s thermo gram when their thermal diagnostics. There is shown the necessity of system approach which takes into attention all factors influencing on thermo gram formation to make correct technical diagnosis. The principles of working out of the thermo gram’s analysis algorithm are recommended. The aim of the article is to identify informative features construction algorithm thermograms airport surfaces. Object – thermograms airport surfaces. Thermal control of airport surfaces based on the use of heat fluxes arising from their thickness due to the difference relatively constant temperature of the soil under the cover and changing daily and seasonal temperatures on its surface while taking into account effects of solar radiation, wind and dirt from. Thus, in the afternoon, when the temperature rises to the surface and operates solar radiation, heat flow is directed from the surface of the soil, and at night – on the contrary. |
63–66 |
The influence of additives on the properties of concrete TNHK |
Doroshenko Y.M, Doroshenko O.Y., Osipchuk M.B. |
The paper examines the influence of additives on the properties of concrete TNHK. The method of orthogonal central composite plan was defined optimum fuel additive in concrete mixtures. Depending on the mineralogical composition, type of cement and vodotse-mentnoho optimum ratio TNHK within 0,4-0,7% Na2S2O3 + 0.4-0.6% by weight of cement CaCl2. With so many supplements could maximize the positive effects of each component and completely eliminate undesirable. The experimental results indicate that the concrete with the addition TNHK in all terms of hardening has strength above the benchmark (Cement with no membership). Kinetics of growth of strength shows that the maximum effect in the event of natural curing is achieved in under three days. The next hardening increment in concrete strength with the addition of stabilized and up to 28 days is 112-116% Cement with no strength concrete. The nature of additives to increase the strength of concrete steamed like effect on the natural curing concrete, but in this case, more pronounced. Yes, selling strength concrete TNHK exceed standard on 22-29% and is about 90% 28-day strength of the control specimens. We can assume the following mechanism of this process. Interaction shells hydrates ions with high density of unsaturated H-bonds with the surface of the cement crystals and installation of ions hydrogen bond energy facilitates subsequent adsorption and dissociation of water molecules on the surface of the binder. This process significantly reduces the energy of ionic bonds in the lattice of cement minerals and provides intensive separation of individual ions and ion pairs of upgrading of their volume in liquid phase. Due to the fact that the composition of additives TNHK is chlorinated salt – CaCl2 that aggressive against steel bars, it was important to study the corrosion process in concrete. For testing of concrete samples of the above mentioned laying reinforcing rods with smooth wire Class B – 1, 5 mm in diameter. To compare rods laid in concrete cubes with individual additive СaС12, taken in equivalent (with the addition TNHK) number. Evaluation of corrosion additive for reinforcement performed by changing the mass of steel and depth of corrosion cells. These results are confirmed renhenofazovym and dyfferentsialno-thermal analysis of additives TNHK that revealed that its presence in water-cement dispersion creates a fundamentally different conditions of hydration and dissolution of binder, crystallization and formation of tumors cement structures. The additive activates the processes of dissolution of clinker minerals and promotes fuller hydration of cement. This crystallization neoplasms moves toward increasing the number nyzkoosnovnyh hydro calcium, increased dispersion of new phases. Application TNHK additives in concrete to speed up the pace of construction of prefabricated and monolithic structures and buildings, save cement and reduce the total cost of construction. |
66–72 |
Genetic algorithm optimization programs repair pavement roads |
Kanin O.P., Ignatyuk V.V. |
The paper deals with the problem of bringing the pavement to the required level for a number of years based on genetic algorithm. Object of research – program optimization of road treatments. Purpose – to formulate the optimization problem for the program of road treatment work to achieve a given condition of pavement on the road network for assign in advance a number of years. Research method – based on genetic algorithm with deterministic deterioration models of pavement. Much attention is paid to the application of genetic algorithms research in optimizing management programs state of roads. To find the optimal solution applies genetic algorithm with deterministic degradation models of pavement (strength, evenness and adhesion) used in SUSP. Genetic algorithms are robust, practical and general-purpose stochastic search based optimization techniques that can provide a comparable level of accuracy while being more effective than conventional optimization techniques. The algorithm is of the evolutionary process, whose ultimate goal is to obtain an optimal solution in a complex problem. This approach to optimal pavement management state is a useful tool for solving the problem of bringing the roads up to the required level for a number of years. Established genetic algorithm differs from the classical fact that it included algorithms chromosomes crossover and mutation genes allowable sequence of different works s with road repairs depending on the degree of degradation of the pavement section. Expected assumptions about the object of study – for projection of pavement to apply probabilistic models based on the processes of modeling based on the Markov chain. |
72–78 |
Differential approach by Shipping Company to the identification the industrial situation and justification of project-oriented management of the fleet |
Kirillovа О.V. |
The article sets out the basic provisions for a differential approach by Shipping Company to the identification the industrial situation and justification of project-oriented management of the fleet. Object of research – the process of the fleet management. Purpose of research – to develop the bases on the Shipping Company's differential approach to the industrial situation identification and justification of the project-oriented management of the fleet. Methods of research: theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the basic provisions of project management, systems theory and systems analysis. The research represent the following theoretical propositions for presentation of the project within system, which could become as a basis for further research of the project-oriented activity of the Shipping Company: shipping company as a complex system, operating in a dynamic environment, the external environment and the particular situation, which for the shipping company is twofold: «the task» or «the problem»; «the task»- is a situation, for which ways to overcome is known by system, i.e., it has a previously developed subsystem that can adequately respond to the external environment, «the problem»- is a situation, for which ways to overcome in the system at this stage is absent. The presence of the « the problem» requires the system to search and gradual development of the methods of its solutions, behavioral strategies; a situation identified by the system as «the problem», is becoming for the project-oriented system as a «project» and the development and implementation of the “project” is taking part within subsystem «project-oriented management». |
78–83 |
Improving the safety management system of shipping companies and ship |
Kirillov Y.І. |
Improvement subjects of Safety Management Systems (SMS) of the shipping company and the ship is analyzed. The problem is formulated and it’s economic-mathematical model is created, the implementation of which can optimize the loading container ship on the line. The purpose of this paper is to improve the Company's SMS and ship by formalizing the decision-making process to establish model projects container loading with the conditions of their work, design, technical and operational features. Object of study – the process of improving the Company's SMS and ship. The subject of the study – the methods and means of improving the Company's SMS and ship. We use the techniques of operations research and economic-mathematical modeling of transport processes. Introduction by ships of standard loads, obtained through the implementation of the proposed economic and mathematical model: a) from the point of view of most experts ISM and the shipping company (IC) is considered: at the level of the company – as part of the revision of the SMS in the company's policy to ensure the safe transport of goods (Safe Cargo Operations Policy); at the level of the vessel – the ship's SMS as improvement in management of the load (Cargo Manual); b) determine the choice of model download option for its further evaluation from the perspective of the ship seaworthy, and c) provides the reduction of labor costs, and therefore excludes need for additional staff to make decisions on loading of the ship, which in turn leads to lower costs for the maintenance of the UK and the wages of additional crew and shore personnel, d) allows designated individuals Committee under the external audit of the company's SMS and courts provided the requirements of SOLAS-74 and the ISM Code, to expand the list of documents that confirm the existence in the UK and, therefore, the ship the necessary resources to manage security in accordance with international rules and regulations that define and regulate the SMS. |
83–89 |
Logistics flows coordination criteria |
Kotsiuk O.Y., Lebid Y.M. |
The article proposes logistics flows coordination criteria that occur during road freight transportations. Object of the study is the flow processes that accompany road freight transportations. Purpose of the study is justification of logistics flows coordination criteria for performance estimation of organization of transportations. Method of the study is a system analysis of flow processes. The article notes that the international rates of business enviroment in Ukraine and its components are very low. Analisys of the state of road transportations allowed defining the logistics flows coordination as one of the main directions of efficiency improvement of freight transportations. The absence of estimation criteria of logistics flows coordination doesn’t allow performing of comparative analysis for different transport process organization options and serching of the measures to improve the transportation eficiency. The estimation of logistics flows coordination has been grounded to be possible only by the one criterion that is the transportation time. Therefore, estimation criteria for logistics flows coordination based on the transportation time characteristics for different topological schemes of operational performance throughout the transportation process have been proposed. The criterion is oriented towards the transportation performance estimation for one kind of cargoes. Transportations of different kinds of cargoes imply various terms of organization and realization of transport process. The estimation criterion for logistics flows coordination has been proposed to be defined in order to allow for different kinds of cargoes. During the studying of interaction between the transportation parcipitants, it was defined that organizational and legal, technical and technological provisions of transportations (affect the graph topology of logistics chain and its characteristics), distribution laws of operational time of transportation process and their parameters make a substantial influence on the logistics flows coordination. The importance of acceleration of informational and financial flows streaming has been defined. The results of the study can be used in improvement of organization of road transportations. Forcast assumptions concerning the development of the object of the study are elaboration of flow processes coordination techniques in logistics systems. |
89–95 |
The role of logistics in the activities of customs infrastructure objects |
Kotsuk O.J., Ulasenko Y.O., Luzhanska N.O. |
The paper examines the work of cargo customs complex as part of the macro logistics system and in terms of the functioning of micro logistics system. Object of study – activities of customs cargo complexes. Purpose – to determine the role of cargo customs complex in the context of improving the efficiency of the international transport of goods. This paper investigates the functioning of cargo customs complex at national and international levels, the processes occurring in the implementation of customs and logistics services of foreign economic activity. Established priorities for improving transport and customs infrastructure in Ukraine. The activity of cargo customs complex as part of the logistics system. The specified task micro and macro logistic systems. Formulated performance optimization of cargo customs complex in a market system business. |
95–99 |
Inventory models analisys |
Kotsiuk M. O. |
This article is dedicated to inventory models, results of the previous researches and prospects concerning their usage in perishable goods realization. Object of the study is models, hypotheses and assumptions, certain problem solving techniques in the inventory systems. Purpose of the study is justification of usage of models, hypotheses and assumptions, certain problem solving techniques in characterizing the logistics chain of production, transportation and realization of perishable products. Method of the study is a system analysis. The article notes that the fundamental property of perishable inventory systems that separates them from traditional systems for common production is an accounting not only with the amount of on-hand inventory, but also with its age. Thus, the most of the models proposed for nonperishable products are not suitable for perishable inventory systems description without being substantially redisigned. Models that include a finite lifetime of product, changes in its value and its utility with the flow of time as well as the process of continuous decay haven’t been discovered. The article notes that the mathematical model of the logistics chain of production, transportation, realization of perishable products should be reasonably developed based on an one-product multiperiod dynamic supply system with FIFO issuing policy and a basic system efficiency criterion substitution: the minimization of setup and holding costs should be replaced by the profit per unit of time maximization. According to the previous experience of solving perishable inventory problems, the decision function changes slightly near the optimum value. Taking into account an inevitable error in the imput data, it justifies an approximate calculation of optimal parameters and different assumptions needed in order to achieve a solution. This article noties that the dificulty of optimal parameters definition grows susbtantialy with an introduction of new limits. Therefore, it is reasonable, at first, to solve a problem without limits. Then, the derived solution should be tested for relevance to each limitation. Dynamic programming is an efficient research method for perishable inventory systems. The results of the study can be used in designing perishable inventory systems in the aspects of production, transportation and trade. Forecast assumptions concerning the development of the subject of study are an optimal system configurations search and designing perishable inventory policies. |
99–104 |
Analysis of the permit system in international road haulage during its reform |
Kunda N.T., Khobotnia T.G. |
The article is devoted to the topical issue of permit system operation in international road haulage, which is known to be undergoing complicated reform. As of today, the State Enterprise «International Road Transport» has transferred its function of permits issuing to the State Inspectorate for land transport safety. The object of study — permit system in international road haulage of goods. The purpose of study — assessment of the impact of human factors on the efficiency of permit system. Research method —violations accounting with the use of distribution method for .ECMT multiple trip permits. The features of permit system operation during its transition to the jurisdiction of a new organization, State Inspectorate for land transport safety, have been examined. There have been briefly described the order of processing and issuing of permits for travel in foreign countries while performing transportation of passengers and goods by road internationally. Particular attention has been given to identify the causes that reduce the effectiveness of permit system, namely, a human factor. An attempt has been made to create a mechanism to analytically assess the influence of violations from both carrier’s and administration’s side on the effectiveness of permits, which by conventional method can be considered objective assessment. |
104–110 |
Research of kinetics of change of the starting moment and tension of shift of an oil layer at an operating time |
Kusch A.I., Turitsya Y.A. |
Results of experimental researches of kinetics of change of the starting moment and tension of shift of an oil layer are presented in article at an operating time. Object of study – the starting moment and tension of shift of an oil layer. Purpose – interrelation establishment between change of the starting moment and tension of shift of an oil layer at an operating time. Method study – research of thickness of a lubricant layer in contact in the conditions of swing with slipping under non-stationary working conditions. Decrease in the moment is influenced by two factors: first, in the oil which term of operation made 30 thousand km, kinematic viscosity decreases by 16% at 500C that causes friction force reduction between lubricant layers, secondly, in this interval of an operating time the fulfilled oil, unlike commodity, doesn't form boundary adsorptive layers on contact surfaces which are characterized by the increased tension of shift and capable to influence growth of the moment of friction at start-up. It should be noted that lack of a boundary film of lubricant in the period of a stop which causes direct metal contact of elements of a interface, doesn't lead to moment growth during start-up, is caused probably by the insignificant durability of educated adhesive connections and realization of conditions of external friction in contact. |
110–113 |
The network of public roads and its importance to the socio-economic development of Ukraine |
Lanovyi O. |
The paper presents the results of research: an analysis of the network of roads, and to develop the theoretical foundations of determining the efficiency of the road network and practical methods to assess its impact on the development of the regions of Ukraine. The object of study – the network of public roads in Ukraine. Purpose – to improve the efficiency of the road network in the public transport system of Ukraine is based on the prediction of socio-economic indicators of the development of society and economy of the country, its regions, specific road infrastructure, cost and construction time and costs for road maintenance, and other indicators that have a significant impact on the development of the regions of our country. The theoretical basis and practical techniques for evaluation of the road as the company to provide public services, which should ensure the conditions of continuous, safe and convenient movement of traffic in view of the possible resource support implementation of relevant road works. A method of forming a system of operational control of the road network on the basis of socio-economic forecasting, to meet the goals that relate to the micro level as well as to the macro level of the network of roads through the implementation of relevant parity phases: monitoring, planning, decision-making, implementation of specific solutions and activities. The knowledge gained is talking about the competitiveness of the results: the authors presented four Certificates of registration of copyright in academic works. Proposed in the methodology and the implementation of pilot confirmed its efficiency in real world operational control of the road network in Ukraine. Research results match the achievements of world-class scientific thought on the effective functioning of the road network. |
114–118 |
Development methods of risk management in the project of oil transportation by road |
Levkivskiy A.P., Zіuzіun V.I., Ploshay F.V. |
The aim of this work is developing of risk method management in projects in projects program environmental transport activity. The following tasks need to be addressed to achieve this: - the structure of a typical application environmental transport activity will analysis; - possible project risks will classification; - method to control certain types of risks in projects transportation fuels make one; - map diagram of risk environmental management to develop projects for transportation of petroleum products by road. Kyiv’s municipal program «Ecology of transport» has different aims, such as, improvement of ecological control of vehicles, control of liquid motor fuels of petroleum origin, the neutralizers of toxic emissions to use, of natural gas as a motor fuel to use, improve transport and road infrastructure. There are projects in program «Ecology of transport»: organization of delivery and implementation in Kiev motor fuels improved quality, creating a network of stationary control and adjustment points for checking and adjusting system of engines of vehicles, including portfolios of projects: the creation of a network of stations washing cars equipped with self-contained sewage treatment plants, organization of training for new professions in universities and secondary schools, retraining inspectors environmental control. Project of transportation petroleum’s products is a technical system, which allows splitting parameters and characterize their properties. In the analysis of the main and partial indicators can identify significant aspects of business. The basic ecological risks of project that may arise throughout the life cycle of functioning. As a result, identification of project risks have been allocated the following classes: environmental, social, climatic, technical, manufacturing, financial, political, economic. Among these risks: oil spills during transportation, environmental pollution waste enterprise-carrier environment pollution by exhaust gases of a vehicle accident, the impact of oil fumes on the health of workers. Through the expertise they provided scores that characterize their significance. This analysis allows us to develop a map-scheme risk and take appropriate decisions that reduce or annul the possible ecological or social risks. |
119–125 |
Managing unstructured projects’ track in enterprise information systems |
Lemeshko Y.S. |
In this paper the problem of structuring the project’s process, related to the implementation of management functions in corporate information systems, and the approach on their self- management on the basis of the cluster model and clusters’ ranking alogrithmrated are researched. Object of study – unstructured projects’ track. Purpose – approaches to develop processes’ self-managing of unstructured projects’ track in enterprise information systems. Method study – methods of project management, simulation and optimization of processes; calculus. Structuring of information and it’s managing processes is becoming one of the most important tasks, as the unstructured content today reached over 80% of all business-related information. However, basic research and practical development of intelligent technologies for processes’ self-managing are almost absent, or are in the early stages of development. This is why significant practical value can have the development of the cluster model for hierarchical managing of the integrated knowledge system in corporate information systems and applying the algorithm for clusters’ ranking. The results of the research and the proposed solutions can be applied to the processes’ self-managing of unstructured project’s track. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – the search for the optimal technology for structuring project’s processess in enterprise information systems. |
125–129 |
On improve service centers by improving the system of delivery of spare parts |
Markov O.D., Stepanenko P.V., Tatalaevsky P. |
In the article the problem statement on the new concept of inventory management in the service station, which provides for the introduction of inventory model elements organizatsuii proizvadstva in enterprises service center. The object of study – a control system for the supply of spare parts of Car Company. Purpose – to determine the effect of timeliness of delivery of spare parts for the execution of orders on the effectiveness of the company and increased turnover avtoservaisu supplier of spare parts, as well as the development of a model of this influence. This task is relevant to practice service centers: in the absence of stocks or stocks in enterprises efficiency loss is 70%, which means that almost as many market players lose and spare parts. The solution of this problem makes it possible to increase the efficiency of service centers and spare parts turnover by 50 – 60% |
129–133 |
Quality of service centers: analysis of the environment |
Markov O.D. Yamtsun P.D., Stepanenko P.V. Veretelnikova N.V., |
Quality – that is what is perceived by people as meeting their requirements. Perception itself depends on the conditions in which people live. The analysis of these conditions – the environment, the external environment interaction, the internal environment of the organization to determine the capabilities and limitations in the formation of quality service provider. The paper presents an analysis of the environment, the external environment and internal environment of the interaction of the organization. The analysis shows that the restrictions posed by the external environment is not conducive to quality. Among the external interactions also carries enough negative factors that do not contribute to the quality of service centers. The internal environment in terms of the factors shaping business reputation and are a positive influence on customer perceptions of services, also not sufficiently ready to create an appropriate level of quality. The analysis environment gives an answer to the question in which direction to run as owner to improve their quality. |
133–140 |
Quality systems and processes, service centers |
Markov O.D., Yamtsun P.D., Stepanenko P.V., Veretelnikova N.V., |
This article provides a list of systems and processes, the quality of which determines the quality of its products and service centers. These criteria and indicators for which it is advisable to assess the quality of each system and process. For socio – economic efficiency of service stations, as a system, it is necessary to ensure quality: service centers in general, dealer networks, enterprise service center, service quality, customer service, quality of service, quality of service and repair, etc.. Quality criteria are socio – economic efficiency of auto service, customer satisfaction, satisfaction of social needs, the quality of the structure of resources, the effectiveness of the business. The article concludes with quality systems and processes for service centers. |
140–145 |
Road Safety as an object of study and ongoing support |
Melnichenko O.І., Kishka S.P. |
The article considers the importance of road safety and formed the main problem in projects of road safety. Object of research – road safety on the roads of Ukraine.Purpose – to identify and shaping tasks in projects of road safety. The problem of road safety today is becoming more acute, more pain howling reveals its complexity in displays in the legal field, in the practical field and, most importantly, in terms of research in this area. Without the development of science, of course, solve the quality problem will be specified impossibleresist. Only when fully revealed the nature of «traffic safety» and the nature of the formation of accidents, you can start talking about irreversible changes in the country ¬ even in solving this problem. Optimization level accidents can be achieved by implementing a comprehensive, coherent set of related projects, which generally coincide with the basic elements of traffic safety. |
146–149 |
Classification of critical situations that may arise during transit |
Melnychenko O.I., Melnyk S.M., Dmytrychenko A.M. |
The effectiveness of the decisions taken at the service desk management passenger transport is not the same for different abnormal situations that arise during the transport service residents. Therefore, it is urgent clear and unambiguous classification of situations in violation of urban passenger transportation that will define them as critical, and those that include violations of the carriage. The analysis shows the classification and evaluation of critical situations on the routes of public passenger transport associated with the violation of the transportation process, in which: a) there is a threat to the health or life of the passengers; b) any significant social or economic costs. However, the proposed system of criteria to identify «the presence of a critical situation» and its evaluation. Also consider steps to define the critical situation, the adoption and implementation of solutions that are as following: 1. Identifying critical situation 2. Evaluation of critical situations set criteria 3. Search for alternatives 4. Streamlining alternatives 5. Selecting the best alternative. |
149–155 |
Models mechanisms operative management in road building |
Melnychenko O. I., Sokhan V.V. |
The article review models mechanisms operative management projects in road building. The object of study – the mechanisms operative management in road building. Purpose – models mechanisms operative management in road building. Method study – methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics. Existing methods of road building do not meet the current needs of a market economy, solving a problem of rational use of material properties without efficiency investments. Need for increased efficiency design solutions requires the development of mainly new concepts, methods and models of mechanisms that ensure high performance using inputs at stable high quality projects in road building. Results of the article allow to obtain conclude terms of the contract between the project manager and several interrelated agents, reduce project duration based on optimal motivation management executors of the project in under uncertainty regarding the timing of its completion. Forecast assumptions about for the object of study – the search information technology for effective models of mechanisms operative management in road building. |
155–160 |
Forming of the command for management ecological projects |
Mykhalova O.Y., Khrutba A.S., Filatov A.S. |
The deterioration of the ecological situation in Ukraine causes of anxiety society that increasingly understands that solving critical environmental problems requires adequate training of people to interact with nature, because Ukraine is among the countries where the environment is unfavorable. The mechanism of decision of problems, related to the ecological crisis is development and introduction of projects formed by ecologically oriented commands. However, at the decision of questions forming the command of project which is directed on solving an ecological or social problem, run into the features of management of such projects in which the human relations factor most substantially influences on successful realization of project. Creating a professional team for environmental project and management is an urgent task. The presence of unresolved problems concerning development approach to the management team, which takes into account the uniqueness of the project, which is primarily related to changes in the environment and the urgent need to solve this problem requires the development of methods for the formation and work of management teams directly to environmental and ecological projects. The aim of work is a study of features of command forming for development and introduction of ecological project for determination the influence of command membership on the process of its activity for successful realization of project. To achieve this objective it is necessary to: conduct the analysis of organizational forms of realization of the processes of solving ecological problems; describe the features of development and introduction of ecological projects; the influence of ecological component on forming and activity of project management command; define the features of forming and work of the ecologically-oriented commands in nature protection and ecological projects. An analysis shows that in the current conditions considerable attention is paid to the questions of defence and protection of natural environment; however the processes of management of ecological activity should consider from position of project approach. The control system of environmental activities is a tool implementing processes of the environmental activities through the development of projects and programs. Management of environmental project requires special approaches. To manage ecological vaguenesses most effectively can only by dynamic process of studies, building new hypotheses in reply to new vaguenesses, testing them, taking into account the individual psychological features of command members of ecological project. There are three types of commands depending on the membership of the participants – intact (functional), cross-functional and self-regulating. In our view, the most effective in the implementation of environmental projects is a cross-functional team that is formed of representatives of the various departments of the formal organization or different organizational structures or volunteers. Duration of existence of command is determined by the completeness of task or decision of local ecological problem. It is important in advance to define skills and qualities of every member of command for implementation of certain functions, and then the decision of forming of project command is considerably simplified. For the selection of members of cross-functional command, as suggested comfortably to apply the method of the successive dichotomy taking of totality of management (to the method of display of the activity) technologies that is used by this object to one of alternative poles. The result of the method is to evaluate the possibility of the person to work in cross-functional teams to implement ecological projects. The method can be used to detect the possibility of interaction between members of the project team to identify personal positions, vision of the individual in the context given situation, determine the level of maximum potential managerial capabilities of the individual. |
160–168 |
Definition of parameters of process of manufacturing of details of carriages |
Moroz M.M. |
In clause the results the factor of definition experiment of the basic technological process dependences of arches manufacturing of carriages are submitted. Object of study – process of manufacturing of details of structures of section PR-100-2, arches, used at manufacturing, of carriages. Purpose – to determine parameters of process are flexible of structures, in particular of cars arches ensuring the minimal deviation from straightforwardness in a plane of a wall of a structure. Method study – statistical analysis of the characteristics of manufacturing process of detail. For definition of the basic dependences of technological process of manufacturing of details from structures was carried out the factor experiment 23 with use of preparations of section PR-100-2 from a material St3ps, St3sp GOST 380-89; 08Х18Н10Т GOST 632-89, arches, used at manufacturing, of carriages. The parameters of process are determined are flexible of structures, in arches particular of cars ensuring the minimal deviation from straightforwardness in a plane of a wall of a structure. At manufacturing arches of cars for reduction spring and deviation(rejection) of a vertical wall Z of a structure is the increase of effort unrolling. The change of thickness of a wall of the unrolled shelf at creation of compressing effort change of thickness machine tools practically is absent. The results of clause can be introduced in the «know-how» of details from structures used at manufacturing of arches of carriages. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – increase of accuracy are flexible by search of optimum parameters of manufacturing process of carriages arches. |
168–173 |
Formation tripartite management of urban passenger traffic |
Moroz O. |
In the article the basis for the formation of structure tripartite partnership by creating transportation management association that represents the regional governing body that brings together private carriers, state representatives and consumers. Object of study – the process of managing urban passenger traffic. Purpose – to determine the foundations of the structure of tripartite partnership by creating a transportation management association for the effective and efficient management of the process of transportation and taking into account the interests of all participants of the traffic process. Method study – logical modeling, graphic. To achieve positive results in the organization of urban passenger transport proposed establishment of a tripartite management structure of urban passenger traffic in the form of association, which will be based on the principles of efficient and effective management of the process of transportation and taking into account the interests of all its members. Transport Management Association is a regional governing body that brings together private carriers, state representatives and consumers. This model allows participants to combine services for passengers, make the market controlled and target it to address not only economic but also social problems, improve efficiency of existing rolling stock and to create conditions for investment in the acquisition of new technology. The results of the article can be used by carriers and local authorities to develop urban passenger transport. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – improving mechanisms existing legal framework for the regulation of joint activities of the state and the private sector. |
173–178 |
Information as a means of communication and activity motivation in a modern informational society |
Naumova N.M., Naumov V.О. |
Certain forms, directions and influence results of informational and communication technologies, including social networks, upon economic, financial and business activities in a society are considered in the article. Information in this context is analyzed as an activity motivator rather than a resource. Object of study – social networks as one of the components of ICT projects in Web 2.0. Purpose – to research the impact of ICT and social networks, including the vital areas of modern society (economics, finance, business, etc.), the mass consciousness of people where information plays the role not so much resource as motivation. The method of investigation – a system analysis. Modern high-tech world can make innovative reform only by using information and communication technologies (ICT), modern knowledge and information as an important strategic resource of the XXI century. Information and communication technologies are considered as the most effective and efficient tool for solving a number of current issues of global level. The establishment and progressive functioning market information products and services is key to the effective formation of modern society. IT companies are constantly working in this direction, developing and implementing new ideas, one of the projects of the concept Web 2.0 in the Internet environment is social networking. Social Network – an interactive Web site with content that actually filled by members of the network in the near future it will become the standard of life. Now the main role, for example, the social network Facebook in society – a global communication users around the world. A Facebook page is a good marketing tool in the «hands» of various types and size of businesses. Social network Foursquare – a network of geolocation feature. Today, it is also an important tool for business, especially in the service sector. A new model of society that is concerned with the notion of information need today significant rethinking notions of essence processes of human civilization. This allows you perceive it not as a process of searching for new and more efficient means of production, but as a process of searching for new and more effective means of communication. Today, more informed person – is not that just more aware, but one that at the same time, is able to exercise the greatest number of timely required effective communication. Information only as communication, rather than as knowledge or thing capable of inspiring new action. The results can be used in teaching of subjects related to the study of modern information systems and technologies, and findings enhance the professional level of professional competence and the general public. Forecast assumptions about the development of the object of investigation – the rapid growth of the influence of social networks that have great potential and are able to change the outlook of people and the world in general. |
178–185 |
Design of production development through transformation on an example public corporation «Vinnitsa motor transport enterprise 554» |
Ognevoy V.O. |
Consisting of motor transport enterprises in modern terms is considered. Grounded expedience of application of project management system at introduction of production development through transformation on the motor transport enterprises. The projects design of motor transport enterprises development is executed through transformation on an example public corporation «Vinnitsa motor transport enterprise 554». |
186–192 |
Transport and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine: problems and prospects |
Pasichnyk A.M., Lebid I.G., Kutyrev V.V. |
The article provides a systematic analysis of the logistics infrastructure of Ukrainian transport network and directions of its further development on the basis of international experience. The study object is the logistic system of Ukrainian transport network. The robots purpose to find solutions and ways to improve the logistics of transport and customs infrastructure and the successful integration of the transport system of Ukraine in the network of international transport corridors. In the paper the problem issues and directions of the successful integration of the transport system of Ukraine in the network of international transport corridors through the development of a network of logistics transportation, customs, transport and service facilities on maintenance and service of vehicles in transit goods. It is shown that logistics facilities play an important role controlling the movement of goods in order to ensure transparency and acceleration of customs control and enhancing the image of the country of transit. Asked to create a public network both specialized and versatile logistics centers, which will allow more efficient, use of transit potential of the country. The research results can be used for development projects, and modernization of the Ukrainian transport system. |
192–198 |
Peculiarities of the formation of material flows in the transport systems of agricultural production |
Petrik A.V. |
In article modelled the process of formation of cargo flows in the transport systems in the gradual process of service requirements, identified the main characteristics of systems of mass service with the use of a bunker or container technology to pre-accumulation of agricultural goods. Object of research – the model of the formation of cargo creating array for the system of mass service with two input streams requirements and basic characteristics of the transport system of the group received claims, subject to receipt of the requirements for limited sources of the applications. The aim of the work – improvement of transport infrastructure for the gradual process of service requirements. Method of research – theory of transport processes and systems, queuing theory and economic-mathematical modelling of the transport processes. Creation of transport systems in the agro-industrial complex of the country requires the development of the scientific bases of a reliable transport service. Solve a variety of practical tasks on provision of agro-industrial production the efficient functioning of transport systems provides for the determination of regularities of formation of cargo flows. The main components of transport systems may be development of methods for the implementation of the transport service and substantiation of rational interaction of different modes of transport for transportation of cargoes agricultural production in integrated systems of their delivery. Scientific novelty of the research is the solution of the problem of rational transport service, when the application flow requirements in stages by several applications of another stream. In the work of the modelled situation servicing of cars loaded railway wagon or delivering little tonnage cars wholesale party containers. Therefore, the work was врахова6но the influence of random factors on the characteristics of the transport service. As a consequence, transport processes in agricultural production in the work were considered as related work of the subjects of economic activity, the means of the same or different types of transport with regard to the influence of the environment. The results of this paper can be implemented in the production of transport systems in the interaction of individual subjects of economic activities. Forecast assumptions about the development of object of research – the creation of the optimal structure of the organization and management of material flows in the transport systems of agricultural production. |
198–204 |
Determination of the main types of interactions in contact systems of mobile equipment |
Posviatenko E.K., Zhuravel D.P. |
The paper proposed the scheme Hematological-tribotechnical interactions in predicting resource units and units of mobile technology at an early design stage. Object of research – factors determining the durability of machines The purpose – development schemes himmotologichno-tribological interactions in friction units of units and aggregates of mobile equipment in the prediction of their resources in the early stages of design. Research method – the study of the physical laws of wear and analysis of quantitative characteristics of wear. Is found that an integrated approach forecasting resource of units and aggregates of mobile equipment at an early stage to develop functional relationships for these processes and defining main indicators that affect certain types of interactions in himmotologichno-tribological systems. Types himmotologichno-tribological interactions in predicting resource units and aggregates of agricultural machinery described functional dependencies. Is shown that the coefficient wear of materials can be an indicator of a firm connection for wear in the interaction of solids. In comparison with the linear wear this coefficient is most suitable for in-depth analysis of the process of wear parts connections, and allows for more precise to determine the period and criteria earnings. |
205–209 |
Evaluation of probability of rejection forwarding services |
Prokudin G.S., Peluh V.Y., Dudnik O.S., Tsymbal N.М. |
The article considers the probability assessment rejection forwarding services. Almost all freight forwarders, including large firms, under the coordination of the senders, recipients and carriers using technological schemes of processing applications, which do not always meet the needs of customers. Most technology is a consistent check for free downloads of transport and return to an existing database. Chance of rejection at this relatively high, which reduces the quality of customer service and competitiveness TEP. Thus, estimating the probability of rejection and the factors determining this value is an important task, whose decision to evaluate the competitiveness of freight forwarding companies and develop practical measures for its improvement.Object of research is process of handling applications for transport-forwarding service of enterprises and organizations. The aim of the work is the estimated probability of deviations for transport-forwarding services. The method of investigation is conducting a simulation experiment. Simulation experiment was conducted according to which the dependence of the probability of failure obtained from the parameters of the demand for freight forwarding services allows to estimate the market based on the average performance without simulation study process. The developed regression model confirms that an increase in the volume of shipments and delivery distance increases the probability of failure, while increasing range of filing – is reduced. The greatest influence on the probability of failure is spaced receipt of applications for the feasibility study. |
209–214 |
Improved service drivers dispatching service company did |
Prokudin G.S., Sedov N.A., Prokudin A.G. |
In this article the opportunity to reduce length of stay in the driver's dispatching service company did when you make a traffic records. Object of study – dispatching service company did. Purpose – to reduce service time drivers, dispatching service company did. Method study – analytically calculated. To ensure the timely departure of cars on the line, which is an important aspect of the transport company must be clearly planned and organized work of dispatching service company did. Observation and analysis of the traffic control company did, showed that during the mass exodus of vehicles on routes one dispatcher can not provide timely service drivers. Timely exit vehicles on the routes can be realized by increasing the number of dispatchers. For this monitoring service company did was considered as a queuing system and appropriate calculations. To improve service to drivers that, while the mass exodus of cars on the routes operated for at least two controllers. Catering drivers three dispatchers will reduce the time spent by drivers in road design documentation to 4.14 min. The results of the article are of practical value and can improve the service drivers dispatching service company did. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – find the optimal number of workers in the dispatch service company did. |
215–220 |
The Comparative estimation of indexes of stability of rectilineal motion of lorry convoys of different layout charts |
Sakhno V.P., Polyakov V.M., Glinchuk V.M., Bosenko V.M. |
The questions of stability of rectilineal motion of three-unit lorry convoys of different layout charts are considered in the article, in particular lorry convoy on the light cart of «Dolly», lorry convoy of type of «B-Double», saddle-towed lorry convoy and towed lorry convoy with two trailers with connivent axes. A research object is stability of rectilineal motion of three-unit lorry convoys. A purpose of researches is a comparative estimation of indexes of stability of rectilineal motion of lorry convoys of different layout charts. Method of researches – analytical. It is well-proven that at determination of indexes of stability of three-unit lorry convoys in the stationary modes it is possible to utillize the model of his flat motion. Thus the evaluation indexes of stability of motion will be stalling speed and speed of appearance of swaying instability. It is set that the generalized calculation chart for existent three-unit lorry convoys is a chart of lorry convoy on the light cart of «Dolly», which is described the system from seven differential equalizations. Variables in this system is longitudinal, transversal and angular speed of car-tractor, corners of stowage of light cart and semitrailer and speed of change of these corners, and also course corner and co-ordinates of centre-of-mass car-tractor. Stalling speed of three-unit lorry convoys of different layout charts is certain and factors, influencing on its numeral value, are analysed. It is rotined that on the indexes of stability in the stationary modes of motion it is necessary to give advantage the lorry convoy of type of «B-Double». Because of complication of construction of hauling-coupling device of such lorry convoy and absence of experience of his exploitation, at creation of three-unit lorry convoys in Ukraine it is possible to accept a chart on the light cart of «Dolly», which insignificantly yields to the first chart. Can be drawn on the results of the article during acquisition of three-unit lorry convoys and their installation and check-out phase in Ukraine. |
220–225 |
To the question about description of co-operation of motor-car tire and underlayment |
Sakhno V.P., Koctenko A.V., Englezy O.A., Progniy P.B. |
In the article three models are considered tires which are used for the design of motion of cars. Each of the considered models allows to describe a lateral withdrawal taking into account the action of longitudinal forces, in particular, brake, that is important at the recreation of road traffic accidents. A research object is co-operating of tire with an underlayment A purpose of researches is a review of mathematical models of woobling of motor-car tires, in-use in the programs which used for the design of motion of car in general and recreation of DTP in particular. Method of researches – analytical. The models of tires which are utillized in VCRware and PC-Crash software are considered. Model of tire, which is utillized in VCRware software shows by itself equalizations for longitudinal and transversal forces which are continuation of development of «magic» formula of Pacegky. At the simultaneous construction of the graphs taking into account longitudinal and transversal forces the ellipse of forces which operate on a tire is got. Model of tire, which is utillized in PC-Crash software, examines two models of tire, – linear and TM-Easy. In place of size of slipping of tire the program foresees introduction of parameter which characterizes the permanent size of brake or hauling force. Force can be alternatively set as part of the normal loading on a wheel. Lateral force is a bilinear function. Linear part is characterized the coefficient of resistance a withdrawal. At the combined action of lateral and brake forces a linear model can be presented graphicly as an ellipse of friction. A model is characterized by the maximal value of longitudinal force by the task of maximal value of coefficient of slipping. Each of the considered models allows to describe a lateral withdrawal taking into account the action of longitudinal forces, in particular, brake, that is important at the recreation of road traffic accidents. Can be drawn on the results of the article at description of lateral withdrawal of motor-car wheel taking into account the action of brake force, that is important at the recreation of дорожно-транспортных adventures. |
226–234 |
Systems study into process of program and portfolio management |
Sydorchuk O.V., Tryguba A., Demydiuk M., Bondarenko V., Sydorchuk O.O. |
Determined are tasks of the systems analysis and synthesis of the managerial process of programs integration (portfolios). Causal effects of the system research of this process are qualitatively substantiated. Improving the efficiency of program management and portfolio development system requires improvement of existing scientific and methodological principles. In particular, this concerns the development of systems for which are those earmarked programs. Gaps in scientific and methodological principles of program management and portfolio are that problem, which causes inefficient use of scarce resources allocated to development. The aim of the paper is a qualitative study of causality systematic study of the management programs and portfolios. Management programs and portfolios characterized by its features, without which it is impossible to reveal the objective laws of this process, and thus ensure its maximum effectiveness. To expand these laws use the systems approach, which is one of the main methods. |
235–241 |
Formation Plan projects and portfolio strategies for technological development of trucking companies |
Smirnov E.V. |
The problem of the financial feasibility assessing and projects and portfolios implementation plan forming for technical development strategies of motor transport enterprises is considered in this paper. The algorithm of implementation plan forming for technical development projects (portfolios) motor transport enterprises is proposed. To date, the effectiveness of most trucking companies (ATP) is lamentable. This situation is primarily associated with significant wear and obsoleteness rolling stock (RS), applying the enterprise, as well as the fact that the existing production base (VTB), mostly for similar reasons, are not able to provide support MS shall operate in this state. Besides existing PC does not always meet the requirements of the transportation process. One of the main solutions to this complex problem is the technical development of production, which provides a comprehensive update ATP considering the relationship between MS and VTB enterprise. The aim is to develop algorithm of plan projects (portfolios) of the technical development of production, taking into account the relationship between PC and update VTB to determine their financial feasibility and preparation of investment decision. |
241–247 |
Analysis of theoretical researches of power co-operation of claotype track with the wheels of hauling rolling stock |
Talavira G.M., Kulbovskiy I.I., Demchenko V.O. |
The Ukrainian railways show by itself a powerful transport system. After a saturation per rail Ukraine occupies a main place among the countries of the CIS, far LED Russia, and approached on these indexes to the most developed European states. A research object is modern constructions of overhead structure of track and different, new and threadbare, types of wheelpairs of locomotives Purpose and task of research. The purpose of this work is a decision of scientific task of influence of the different stage of wear of wheelpairs on the size of vertical and horizontal transversal forces to work of pair rail wheel at modern external of railways of Ukraine environments. Methods of researches. The complex method of researches, which includes experimental and theoretical part, is in-process used. For analytical calculations the theory of calculations of railway way was used on durability and firmness, theory of hauling calculations of rolling stock, calculation-theoretical method of determination of vertical and transversal horizontal forces. Experimental methods include measuring laser profilometrom of IKP-5 of types of wheels treatment and translation in a digital kind and Can be drawn on the results of the article during implementation of workovers of rolling stock for diminishing of wear of wheelpairs. |
247–253 |
Genetic optimization algorithms of risk in roads project management |
Tatus V.V. |
The paper addresses the problem of risk management road’s projects. Object of research - a method of risk assessment of construction projects, reconstruction and repair of roads. The purpose of developing a optimization-simulation model and a computer program risk minimization jf project roads. Method of research - system analysis, simulation and computer numerical experiment. The approach to risk optimization in project management of highways through the creation of reserves to mitigate risk (risk avoid, risk transfer, risk reduction) through the use of simulation process of the project and the genetic algorithm search for the optimal values of controlled variables - reserves. We show how to take into account the increased cost of operation by increasing its duration. Present input data required for risk modeling, and simulation results for an illustrative example. Projected assumptions about the development of the object of research - to create an expert analysis system of risk management projects of roads for proactive risk management in all phases of the project. |
254–258 |
Using PI-controller and the theory of finite automata for complex modeling hybrid car’s control systems |
Timkov A.N., Ivanov A.S. |
Object is a hybrid vehicle. The aim is create hybrid vehicle’s control model. In the article describes a version modeling hybrid car’s control system in MatLab using the theory of finite automata and PI-regulator. Vehicle controller based on the theory of finite automata and is responsible for change hybrid car’s modes. Control logic is carried by Stateflow. Control units for internal combustion engines and electric motor / generator using PI controller - a device in the control loop with feedback. In the article explored example with ICE. Input signals are: on/off ICE , which comes from the block driving; necessary acceleration or deceleration of the vehicle, which dictated terms of performance driving cycle, the actual speed ICE coming from the engine speed sensor, which is installed on the crankshaft of the engine. Output signal is the value of throttle opening. This control will only work if signal from block driving This gives possibility check the hybrid vehicle and control system as a whole, determine the influence of various parameters on the control process, pick optimal parameters for proportional and integral components, that will give possibility use its in real systems.Further work will be associated with the selection of the optimal conditions for transients. |
258–262 |
Methods of analysis of the impact of technical parameters and machine-technological procedures for energy efficiency light-duty vehicles |
Habutdinov R.A., Galyona I.I. |
A method of monitoring light-duty vehicles according to the concept of conservation of energy and resources. The mathematical models of quality light-duty vehicles. The method of monitoring light-duty vehicles can implement a strategy to ensure long-term technical and technological competitiveness of small party traffic. Technical novelty of any element of car design, light-duty is the main feature of motor vehicles as a scientific and technological product. Due to the large variety of modifications of parameters designs light-duty vehicles under purchase of rolling stock problem arise study consumer preferences in design vehicles that meet the technical and technological requirements of the carrier that caused the concept of energy efficiency in transport. The purpose of monitoring is to assess and predict suitability AMV with new technical parameters (which are available on the market), the energy and resource transport. To provide a comparative analysis of consumer quality and characteristics of motor vehicles in the segment of light vehicles or dimension-series developed spreadsheets. The main purpose of these spreadsheets - collection, storage, automated calculations and systematization of detailed characteristics of vehicles used in the justification of new rolling stock. During the analysis found that node tracker of energy efficiency of power has advanced nature. |
263–267 |
Controlling methodology in management of material resources. / Volodymir Khavruk |
Khavruk V.O. |
In article the considered primary goals and controlling functions. Separate aspects of controlling in a control system of material resources, in particular in logistical system are analyzed. Object of research - controlling, as difficult structure of the interconnected functional blocks which essence is shown through a number of functions. The work purpose - finding-out of theoretical bases of introduction of tools контролінга in a control system of material resources. Major factors internal and environment which influence controlling are considered. The structure of model of optimisation of current stocks which includes such modules, as is resulted: a choice of suppliers of material resources; formation of the budget of purchases; an estimation of security of manufacture by material resources; the analysis of performance of indicators of the plan of material maintenance of the enterprise. It is proved that the total amount of purchases of material resources is carried out on the basis of the generated plan of manufacture. Results of article can be used for working out of methods of revealing of lacks of any activity, in particular and in logistical - for decrease in expenses for acquisition, delivery of material resources and to deduction of warehouse stocks. |
267–273 |
Problematika of management of passenger transportations projects |
Kharuta V.S. |
In the article offered informatively logistic approach in relation to the decision of tasks of management passenger transportations. The object of study - commands of projects of construction of the passenger rout systems of cities. Purpose - to attain the effective results of forming of commands of projects of construction of the passenger rout systems of cities on the basis of the use of elements of theory of management projects. Research methods - research methodology is based on the use of approach of the systems taking into account basic functional, economic and social connections between the elements of the system of passenger transportations. Research of hierarchy of administrative decisions in relation to the construction of the passenger rout systems of cities is based on the use of elements of theory of management and management commands projects. The proper is developed informatively logistic approach in relation to the decision of tasks of management of passenger transportations and certainly repressing of account of hierarchy of administrative decisions of commands of projects of construction of the passenger rout systems of cities. |
273–279 |
Formation of the annual program of road-repair work to the theory of project management |
Kharchenko A.N. |
The article highlights the design issues of the annual program of work in the management of projects and programs of road maintenance in the modern world. The object of study - the annual work program for road maintenance organizations. Purpose - the disclosure approach to the place and role of design annual work program in the management of projects and programs of road services. Methods - used principles of systems analysis, statistical treatment and analysis, methods of management decisions. The study allowed: form copyright definition of "project" as a reference, the purpose of which is to achieve a certain unique in its characteristics and features of the result, and that takes place in a pre-defined period with resource constraints; show that the annual work program of road repair organizations can be considered as a collection of projects, repair and maintenance of the road network, to determine that there are two levels of road projects in production (first - general, carried out during the life cycle of the road, and the second includes annual projects for various types of repair and maintenance of the road). It was determined that the role of the design of the annual program of work road organizations is the need for an annual adjustment to the original, the main parameters of the project-oriented operation of the road, which was calculated in the strategic and medium-term plans. Results of the study clearly formed an idea of the road as an infrastructure project and the annual program of work, which is a collection of repair and maintenance projects of the road network, which must be completed within one year. |
279–285 |
Cognitive modeling activity stakeholders as a factor shaping the portfolio of development projects of socio-economic systems (for example, environmental projects) |
Khrutba V.A., Medvedeva A.M., Evdokimova A.V. |
A research object is a process of forming the project portfolio of the socio-economic system development by the criterion of stakeholders’ activity homogeneity. A research aim consists in development of approach and conceptual models of forming the project portfolio of the socio-economic system development. Methodological basis of research is means of unclear cognitive maps, in particular, generalized unclear productional maps, method of graphic simulating, system-integral approach. Basic results. It is shown that cognitive maps with zone configuration come forward as an universal instrument for a design and estimation of the project stakeholders’ activity concerning both projects and different variants of the project continuation different milestones situations. The offered variant of presentation of the four-element system model in that ties between elements are represented by zonal cognitive maps can come forward as an universal instrument for determination the activity of the project stakeholders concerning different projects in the process of forming the project portfolio of the socio-economic system development. It is well-proven during a machine experiment, that the worked out approach can be used for forming the ecological project portfolio of a particular enterprise. Perspective direction is devoted to development methods of calculation the homogeneity of te project stakeholders’ activity on the basis of information that can be got after the calculations of cognitive maps with zone configuration. |
285–292 |
Analysis of foreign experience of road and rail freight transportation |
Shyrіaieva S., Konrad T. |
The article reviews the current state of foreign automobile and railway freight transportation. Presented the classification of mixed freight transportation. Considered combined transport, namely container, piggyback and bimodal transportation. Defined organizations that govern the international mixed transportation. Object of study – process of road-rail freight. Purpose - analysis of organization in foreign road-rail freight for further involvement of international experience in organizing mixed transportation to the Ukrainian market of transport services. Mixed freight divided into intermodal, multimodal, combined and segment. Combined transport, in turn, are divided into container, piggyback and bimodal transportation. In the CIS countries the most common in use is of medium-containers carrying 3 and 5 tons, and in Western Europe, America and Japan - heavy containers 20 or 40 feet, and in the U.S. often use longer high cube containers of 48 feet and 53 feet. Piggyback freight in Europe is currently valued at 70 million tons per year. The main fixed assets used for piggyback transport is «rolling highway», the car shuttle train and termіnali sistem Modalohr. Bimodal transport based on the use of trailers, equipped and road and railway wheel pairs. Forecasts: assumptions about the object of study - further increase the total volume of international multimodal road and rail transportаtion. |
292–297 |
Analysis of trends in multimodal transport of Ukraine and abroad |
Shyrіaieva S.V., Kravchuk A.V. |
The paper reviews the major trends in development of multimodal transport in Ukraine and abroad The object of study – the process of multimodal transport. Purpose – an overview of the status and development of multimodal transport in Ukraine. Research methods - analysis of scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors. The main global trends in multimodal technologies include: - Reducing the use of road transport in the implementation of multimodal transport on the basis of using road transport, mainly as haulinge one (delivering one), on the final sections of the route; - Increased use of air transport in the implementation of multimodal transportation; - Expanding the use of bridge systems in multimodal transport abroad. |
297–302 |
Foreign experience of tax incentives for technological renovation of passenger automobiles enterprises |
Shyriaіeva S.V., Tolchanova Z.A., Valiullina Z.V. |
In the given article the theoretical aspects of tax incentives introduction for technological modernization and innovation of enterprises using foreign experience of developed countries are analysed and grounded. The object of study is foreign experience of technological renovation. The method study is the statistical analysis of tax incentives. The purpose is the study of foreign experience of developed countries as for introduction of tax incentives for technological renovation of passenger automobiles enterprises taking into account scientific-technical and innovative development. To integrate the Ukrainian economy into highly competitive environment it is necessary to ensure technological innovation of enterprises based on scientific and technological innovations development. Meanwhile technological innovation and innovative activity in Ukraine is limited by a number of organizational, financial and legal factors, and the economy continues to increase the technological gap. It is found that international practice offers to use tax incentives, tax privileges as well as formation of flexible tax depreciation policy, the use of investment tax credit, tax credit for the costs of scientific and research activities with the aim to promote science, technology and innovation, as well as to create conditions for technological modernization in Ukraine. The results of the present article can be offered for public administration and implementation at passenger automobiles enterprises. The forecast assumptions about the object of study are aimed at using the experience of foreign countries’ most successful mechanisms to encourage innovation and technological upgrading. |
302–307 |
Control of inventories is during organization of commodity movable processes |
Bubela А.V., Коvalchuk S.О., Shubin S.B. |
The article analysed factors are that influence on motion of commodities at control of inventories and rational planning of level of supplies and operative control after their motion. Object of study - control of inventories during organization of commodity movable processes. Purpose - research of factors that influence on motion of commodities. Methods study- formalization and design - for the decision of complex task of organization of motion commodities. Commercial activity on the whole and motion of commodities is partly characterized by the complex of factors that is constrained inter se - by demand, suggestion, competition and profitability, that in turn, find out maintenance of mutual relations between enterprises, that carry out the process of advancement of commodities from a producer to the consumer. The results of the article create a theoretical base for formalization of factors of improvement of control of inventories during organization of commodity movable processes. Prognosis suppositions in relation to development of research object are an achievement of positive influence of supplies on the system of motion of commodities. |
307–312 |
Analysis of environmental factors of projects and programs |
Labuta A.V. |
The paper considers the use of expert estimation methods for ranking groups of factors that affect the implementation of projects and programs. The object of study - factors external environment projects. Purpose - with expert techniques to investigate the influence of environmental factors on the implementation of projects and programs. The method of investigation - Rankings by expert evaluation. In order to respond to the impact of environmental factors, to investigate their nature. These influences are quite diverse in its composition and effects on the implementation of projects and programs, and study of environmental factors is a necessary tool in order to reduce their negative impact, as well as for further decision-making and operational management actions directly. It is advisable to start the analysis of groups of factors, which then need to investigate more deeply and to determine the influence of individual factors on the development program. For this purpose, use methods of the expert evaluation. The results of the article can be used to rank various facilities, factors, elements in various fields of science and technology. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - the application of the results to study the influence of individual factors surrounding the implementation of projects and programs. |
312–317 |
Contradictions of logistics system business management |
Karpenko O.A., Petunin A.V., Ludchenko Y.A. |
The article says about need for logistics services at the enterprise level as performing cross-functional coordination in materials management. Object of study – the functioning of the logistics enterprise.Purpose – analyze the origin of the terms, to reinvent the similarities and differences in interpretations and explain their formation. The method study – methods of theoretical generalization and comparison, analysis and synthesis. The article describes and analyzes the typical structure of materials management at the company, revealed its shortcomings, founded contradictions arising in logistics subsystems. Designated purpose of the logistics department in the company, its place in the organizational structure, demonstrated the possibility to increase the company's competitiveness through the implementation of the principles of integrated logistics. Projected assumptions about the development of the object of investigation – as international experience, weight trends in the global economy is the use of integrated logistics, not only within a single enterprise, but also at the macro level by overcoming barriers and conflicts between companies and even industries on building integrated supply chains. |
317–322 |
Huzhevska L., Lytvyn O. |
The paper considers the piggyback transport prospects, defined their disadvantages of use in Ukraine, the method for determination piggyback effective area of usage in international traffic for the cost parameter have been proposed. Formed piggyback effective area of usage gives possibility to choose the rational delivery schemes based only on transportation tariffs and consignee placement. Object of study– is a piggyback transportation technology in international link. Purpose – piggyback effective area of usage determination in international traffic by using cost parameters. Study methods – geometry laws, mathematical simulation, imitating modeling. The results obtained in the paper have practical value and can be used by carriers while choosing variant of transport organization. Ease of use of these models has advantages over all previously proposed, primarily for its clarity. After the results of the research it can be said, that the effective use of piggyback transportation depends not only on the delivery distance from the terminal, but mainly on the angle between the direction of the route of automobile and piggyback carriage. Forecast assumptions about the objects of study – the search for optimal decision support technology choice for variant of transportation when placement of all transport process participant are different. |
322–327 |
Nosovskiy A.M. |
Object of study - the trajectory of the vessel in real conditions of navigation. Purpose – to plan and to carry out the experiment, to record navigation signals of global navigation satellite systems, to construct an analytical expression of the trajectory of the vessel by the experimental data. Methods - full scale physical modeling; multichannel measurement; the accumulation of time series data according to the GPS and GLONASS standards; mathematical processing in the software environment of Mathematica using the method of least squares; estimation of approximation errors and accuracy of analytical descriptions. The novelty of standard analytical descriptions of the various movement modes (trajectory curvature with the current, against the current, during circulation, movement zigzags or jibes). Importance – to promote traffic safety during the programmed course in the form of high-precision analytical descriptions. Scope - navigation and traffic control of any vessel with equipment such as GPS. |
327–333 |
Gusev O.V., Khmelyov I.V. |
The article deals with the authors’ practical proposals to improve road safety and defining the most promising directions of enhancing vehicle safety in Ukraine. One of active safety solutions is the increasing of self-descriptiveness (info content), in particular at dark part of the day (it’s especially important taking in view the huge number of pedestrian related accidents). One of important aspects of the problem is creation of proper conditions for drivers (as well as for other participants of road traffic) to perceive and acquire relevant visual information. Five major stages of the driver’s task (related to information acquisition) were considered. In accordance with the chosen direction thorough analysis of vehicle’s safety components were carried out. It is noted that the vehicle’s safety is defined by number of structural (constructional) and operating characteristics (performance) which directly contributes to the decrease of accident probability; the severity of the accident; negative impact on environment etc. The vehicle safety is divided into following major groups (these were as follows: active, passive, post-accident and ecological. Accordingly, the active safety is vehicle’s property that contributes to preventing of accidents or to lowering the accident probability. The passive safety is vehicle’s property that contributes to significant reduction of accident severity. Post-accident safety is vehicle’s property that contributes to significant reduction of accident severity immediately after the later have taken place, i.e. such after-effect as gasoline spilling out from fractured tank and its resulting ignition etc. Ecological safety is not directly linked with road accident and constitutes vehicle’s property that contributes to decreasing its negative impact on environment. The efficient (faultless and timely) visual information acquisition (VIA) and processing of information allows the driver to choose particular “safe” mode of driving. The driving process should be characterized as the task in which the VIA is of prime importance (regardless of the time of day). In-turn VIA consists of the following sub-tasks: As the result of the initial research it is proposed that further research should be directed at vehicle enhancement and vehicle safety with special emphasis on its active and passive components; new types of safety features should also be probed. |
333–338 |
Gusev O.V., Grysjuk Yu.S., Kaskiv V.I., Kaskiv S.V. |
The article deals with the questions of the development of mathematical model for road traffic and freights shipment flows for the purposes of logistics and forwarding of freights in Ukraine. The proposed mathematical approach allows, in the view of the authors, to substantially enhance the logistics solutions and, as the separate direction, to estimate the transport load factors on the road infrastructure and the pavement. The research of such queuing systems with breakdowns by means of classic methods is unsuitable due to high dynamics of events: statistical indices of the volume of coming-in requests significantly differ from Poisson distribution. Further more, the delays of vehicles etc. or even the collisions, lead to sharp changes of the event’s dynamics and lead to unpredictable changes in the state of queuing systems with breakdowns. The mathematical model of queuing systems with breakdowns, which allows considering the random component belonging to the volume of requests for servicing flow and the volume of servicing, is presented. The major principles of the research of queuing systems mathematical model, which allow considering the random queuing systems components, were developed. The mathematical model and the principles of the research can be used for simulation of random markovian processes and dynamics of functioning for other queuing systems classes for various logistics applications. Also the mathematical model and the principles of the research can be used for predicting the overall transport loading factor for farther road pavement strength and design procedures. For receiving the solutions for the system of common differential equations, where the unknown factors have the form of functions, which includes the random component, which, in turn, allows considering the spontaneous redistribution of automobile flow at the entry of the queuing systems, the Runge-Kutte method was used. |
338–345 |
Office of Economic Security 3PL operator in competition |
Alkema V.G., Demidenko O.S. |
The article is an example of enterprise LLC "UCMJ Ukraine" the technique of analysis of economic security entity logistics - 3pl provider. The method of analysis of economic security for the test subject in a competition. Object of study - economic security logistics operators. The subject of study is how to ensure economic security logistics 3pl in competition. Purpose - to design methods of economic security 3pl logistics operator and implementation of analysis in terms of increased competition in the domestic market of logistics services. Logistics operators or providers of integrated logistics services, offering comprehensive services based thus beyond one specific function level 3pl Logistics services focused on integrated management during transportation and storage. The main goal of economic security (DL) business house kind of business is to ensure its stable and maximally effective functioning now and high growth potential in the future. Feature DL forwarding companies and logistics operators is their significant dependence on the competitiveness of the company and its financial stability. The issue of economic security research this subject goods-transport market as a logistics operator level 3pl is little researched in modern economics and requires determination, because the quality of the strategy and policies of the company depends on the effectiveness of its economic security. |
346–353 |
With electronic documents operate profitably and easily |
Antonenko N.V., Chumak K.O. |
Article considers the benefits that provides users with electronic statements and factors of defects arising from the implementation of the new system in action. The system of electronic reporting is becoming more common among entrepreneurs of Ukraine, as initiated by the enterprises themselves, and on the basis of legislative coercion. Today, many accountants use the traditional way of reporting and they are very difficult to get used to the new software, but filing electronic filing has several advantages in the process of reporting. The use of electronic reporting is attractive to each party reporting process: time saving - now there is no need to stand in long queues, which is an advantage for entrepreneurs (mainly accountants) saving resources - personnel was mobilized for making statements now can move on its verification are not required to view documents in paper form, which reduces the amount of work for both businesses (reducing paperwork and saving resources), and for the government, all reports are automatically entered into the database, reducing the number of errors in the submission of reports by primary control. The main factor of deficiencies appear possible technical difficulties, but because this system is not fully extended in the Ukraine, then you can expect to finance computerization of all branches of regulatory bodies, to reduce the possibility of overloading the server making statements. Also deterrent transition to the new system is the cost of digital signature and software, but at the state level, this should also gradually settled (free EDS for FOP). Also controversial issue is the release of labor resources that were involved in the acceptance of accountability. In general, the introduction of electronic reporting date should bring positive changes in the presentation and control reporting companies at the state level if it will be fixed and improved technical basis for eliminating all problems. And also, in my opinion, an important factor in the mass adoption of the system in place is necessary that each zvituvalnyk could get competent answers to your questions about the software. |
353–358 |
System dialectical approach to the analysis of transport clusters |
Baziluk A.V, Khomenko I.O. |
The paper proposed approach of the systems to co-operating of clusters with an environment, structured, their firmness, general conformities to the law and tendencies of their functioning is considered in this article. Object of study – organization and management of transport clusters virobniche-gospodarskoy activity. Purpose – to generalization of scientific researches and selection of dialectical intercommunications of the systems, which have a key value for development of clusters. Method study – theoretical and empiric methods of cognition, analysis and synthesis. An increase of intensity of processes of integrations is activation of creation of new organizational structures in the form of clusters determine the necessity of their analysis of the systems and exposure of dialectical intercommunications. It will be allowed to form the conceptual model of management and development transport clusters. Integral qualities of the systems belong to basic descriptions of the cluster forming. And that is why an exposure, systematization, comprehensive research of these qualities, provide a basis for the complex understanding of their essence, forming of strategic of their development, construction of methodological instruments of adequate management by them as by the difficult systems. Transport clusters are the open economic systems in the form of independent, nonlinear and fractal structures at the market of transportations. Within the limits of cluster transport enterprises aspire in the process of evolution. In general transport clusters are difficult structures opened for the streams of energy and information, where lines and reverse positive and negative copulas take place. In the process of the work transport clusters function in an external to them environment and are under influence of external factors. Such systems can have a lot of variants of subsequent development. In transition there are points on the new stage of development (critical value of parameters of the new states of the system). Understandings of essence, signs of changes of situations, structural intercommunications and conformities to the law of transformations of transport clusters allow to discover and directions of strategic management these changes, in fact one of necessary stable operating of any systems conditions there is efficiency of management processes by them, ability of rapid reaction on influencing of external environment. The results of the article can be used for continuation of methodological researches of substantive provisions of approach of the systems, working out new and insufficiently known problems of functioning of transport clusters as systems. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – forming of philosophical essence of approach of the systems to functioning of transport clusters. |
358–364 |
Organizational and economic mechanism of the stability and efficiency of the company |
Bidnyak M.N., Klesch A.M. |
The paper proposed approach to organizational and economic mechanism of the stability and efficiency of the enterprise. Object of study - business entities in Ukraine. Purpose - to improve the theoretical foundations of stability and efficiency of the enterprise. Method study - general scientific methods for systematically solve problem tasks selected in the study. The stability of the company is proposed to understand how their ability to adapt to changing conditions in the internal and external environment. The main directions of stability and efficiency of the enterprise identified: financial, human resources and information. Each of the selected areas characterized by a set of relevant items. Established that the mechanism of the stability and efficiency of the enterprise should be understood as a set of ways of interconnected subsystems and functions of the enterprise, the use of which in the given range determines the objectives of its activities in terms of instability of the external and internal environment. The results of the article can be used by business entities. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - the search for the optimal mechanism of stability and efficiency of the enterprise. |
364–368 |
The essence of diagnostic potential of transport enterprises |
Boyko V.V., Parfentieva O.G. |
The article clarifies the nature of concepts "development potential", "strategic potential" companies. Generalized aspects of the structure potential of the company, the basic principles, methods, stages diagnostic potential of the enterprise. The success of the existence of the enterprise market and further activities depend on many factors and determined its development potential. Potential reflects certain features of any enterprise in various areas of its operation. Potential business opportunities defined, resources, skills, staff, forms of business and organizational structure of the entity. Potential development characterizes the conditions to enhance business performance through optimal use of its assets, capabilities, resources. Strategic potential describes features that allow you to implement the strategy of companies to achieve strategic objectives. Diagnostic potential of the enterprise should be performed in the form of an integrated, phased and element wise study. When the diagnosis capacity of the enterprise can be used three main approaches: resource, structural, and destination. Diagnostic potential of the enterprise requires methods of its implementation, the existing system of criteria, which are able to reflect the state of development potential, the optimal thresholds and limits its changes considering the factors that affect it in a given period of time. Further investigation in this matter should be informative in the development of criteria characterizing the potential for enterprise development, and improved methods of diagnosis capacity of the entity. |
368–374 |
Evaluation of social effectiveness of public-private partnerships |
Bondar N. |
In this paper the methodological tools to assess social performance of public-private partnership. Object of study – the social effectiveness of the PPP project. Purpose – to develop methodological tools for objective assessment of social efficiency PPP project that takes into account both quantitative and qualitative effects of its implementation. Research method – monographic, modeling, system analysis. Results and novelty – the proposed methodological tools developed for the first time. Allows you to objectively evaluate the expected social consequences PPP project: in terms of its social orientation, improving living standards, the expected social impact in the field, under the project development priorities territory (area) and the expected impact on the lifestyle of the population based on volume committed in project investments. One of the features of the project of public private partnership is its social focus. Given the complexity and variety of indicators that reflect the expected social outcomes that can be both quantitative and qualitative in nature, the article proposed technique for calculating the integral index of social efficiency of PPP projects. Calculating the integral indicator of social efficiency is based on the use of qualitative and quantitative effects of the project, as well as increase the amount of capital invested in the project by PPP. Where codes coefficient takes a value greater than unity, the PPP project is recognized as having social orientation is vital for the development of a region and significantly affects the lives of its people. Determining the best PPP project in terms of its social efficiency involves comparing several of its variants. Preference will receive a project for which the value of the integral indicator of social efficiency is greatest. The proposed research author index enables you to objectively assess the social impact of the project in terms of its social orientation, improving living standards, the expected social impact in the field, under the project development priorities territory (area) and the expected impact on the lifestyle of the population. The results of the article can be implemented in technology decision-making on approval of PPP projects by state and turn it to the list of projects, which are supported at the level of the budget. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - definition of direct and adverse effects of the project PPP connection expected social and economic consequences of its implementation. |
374–379 |
The quality of transport services and consumer demand transport services |
Borovik N.A., Siv'yuk T.S. |
In the article the system criteria, which may affect the quality of the transport of products to road transport. Everyone is a potential passenger. One of the primary needs of human life is moving, so as to solve the problems of service quality was still present now and will be relevant in the future. Users are not interested in automotive services costs of improving the quality of automotive service and methods for increasing the competitiveness of transport. During passage passenger transport passengers pay attention not to the very service, and its opinion that in the course of providing services is in them every step of the trip. They are trying to compare the price and service offered by the road, and draw conclusions for themselves whether the price level and the quality of the services provided. Ensuring efficient passenger transport needs of marketing research - passengers and their needs at a high level. Object research - analysis of passenger transport by road. Purpose - generalization of the criteria that determine the quality of the transport product road transport. The novelty lies in the study of subjective and objective factors of passenger traffic. It is also necessary to improve the classification factors that forms the quality of transport services. The main criteria for the quality of passenger service: regularity, rhythm, speed of traffic, safety travel convenience when purchasing tickets, compliance services and service requirements, behavior of drivers regarding passengers. |
379–382 |
Rationale for risk management in the logistics system business |
Volinec' L.M., Hamelyak I.Р. |
The paper proposed approaches, on the need for risk management in the logistics system business. Object of study - enterprise logistics system. Purpose - recommendations on risk management in the logistics system of the enterprise and ways to reduce the application controlling. Method study - general scientific methods for systematically solve problem tasks selected in the study. Any enterprise has its own merits and on the basis that identifies risks, which may be subjected. Decide what level of risk is acceptable to it, and searches for ways to avoid unwanted risks. Similar actions in economic science called risk management system. This special kind of activities aimed at mitigating the impact of risks on the final performance of entrepreneurial firms.Therefore, the risks relating to the logistics system and enterprise management should take into account the specific characteristics of logistics and the adaptation of standard methods and techniques of management to these specific conditions.Controlling at risk management in enterprise logistics system includes stages identify risks and their qualitative and quantitative evaluation, diagnosis, assessment of the acceptability of risks and measures to neutralize logistics unacceptable risks. The results of the article can be used by domestic enterprises of transport activity. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - the search for optimal methods of risk management in the logistics system business. |
382–386 |
The insurance of the automobile freight transportation |
Volynets L.M., Kutnyak A.V. |
The paper examined the features of the freight and responsibility insurance which lies on automobile transporters nowadays in Ukraine under the conditions of world globalization processes. Object of study – the procedure of the freight and responsibility insurance on the automobile transport. Purpose – to find out features, problems and prospects of the freight insurance on automobile transport in Ukraine under current economic circumstances. Method study – historical method, comparative analysis, statistical analysis. In the current conditions of the global economic crisis freight insurance problems are getting more and more actual. The insurance agreement can be signed either for one freight transportation, or for the term from 1 month till 1 year and be valid on some territory, direction or within some transportation route which is marked in the agreement. The transporter’s insurance defence during international shipments is based on the CMR Convention (Convention about international road freight transportation). According to CMR Convention transporter is responsible for the full or partial freight loss or damage during the transportation as well as for delivery delay. Even though Ukraine has ratified some international normative documents, it’s internal legal base and insurance market structure still aren’t adapted enough to the international law. The results of the article can be used in the researches of the insurance on transport. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – the subject of the freight and luggage insurance is pretty perspective in Ukraine. |
386–390 |
Strategic management of рroject рortfolios in enterprises carriers road |
Vorkut T.A., Pawluk D.A., Bilonog O.E, Tsymbal N.M. |
The article of uniform system positions on the basis of the theory of project management the methodological fundamentals of strategic project management systems, transportation organizations the sending of goods by road. The object of research projects in the portfolio are the carriers of road transport enterprises. The purpose of the article is to establish the conceptual foundations of strategic portfolio management projects in enterprises carriers road. The methodological foundations of research – the concept of Balanced Scorecard, the methods of the theory of transport processes and systems, expert evaluation method, the method of analysis of hierarchies, the assessment methods of financial efficiency of investment projects. Methodology of strategic project management for the transportation terminal systems is suggested in the article. The portfolio-oriented model for implementation of corporate strategy in transportation terminal organizations is prepared. Of could be developed as the theory for formulating and solving system of objectives in the sphere of formulating and implementation strategies in transportation terminal organizations. The model of integrative approach for determining of project priories in strategy portfolio. |
390–396 |
Determination of economic efficiency of enterprises in the process of transportation and storage of agricultural products |
Gavrilenko V.V., Prokudin G.S., Strunevich L.M. |
In the article offered approach, that to research of economic efficiency of process of storage of vegetable products that is subject to the protracted storage in the conditions of stationary depositories, taking into account her initial quality. Research objects is an agricultural produce. An aim of work is determination of economic efficiency of process of storage of agricultural produce depending on of initial quality and potential stored. Method of research – expert estimations and statistical analysis of properties of agricultural produce. By the feature of the use of agricultural produce, traditional for Ukraine, there is a necessity of planning of volumes of purveyance and terms of realization of products that is subject to storage. The personal touch of market economy are a production of competitive goods and her realization on prices, that not only compensate charges on a production, transporting, storage and realization of products, but also answer demand and assist timely realization of products that brings in the expected return to both the producer and purveying, transport and trade to the enterprises. To estimate economic efficiency of process of realization of agricultural produce taking into account initial quality of harvest, it is necessary to take all processes into account, that growing related to the agrotechnics, by organization of collection, transporting and end-point of storage and realization of vegetable products during a marketing year. Only approach of the systems to the design of the marked processes possibility of evaluation of economic efficiency can give all to the business process of the use of harvest of vegetable products. Potential legkisty is formed in the process of growing. At the incongruous terms of transporting to legkozdatny property can change. At forming of parties for gobbing on storage it is possible to regulate composition of non-standard part. As known, exactly from the structure of parties of commodities depends, with what losses will be kept but whether other party. The incongruous terms of transporting and inopportuneness of delivery of agricultural produce properties of products can change in the places of storage. The indicated changes can influence on commodity descriptions of the delivered vegetables and thus, on economic efficiency to the business process. It means that at taking into account of quality of vegetable products at gobbing on storage, the estimation of economic efficiency of freight transportations must have not only quantitative description but also quality constituent. |
396–401 |
Investment model of simple reproduction of fixed assets on the basis of dynamic programming |
Gavrilenko V.V., Shumeyko A.A. |
Purpose − to propose a model that determines the optimal timing of replacement of equipment built on the principles of dynamic programming. Methods − economic and mathematical modeling, operations research. The article discusses the economic problem of determining the optimal strategy for the replacement of old machines, machines, machines with new ones. Aging equipment includes its wear and tear, resulting in rising production costs for the output on the old equipment, increase the cost of repairs and maintenance, reduced productivity and liquidity costs. Our results can be used to create software intellectual support investment decisions. |
401–405 |
Diagnosticating of unfavorable changes in the external environment of indirect influence on activity of enterprise |
Garbar K.V. |
A purpose of work is development of model of diagnosticating of changes in the external environment of indirect influence, which can result in appearance of crisis situations in activity of enterprises through the external environment of direct influence. A research object is the system of the early warning of crisis situations in economic activity of enterprise. Research methods are a method of comparison of parallel rows, logiko-expert method, dynamic and dispersible analysis. The indicators of symptoms of the crisis phenomena are certain in the separate sectors of external environment of indirect influence on activity of enterprise. It is suggested to identify threat by the vectors of their indicators which are formed coming from such criteria: direction of change of indicator: favourable, unfavorable; crowd conditions of connection of indicators external among indirect influence with the proper indicators of external environment of direct influence; measure of variation of indicators, speed of dynamics of unfavorable changes. The crowd conditions of connection are estimated by the coefficient of Fekhnera. On the basis of the developed chart of forming of vectors of indicators of symptoms of the crisis phenomena the proper model of diagnosticating is built in the external environment of indirect influence. Can be drawn on the results of the article for development of the methodical providing of the system of the early warning and reacting on the crisis phenomena in activity of enterprise. |
405–410 |
Economic security of enterprises of transport as factor of stable satisfaction of demand in transportations |
Gurnak V.M., Slavinska O.S., Ananchenko V.E. |
In general, the economic security of businesses aims to provide enterprise with sustainable economic and financial development, reliable protection of property and personnel of the firm, company, from the influence of internal and external threats, prevent unwanted event that can lead to negative consequences. In the current economic conditions in Ukraine activity of transport enterprises is quite difficult and risky business. And this is related not only with not the best general conditions of national economy, but also with a number of specific factors that negatively affect the economic security of the transport companies. The purpose of this article is the analysis of internal and external threats to the economic security of transport enterprises with giving concrete examples. Proposed the ways and methods to protect the economic security of transport enterprises. |
410–420 |
The terminology of current logistics in Ukraine |
Gorbenko A.V. |
The article contain the terminology of modern logistics in Ukraine, given the author's definition concepts logistics, logistics channel, logistic system. Object of study - the processes of adaptation and transformation of foreign and local interpretations of the term logistics and adjacent to it. Purpose - analyze the origin of the terms, to reinvent the similarities and differences in interpretations and explain their formation. The method study - methods of theoretical generalization and comparison, abstraction, systems analysis. Data base: laws of Ukraine and scientific’ research different countries in logistics, marketing, management. The article contains the common terminology of logistics, the author made a comparative analysis of the foreign sources. In addition, the author's definition of concepts - logistics, logistics channel, logistic system. Identify the place of logistics in business activity enterprises. Projected assumptions about the development of the object of research - a clear understanding of specific notions of logistics when will develop the state standard of logistics that is going to make Ukrainian Logistics Association, as well as for the department terminology Institute of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences. |
420–427 |
Generalization and description of concepts of materials management |
Gorbenko A.V., Sopotsko O.Y. |
The article says about the problems of the description of the concepts and standards of materials management, there are the general characteristics of the most widely used and generally accepted, state the critical issues for further research on this subject. The object of study - information and telecommunications section of the management of material flows in the supply chain. Purpose - to disclose the conceptual confusion between the concepts of material management and information and telecommunication standards. Method study - analysis and synthesis. The question of ordering the conceptual widely used management concepts and standards at first glance has no practical value. Note that the absence of critical analysis on the issue of confusion in the current theory and practice of logistics. The authors only raised this issue, outlining the most sensitive issues of so-called "information logistics." To delineate certain concepts consolidate specific definitions for them, considering all the details of the integration component (because most of the concepts is of foreign origin), you need to attract the cooperation of scientists and practitioners of other scientific disciplines. In this case we are talking about the representatives of ITT, cybernetics. Only this way will form a single conceptual system information component logistics. |
428–433 |
Financial engineering as a tool of state regulation of reproductive processes in the transportation industry |
Gorobinska I.V. |
The article is devoted to the consideration of the use of financial engineering as an innovative tool of state regulation in order to improve governance and increase the performance of transport services. The object of research is the financial engineering in the efficiency of the transport industry. The aim - to justify the use of financial engineering as an innovative tool of state regulation and development schemes use financial engineering to transport industry based on private-budgetary financing the implementation of national target programs through the involvement of the bank as a major investor. Methods - comparative and expert analysis, the dialectical method, methods of historical, logical and systematic analysis and synthesis. The study conducted structural and functional analysis of the methods of state regulation of the transport activity, the necessity of the use of innovative techniques, by interpreting the concept of "financial engineering" in financial science, proposed scheme of financial engineering in the transportation industry. The main participants in this scheme are the state as a partner bank as an investor and transport company. On the one hand, a bank engineering, the bank conducts its activities on the basis of the Islamic banking system, which is the basis of the credit financing of economic activity translates into investment. On the other hand, the state participates in the implementation of the fiscal engineering by providing targeted state aid, tax incentives, government subsidies, direct budget funding provided targeted investment in fixed assets of enterprises that will improve their performance and increase revenues by due to higher revenues in the future. Conclusions - introduction of a new funding mechanism based on public-private partnership budget will solve many problems that exist at this stage of development of the transport sector. Based on the proposed scheme will be an interaction of state and real financial sectors to restore reproductive processes in the transport sector. |
433–438 |
Formation of organizational and administrative documents on accounting policy of the road transport sector |
Goshovska V., Goncharova Y. |
The article summarizes the current scientific view of nature «accounting policies» of the company, analyzed the organizational and administrative documents of the accounting policies of three enterprises road transport sector, the model of the formation order on accounting policy for business road transport sector. Object of study - your process for enterprises of road transport infrastructure. Purpose - to develop models of organizational and administrative documents of the accounting policies in the business of road transport sector. Methods - abstract-logical method, comparison, tabular, graphical. Found that at present accounting policies most companies road transport sector of Ukraine does not meet the qualifications required accounting standards, and makes it impossible to form a coherent picture of the characteristics and methods of keeping a particular company. It was therefore proposed model complex interrelation of financial reporting quality - information characteristics of accounting information, alternatives and principles of financial reporting, accounting policies, which will help avoid problems with the election of certain methods or principles. To improve the process of forming the organizational and administrative documents of the accounting policies in the business of road transport system model was proposed. The results of the article can be used in the business of road transport infrastructure for the preparation of organizational and administrative documents of the accounting policies. |
439–444 |
Comparative characteristics of the tax system of Ukraine and some other countries |
Gytsaluk O.I. |
The paper deals with the tax system in Russia, USA, France, Switzerland and Estonia. Comparative characteristics of Ukraine. Object of study - the tax systems of foreign countries. Purpose - to summarize economic and legal concepts of tax systems in other countries. To highlight the comparative characteristics of the tax systems of foreign countries and Ukraine. Method study - induction and deduction, in summarizing the results, the method of operationalization of concepts. After compared the tax systems of different countries with Ukraine it seems appropriate to consider the positive experience gained legal regulation of foreign countries in the legal regulation of the tax system of Ukraine. Evolution of the structure of tax systems in developed countries and the modern practice of taxation law-dependence indicates the ratio of direct and indirect taxes on the following factors: the standard of living of most of the population, improvement of tax collection, its ability to minimize tax evasion, the level of tax culture, general orientation of Western society for social compromise, resolve the most urgent social problems; traditions taxation. |
444–449 |
Determining the status of financially-budgetary discipline enterprises |
Degtyareva O.N. |
The paper proposed a method for determining the state of the financially-budgetary discipline enterprises, developed criteria for its evaluation, management determined efforts to increase financially-budgetary discipline enterprises. Object of study - the monitoring of financially-budgetary discipline. Purpose - to develop a methodology for determining the state of financially-budgetary discipline enterprises. The method of investigation - a systematic approach and system analysis. The method for determining the state of financially-budgetary discipline enterprises, which includes factors affecting the effectiveness of control measures, the formation of the information model, the construction of mathematical models the most influential figures in the formation of the local state of financially-budgetary discipline, the construction of parametric indicators for measuring the state of the financially-budgetary discipline, assessment criteria, mathematical modeling process to ensure financially-budgetary discipline, develop a matrix management actions to improve financially-budgetary discipline enterprises. The results of the article can be introduced into the organization of the monitoring financially-budgetary discipline, assessment, and to improve the latter on the basis of the interest business leaders. Using the results of the study will reduce the risks of the state for effective and targeted use of budgetary allocations. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - mathematical modeling process to ensure financially-budgetary discipline enterprises receiving budget allocations. |
449–456 |
The alternative management methods for decrease of rejection products’ quantity |
Doroshkevych D.V. |
The article describes the methods of alternative management for the usage in situation, when the purpose of enterprise is the decrease of rejection products’ quantity. These methods are related to Japanese management school and influence on productions’ quality a lot. Object of study – the methods of alternative management. Purpose – to determinate the methods of alternative management that are efficient for decrease of rejection products’ quantity and to analyze the main features of their usage. Methods of study – system-logical method, analysis and synthesis, the methods of alternative management. Financial crisis, the low level of population’s solvency and the high level of competitiveness force the entrepreneurs to find other decisions for efficient management. That’s why from year to year the big attention is paid to alternative management methods. There are next theories of alternative management: Deming principles, the cycle of Shuhart-Deming, Just-in-Time, kaizen, Lean Production, Total Quality Management, kanban, jidoka etc. the factor that combines all these theories is the accent to high product or service quality, leadership, trust in collective, defect-free production, collective decision-making, continuous improvement, the decrease of product and services cost. Today’s main purpose is – zero rejection for customer, repeating defect-free production, the minimum level of faults in whole system. Herewith according to the alternative management the department of technical control is unnecessary in organizational structure of enterprise. Also the next factor is very important for the decrease of product’s cost: early detection of rejection. The cost of rejection after the next production phase increases in several times. That’s why the biggest part of enterprises has big losses. The instruments of inbuilt quality allow to decrease the general costs, the costs for controlling actions of production’s quality and consumption of raw materials. The minuses of alternative management are: the high level of laboriousness, the availability of material, financial and information resources. The results of this article can be used for all production enterprises including transport companies. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – the development of methodology of alternative management usage in Ukrainian enterprises. |
456–461 |
Diversification strategy of industrial enterprises of Belarus |
Dragun N.P., Ivanovskaya I.V. |
This article examines the content of diversification strategies of industrial enterprises of Belarus and provides advice on the use of diversification to achieve their economic and social objectives. The objects of study are enterprises engineering and food processing industry of Belarus. The goal of the study is to reveal the content and set the direction of the influence of diversification strategies on the performance of enterprises engineering and processing industry of Belarus based on econometric modeling. The methods of investigation are regression and correlation analysis of the relationship between economic variables. We have found that the use of diversification opportunities for the achievement of functioning and increase of economic stability (risk mitigation activities) is determined by branch companies. We determine the current and recommended in the current market environment changes in the direction of horizontal diversification, diversification of markets, vertical integration and degree of relatedness of economic activities of enterprises engineering and food processing industry of Belarus. The results can be used in the management of enterprises for determination a diversification strategy, by governments for development and improvement of implementation of industrial policy. Projected assumptions about the development of the research object are determination of optimal diversification strategies of enterprises of different economic sectors. |
461–466 |
Development of methodology for determining the indicators of quality control in discrete manufacturing |
Efimenko Н., Ryabikova G. V. |
The methodology for determining the indicators of quality control for pharmaceutical enterprises is offered in the article. A research object is the production system of pharmaceutical companies. Purpose of the paper is to develop a methodology for determining the indicators of quality control in pharmaceutical companies. In a market economy, the effectiveness of a pharmaceutical company (PC) in the long term, high growth rates, increase of competitiveness by improving the quality of medicines (drugs) are largely determined by the level of quality control assessment of the production system in particular. Quality is defined by laboratory tests (as a rule, for the finished product) or by hand without the use of special laboratory equipment - for example, by means of visual determination of the presence of clots, inclusions, or the definition of density, viscosity by sight. Such kind of quality assessment occurs during the whole process of manufacturing finished drugs and in many cases is a subjective quality assessment. The proposed technique makes it possible to make the best estimation of the quality of the PC process through universal and special rates, increases the accuracy of the results due to the use of performance indicators and identify inputs, outputs and benchmarks, which allows to optimize the overall system performance and makes them more effective for management control. The quality of implemented operations meets the quality of the intermediate product or the finished product in the result of this operation. The results of this article can be implemented in pharmaceutical companies. Assumptions about the forward-looking development of the object of the research is the development of an optimal methodology for determining indicators of quality control in pharmaceutical companies. |
466–471 |
The analysis of investments in tourism |
Ivanchuk S.I. |
The article describes the mechanism of investment’s evaluation in tourism industry. The mechanism helps to consider the features of investment’s subjects and objects and to use discounted methods of investment’s evaluation. Object of study – the process of investments in tourism. Purpose – to determinate the main features of investments in tourism and to analyze the specific features of the process. Methods of study – system-logical method, analysis and synthesis, the economic theory. The investments in tourism have their own specific features that is connected with investments’ subjects and objects first of all. The tourism depends from the state a lot. It forces the investors including state investors to evaluate the efficiency of investments with the use of discounting methods. An important single factor is the complex usage of all discounting methods because of next factors: the high inflation level in Ukraine, the long-term payback of tourism regional projects, the high cost of infrastructure projects, non-determinated term of payback of image tourism products. It is important to investigate the tourism project for efficiency evaluation during its lifecycle, to model the flows of tourism product, to match future results and costs with the planning investments’ level with the use of current, base and prognosis prices. The use of mechanism of investments’ evaluation in tourism take into consideration the factors, that’s why it helps to evaluate the efficiency of investments correctly. The results of this article can be used by investors in tourism. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – the development of methodology for investments in tourism. |
471–476 |
Risks in public private partnerships in Ukraine |
Zhulyn O.V. |
The article examines the scientific work of scientists for risk management in public-private partnership and the scheme risk management in public-private partnerships in the road sector. Classified risks highway partnership between the state and business groups and developed recommendations for managing them. Object of study – the risks of public-private partnerships in the road sector. Purpose – to improve the risk management system of public-private partnerships in the road sector to improve implementation of partnership projects to the specific industry. Research method – general theoretical analysis and classification. Results and novelty – researched and identified the main groups of risks that are possible in the implementation of road partnerships between business and government: financial risks, the risks of insufficient demand, risks unsatisfactory proposals, technical and technological risks, regulatory risks and political risks. From the perspective of the state as a partner among the risks that arise in public-private partnership can distinguish risk: inability to fund raising, selection dishonest and inexperienced partner bankruptcy business partner, distortion of information about future risks and project costs, lack of preparation for the project. All the above risks leading to price rise of public-private partnerships and the need for additional budget allocations. In this paper, the main stages of risk management within the framework of public-private partnertion that the partnership will allow the participants to clearly identify which risks are acceptable and the ability to cover the expected return on the corresponding risk. Forecast assumptions about the development of the object of study – risk analysis and management – the most important task of public-private partnership, because by that analysis becomes possible structuring and implementation of logical step to reduce risks and improve the viability of the project. |
476–480 |
Estimating the value of property assets oriented market requirements |
Zaplitnaya T.V. |
The authors propose a market-based approach to adapt assessment value of property assets to the conditions of social and economic development. Object of study – evaluation as a tool for determining the market value of property objects. Purpose – to determine the valuation of differentiation from the initial stages of use to modern distortion effects of the cost parameters of property assets (businesses and property) received in the market conditions change. Method study – a critical and systematic analysis. This article analyzes the current process of evaluation as an essential tool for determining the cost parameters. Differentiation is a critical analysis of the valuation of the initial stages of use to modern distortion effects of the cost parameters of property assets (businesses and property) received in the market conditions change. Our results need to cause drastic changes in the methodological concept of evaluation, which will facilitate the integration of specific national conditions of economic and legal systems, taking into account the diversity of groups of parameters on an open website appraised value of property assets. Predicted proposals for the development of the object of research – a decision conditional problems of socio-economic orientation in determining the market value of property objects. |
481–484 |
Review of international experience formation controlling system |
Zayats O.V. |
This article is about the comparative analysis of the controlling use in the management of enterprises in different countries, what makes possible to determine the need and feasibility of using this tool by domestic entities. The object of study - the process of forming a controlling business system within market conditions. Purpose - to generalize and systematize the experience of foreign countries in the establishment and formation of the controlling system. Methods - systems analysis. It should be noted that foreign experts controlling system is already being used for a long time, and the practice of many companies in developed countries confirms the effectiveness of its use as a holistic concept of management of financial and economic processes entities. In Ukraine, the methods of controlling are only about to start, but now they are increasingly important and dissemination. At the same time, it should be noted that the increase in the number of appeals of national experts in their practice to controlling leads to an increase in the number of issues and challenges facing them in the use of the latter. Thus, identifying the need and rationale for use in financial management of domestic enterprises of this concept should be based on the study of foreign experience. The results, noted in the article can be implemented in the management of domestic enterprises. Forecasts assumptions about the object of study - the experience of foreign countries move to realities of the economic life of Ukraine's businesses. |
485–488 |
Problems of the tax system and their solutions in transformational changes in the business model of Ukraine |
Кarlova I.А. |
In the article the features of the formation of the modern tax system of Ukraine, it is ranked according to estimates of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and 34 most developed countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, to its main problems and the ways of their solution. The object of study – taxes in the financial methods of state regulation of the economy. Purpose – to outline the main features of the Ukrainian tax system and identify areas of transformation in the context of the current economic model of Ukraine. Method study – abstract logic for determining the nature of the tax system, statistical and financial analysis techniques to evaluate ranking state synthesis method to justify the new principle of the tax system of Ukraine. Ukraine's tax system after the reforms in 012 improved its position by 18 points and won in the World Bank's 165 seats, along with Mali and Kenya. For comparison, Belarus in the ranking is 129 seats, the Russian Federation – on 64, Georgia – 33. This situation sklalsya through veleku of taxes (ahead of countries belonging to the OECD), a significant time on their payments and high total tax rate, mainly due to income tax and unified social tax. To improve business conditions suggested reducing some existing taxes and introducing instead new ones that will be paid by consumers, not producers. The tax system should take into account the interests of businesses and individuals that produce goods, rather than those who redistribute them and parasite consume. So not only reduce the overall tax rate, and the time for payment of taxes – entrepreneurs can use more time to develop and implement strategic plans for development within our state. The results of the article can be used to develop recommendations for further reform of the tax system of Ukraine. Forecast assumptions about the object of study – building a socially just as for natural and legal persons of the tax system of Ukraine. |
488–495 |
Investment policy as implementer of investment strategy of the motor transportation enterprises |
Kozak L.S., Gayday G.G. |
In the article, the proposed approach to the formation of investment policy of road transport enterprises based on optimal control methods. The object of research is the investment policy of motor transport enterprises. Method of research – research that allowed analysis of the Ukrainian scientific literature mining status for problems of investment policies as a means of implementing strategies for different subjects of managing investment policy and define the terms of outstanding scientific issues Investment policy – the part of investment strategy, which is to choose and implement the most effective forms of real and financial investment. At the enterprise the policy should be aimed at ensuring its financial stability not only for today but for the future. To find the optimal structure of investments, you can apply the best management. The essence of this method is that the first step is to generate a vector of targets. Then according to this vector are settings that control – investments. And determine the optimal structure of investments, which will produce the best result according to the selected vector. The results of the article can be incorporated into transport enterprises in forming the investment strategy. The forecast assumptions about development research facility – the search of effective investment policy as a means of transportation companies' investment strategy. |
495–500 |
Features of implementation of controlling to service centers enterprises |
Kozak L.S., Chervyakova V.V. |
In this article the algorithm of implementation of controlling into the management system of service centers was suggested with the account of specificity of their financial and business activities and management. Object of study – the implementation process of controlling to the management system of service centers. Purpose – to improve the quality of managerial decisions. Methods of research – analysis, synthesis. The most acceptable approach to the implementation of controlling to service centers is "planned evolution", which envisages gradual realization of the following stages: making decision on implementation of controlling to the management system of service center, holding input diagnostics of business and management of service center, creation of department of controlling in service center, development of program and budget of implementation of controlling to the management system of service center, development of proposals on improving the management of certain aspects of business of service center; justification of key indicators of internal and external environment, development and substantiation of methods and tools for controlling of individual objects in management system of service center, creation of comprehensive information supply system of controlling in management of service center, development and adoption of internal corporate regulations of controlling operation in management system of service center and forming of a package of internal reporting of department of controlling, the implementation of controlling in management system of service center. The last stage also includes testing of the results of implementation of controlling and development and implementation of corrective measures for the respective stages of implementation of controlling. The approach may be taken into account when implementing controlling to domestic service centers. |
500–505 |
Development tendencies and efficiency of providing of European economic security in the globalized economy |
Kozak L., Fedoruk O. |
The article substantiates theoretical statements of European economic security, explores features the regional economic policy of the European Union and methodical approaches to enhance transboundary cooperation, defines the role of international financial and economic organizations in the formation of a new system of European economic security. Object of the research – the process of economic security in international relations. Purpose of the study – improving the efficiency of providing of European economic security in the globalized economy. Methods of research – method of abstracting, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, system approach, graphical method. The need to implement regional policy in the EU, which aims to ensure the collective economic security, caused the significant differences in the levels of socio-economic development, as well as imbalances in the regional level, which are due to imperfect spatial, sectoral and institutional structure. Important role in the formation of a new system of European economic security played by international organizations of universal and regional importance. Despite the fact that today’s threats can come from very remote areas, the intervention of international organizations is quite effective response mechanisms, which should be adequate to the new realities. International organizations have become an integral part of the socio-economic relations. New international financial and economic organizations and expand their spheres of influence is the objective manifestation of the integration and globalization of today. Found that the improvement of socio-economic indicators of the EU regions and decreasing their level of differentiation depends strongly on the effective model of regional development management at the national level, which mobilizes and provides optimum distribution of internal and external resources through regional programming and public-private partnerships. Creating a system of national economic security, adapted to international requirements, Ukraine has been actively involved in the universalization of European, regional and global systems of economic security. |
505–512 |
Peculiarities of organization of energy in industrial enterprises from the perspective of stabilization of economic security |
Kopytko M.I. |
The paper presents a technique that concerns usage of foreign and domestic experience in organizing and structuring the process of energy management as an important component of ensuring economic security of enterprises. The object of study - the process of energy management on domestic industrial enterprises. Purpose - to examine ways to improve economic security of industrial enterprises in terms of dependence on energy resources and to propose measures to minimize expenses for energy. Method of research - a method of organizing - to create the concept of ensuring economic security of industrial enterprises in the process of establishing energy management systems. Handling the energy may be one of the measures to achieve the desired level of economic security of industry. It is important for an industrial enterprise to structure it properly. Structure of energy management process may consist of the following stages: Stage 1. Adopt commitment stage 2. Determining the level of energy efficiency, stage 3. Setting priorities and formulating goals, stage 4. Drawing up a plan of action, stage 5. Plan Implementation, Phase 6. Evaluation of results, stage 7. Gratitude for effective work. It is this structure will achieve the desired results. The results of the article may be implementing in the management of industrial enterprises and the development of national programs in the field of energy consumption. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - to improve economic security industry by organizing energy using management process. |
512–516 |
Conceptual model of efficient organization of management consulting for domestic enterprises |
Levishchenko O.S. |
In the article the author's approach to form an efficient model of management consulting for domestic enterprises. The object of study - the interaction of consulting companies and businesses customers in the provision of management consultancy. Purpose - analysis of existing approaches to management consulting and models of effective organization of management consulting for businesses in today's domestic realities. Analysis of modern approaches to management consulting has shown that no single model of management consulting services to domestic enterprises. Proposed foreign, domestic and former Soviet scientists approaches are not comprehensive, they reflect only certain aspects in the field of management consulting. The proposed method does not allow to construct an effective model of management consulting domestic enterprises and hamper their use in practice. Numerous management concepts show that optimal for use in management consulting is the Balanced Scorecard, which is among the indisputable advantages is its flexibility, the possibility of the organization of virtually any field of activity. The basic idea of the balanced scorecard as a tool for determining the effectiveness lies in the fact that the management first determines the goals and objectives for each specific indicator selects and calculates its optimal value. Key performance indicators can be adapted to individual projects and used in management consulting. Therefore, the mechanism of formation of an effective model of management consulting, based on the application of the principles of quality management systems and key performance indicators within the project management consulting reflects the cycle efficiency and improve the quality of consulting services. The implementation of this mechanism in practice is to use a combination of the principles of quality management systems and key performance indicators at each stage of the consulting project. |
517–521 |
The approach to the selection of subjective components that could cause cost-effective intensification of traffic cars |
Makarova T.V. |
The object of the study is to provide a cost-effective intensification of traffic vehicles. In order to select the components of subjects for cost effective intensification of these flows have been applied is comparable - the comparatives methods of analysis mechanisms and tools. The use of public - private, public and international components of subjective will determine and provide cost effective intensification flows. The novelty of the work is the inclusion of a stage - Ukrainian union motorists in subjectivity stage. Harnessing the power of this social organization, may satisfy the needs of its members, as well as the economic and social needs of other residents. Previously, the interaction of different levels of government management with representatives private business considered in the work on funding the development of roads. |
521–525 |
International Competitiveness as being a Priority Factor in the Development of Enterprises External Economic Activity |
Malykhina S. |
The article dwells upon the following notions: competitiveness, international competitiveness, competitive advantage as well as inner and external factors of production affecting businesses competitiveness at the international market. It has been pointed out that global competitiveness development demands some certain economic strategy elaboration directed at competitiveness rise in terms of enterprises economic activity. |
526–529 |
Internal control is in providing of effective activity of enterprises of a transport complex |
Nazarenko I.I. |
In the articles investigational organizationally-methodological problems of forming and functioning of the internal checking of management of enterprises of a transport complex activity system. Object of study – internal checking of a transport enterprise system. Purpose – Research of organizationally-methodological problems of forming and functioning of the internal checking of management of enterprises of a transport complex activity system. Method study – generalization of fundamental works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists of economists is in the internal checking system, dialectical going, fundamental positions of economic theory, system-logical approach near research of the economic phenomena and processes. The internal checking of enterprise system is the important element of administrative structure of any enterprise, that provides an exposure and warning of all factors and phenomena that can effectively influence on the results of activity of enterprise and achievement of him primary purposes. Organization of the effective internal checking of activity of a transport enterprise system envisages an exposure and determination of basic tasks and functions for the decision of that the internal checking system is formed; forming of morphons of the internal checking system; determination of status, aim and tasks of functioning of service of internal control; determination of quality and efficiency of functioning of the created internal checking system. Most effective is realization of the internal checking in form the separate specially created subdivision, that will submit directly to guidance, but not service of record-keeping that will allow to promote effectiveness of this service in control system of enterprise and delimit functions and duties of services of control and record-keeping system. The results of the article can be introduced into the services of control of enterprises of a transport complex. |
529–534 |
The state and problems of adaptation Ukraine legislation to the European Union legislation in the sphere of carriage of perishable foodstuffs |
Prylipko E.L., Hamelyak І.Р., Chepyuk L.M. |
In the article provides an overview of current legislation in the sphere of carriage of perishable foodstuffs on the example of raw milk and milk products by automotive vehicle, state and problems of adaptation Ukraine legislation to the European Union legislation in the sphere of carriage of perishable foodstuffs in accordance with assumed by Ukraine commitments. One of the most pressing problems of the current legislation in the sphere of carriage of perishable foodstuffs by automotive vehicle is absence of a single modern legal act that would define and regulate uniform conditions and procedures for such transportation for all participants of the market of transport services. In 007, Ukraine joined the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP), September 1, 970. In particular, the ATP are determined requirements for the carriage of perishable foodstuffs including milk and milk products and vehicles which be used for such carriage and this requirements requirements need to be adapted to their national regulations. The main objective of the Rules of carriage of perishable foodstuffs by road vehicles is to determine the the order of carriage of perishable foodstuffs by automotive vehicles, transportation conditions, rights, duties and responsibilities of shippers, consignees and carriers, equirements for construction of vehicles which used for such carriage, special equipments, to packaging in accordance with applicable national laws and the requirements of international agreements of Ukraine, including ATP. The relevant draft law of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine "Approving the Rules of carriage of perishable foodstuffs by road vehicles," November 17, 010 were presented for discussion and then sent to authorities. By this time Rules of carriage of perishable foodstuffs by road vehicles are not approved. It should also be noted that the proposed draft rules of carriage of perishable foodstuffs by road vehicles suggests the existence of a number of deficiencies, including inconsistencies separate norms ATP. However delays in adapting national legislation in the sphere of production and carriage of perishable foodstuffs, including dairy products to international and European standards is one of the reasons for such uncompetitveness Ukrainian production on world markets, including the markets of the European Union. |
534–540 |
Particularities the sections of business plans development for passenger road transport enterprises that represent the specific character of their activity |
Snizhko L.L. |
The article presented methodical recommendations concerning the separate sections of a business plan development for a passenger road transport enterprise, which display the particularities to their activity Object of study is a process of planning to economic activity passenger road transport enterprises. Purpose of work - to develop the methodical recommendations on formation business plans for subject of entrepreneurial activity, which carry out passenger transportation busses or minibuses taking into account the particularities of their activity. Methods of study- system-logical approach, analysis and syntheses, complex-target approach. Business-planning is the basis of entrepreneurial activity, including the sphere of passenger road transportation. The profound business plans are necessary as for motivation of the applications for investments, so and for making, continuation and developments existing business. Requirements are determined for professional business - planning passenger road transport enterprises. Requirements to writing and the contents of the certain sections of the business plan taking into account specifics of passenger transportation. This is follows sections: "Summary", "Characteristics of the subject to entrepreneurial activity and its location ", " Characteristics transport service, rolling stock and plan of transportation" and "Plan of technical service and repair of the transport vehicles and material and technical provision". Methodical recommendations can be used in activity subject of entrepreneurial activity in sphere of passenger road transportation as at business - planning whole passenger road transport enterprises, so and concrete direction to its activity, including and apart taken rout. Require the further methodical working out and the other sections business plans taking into account the specifics of activity road transport enterprises on the of passenger transportation market. |
540–546 |
Organizational economical aspects of dataware management competitiveness of the enterprises in sphere of the international automobile transportations |
Snizhko L.L., Glavackiy P.V. |
In article is designed and described procedure of the dataware of management competitiveness enterprises in sphere of the international automobile transportations. Object of study - process of management competitiveness of enterprises in sphere of the international automobile transportation Purpose of work – to define the organizational economical aspects of organizations of the optimum dataware of the process of management competitiveness enterprises in sphere of international car transportation. Research methods - system approach, analysis and syntheses, modeling. The changeable external competitive ambience requires from subject of business activity for the reason of their self-preservations of the constant adaptation to change, providing herewith necessary level to competitiveness. Efficiency such organizing decisions greatly depends on level of their dataware presentation necessary, reliable and well-timed information. This procedure of the determination and estimations of the process of the provision by information for management competitiveness enterprise in sphere of the international automobile transportations can be used for both primary shaping database, and their further addition and improvement. These procedures are based on such main idea of information: suply necessary resources, timeliness and economy. Using the designed procedure of the provision enterprises by necessary economical and operative information for determination, estimations, analysis and forecasting level of the competitiveness in sphere of the international automobile transportations will allow to provide the device of management umbral and operative information for estimation of the real condition of the enterprises on given segment of transport services market. For introducing transport enterprises to the offered procedure of information support of management competitiveness enterprises should be required further methodical development corresponding of software. |
546–552 |
Experience in crisis management in public-private partnerships |
Sokolova N.M., Gerasimenko A.V., Makowska Y.A. |
In the article the experience of crisis management in public-private partnerships іs considered. Object of research the development of public-private partnership. Purpose - the influence of implementation of public-private partnership on the emergence and resolution of the crisis. Method of study - an analysis of experience of crisis management in public-private partnerships. Developing PPP becomes the actual value as a tool for crisis management, the potential of public-private partnership is the real way to transform the field of innovation and infrastructure reconstruction in springboard confrontation crisis impacts; examined using potential PPPs in search of answers to today's challenges as an effective instrument of anti-crisis measures humanizing effects of the crisis, forming the base after the crisis of growth and shows possible directions implement anti-crisis measures by involving PPPs; proposed structural rearrangements trends in innovation and infrastructure sectors of the national economy. The results of the article may be implementieted for development of public-private partnerships. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - the search and development of existing methods used in PPP. |
552–556 |
Principles of long-term contracts of public-private partnerships |
Sokolova N, Shkarivska N. |
Object of research - world experience conclusion of contracts between the state and the private sector. The purpose of this article is to summarize international experience to sign long-term contracts of public-private partnership, coverage of basic principles in road industry to further the effective use of the material presented in the practice of government agencies and the private sector in Ukraine.The article covering the principles and conditions of contracts. To ensure the success of the contract, the PPP should be implemented within a broader political framework, which takes into account all phases of the life cycle of PPP. The most important component of project preparation, as well as a key element in building and conclusion of a successful and sustainable contract between the state and the private sector. It was found that the implementation of public infrastructure projects using the PPP mechanism provides efficient, reliable and timely service at the agreed price and following agreed quality standards. Suggested further ways research relations between the state and the private sector to the public sector interaction and private capital in the creation, modernization, maintenance and operation of infrastructure and issues of development through the use of tools PPP. It is necessary to pay attention to systemic issues regarding balancing the risks and responsibilities of the parties, performance management, and support of private initiative in the objects of state property through additional financial resources and management experience of the private sector. Therefore, further study of international experience in the implementation of long-term contracts of public-private partnership is very relevant and play a crucial role in the realization of the goals for improving the condition of roads in Ukraine. |
556–562 |
The place and importance of controlling in management |
Sofiychuk K.K. |
In the article defined the conceptual apparatus of controlling according to the position of the domestic and foreign scholars received opinion about the place of controlling in the management theory, the basic conceptual framework of controlling and proposed a new definition of the controlling. The dispute over the nature, functioning and effectiveness of controlling is debate, confirming the relevance of the topic. The main purpose of controlling believe achieving company goals and ensure long-term success of enterprises. Approaches to understanding, use and application of the system controlling the world vary widely. The main purpose is to develop conceptual apparatus of controlling, to determine the location of controlling management system. Object of study - the theoretical aspects of controlling as management. The result of the study is to determine that controlling - is separated preventive management activities, the subject is to coordinate strategic plans at the stage of implementation, which is due to frequent changes in the internal and external environment in which the company operates; Given the survey results, we can conclude that controlling - this detached preventive management activities, the subject of which is to coordinate strategic plans at the stage of implementation, which is due to frequent changes in the internal and external environment in which the company operates; controlling divided into operational and strategic and should be linked in time and space, therefore requires clarification and separation of its value in these respects; Enterprises should develop a functional model of controlling, it will provide better economic state of enterprises for realizing controlling in Ukrainian. |
563–567 |
Identification of the influence of initial quality vegetable production volumes for transportation management systems vegetable marketing |
Strunevych L.M. |
The paper proposed approach to determine the scope of harvesting and transportation of vegetable products, which is designed to lay the long-term storage in optimal conditions vegetable stores while respecting the original quality at the time of laying it in a vegetable store. Object is a complex dynamic system of procurement, storage, transportation and sale of quantities of products with limited shelf life Purpose - to determine the effect of the initial parties vegetable production on vegetable marketing strategy, procurement volume, the volume of freight traffic during storage with minimal loss of volume and quality. Research method - linear programming as a tool for mathematical modeling in marketing vegetable production, methods of statistical analysis of changes in the quality of vegetables during storage under optimal conditions fixed vegetable stores. To efficiently use vegetable harvest should properly form the batch of products that are placed on deposit. The latter can be done only by taking into account a number of factors that relate to different stages of the business process - from growing to date. At the stage of growing emerging lezhkozdatni properties which depend on the success of all these stages. Vegetables with different quality characteristics are stored with different losses. To lay the long-term storage are formed (homogeneous) batch of vegetables, for which losses in quality and quantity is minimal. The models provide estimates of transportation of vegetables, which are designed for storage. The results of the article can be introduced into the study of the impact of market factors to adjust the strategic marketing management solutions for the effective achievement of the expected profits in the future. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - modeling the processes of economic efficiency of storage while respecting the original parties of vegetables that are intended for storage in warehouses. |
567–572 |
Assessment of risk contracts for cargo |
Taranukha О.M, Amelinа N.K. |
The paper proposed a comprehensive method of risk assessment based on integrated cost index, which expresses the maximum loss estimate in cost and allows uperedzhuyuchy take measures to limit potential losses. Object of study - risk assessment of damages in management decisions managers trucking companies. Purpose - to determine the order of risk assessment in contracting for transportation. Method study - statistical and expert analysis method contracts. For the solution of the problem of quantifying the risk of losses in management decisions regarding contracts for cargo - ie implementation profile of motor business - suggested use rate Value at Risk (VAR) - valuable measure of risk. Methods to reduce the risk value assumes all risks associated with the uncertainty of a single indicator of risk assessment. This indicator expresses the estimation of maximum losses in the value expected for a given period of time with a given probability for this contract under the influence of risk factors. The results of the article may be made at trucking companies in contracting for transportation. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - a comprehensive search procedures for risk assessment. |
572–577 |
Substantiation of Sources And Organizational Forms of Public-Private Partnership Projects’ Funding |
Trotsiuk T.S. |
The article examines the problems of sources and organizational forms of public-private partnership projects funding in Ukraine and their causes. Experience of other countries shows that public-private partnership is a very effective mechanism of projects’ funding, especially in the transport sector. The article shows both positive and negative examples of PPPs abroad, particular attention is paid to issues of projects’ funding. The main goals of the article is to consider the problem of public-private partnership’s practical application in Ukraine, to identify sources of financing PPPs and international experience in this area and to consider different approaches to determining the organizational forms of public-private partnerships projects’ financing. Specifically, this article identifies the possible sources of public-private partnership projects’ financing in according to the Law of Ukraine "About Public-Private Partnership", namely: financial resources of private partner; financial resources, loaned in the prescribed manner; the state and local budgets; other sources not prohibited by law. The article pays attention to experience of public-private partnership in the transport sector of the Czech and Slovak Republics, namely the project of construction and reconstruction of roads and bridges in several Slovak towns and project implementation of the electronic road toll system and compulsory registration when driving highways. The article deals with the such models of organizational forms of PPP projects’ financing as concessions, private finance initiative and project financing. |
577–583 |
Meaningfulness of investing of travelling industry is for a motor transport complex |
Khmelevskyi M., Tsiuman Y. |
Aim of work – to meaningfulness of investing of travelling enterprises and road-building industry for a motor transport complex. Research method – economy-logical, method of global analysis. Development of economy of country characterized by economic copulas between Ukraine and other countries. Development of export-import relations results in the permanent increase of transport streams. Most highways of country do not answer modern requirements after the transport-operating state, service and finishing. In overcoming of this problem in Ukraine great expectation depends upon an investment. The results of the article can be drawn on at a study or decision of questions related to investing of travelling industry, development of infrastructure, logistic. Prognosis suppositions are in relation to development of research object – search of methods and developments of various methodologies that will assist the best bringing in of investments in travelling enterprises and road-building industry. Optimization of the use of investment resources. |
584–588 |
Methods of assessing the effectiveness of organizational systems |
Tseholnyk P.A. |
The paper proposed technique for quantitative evaluation of organizational systems. Object of study - the efficiency of organizational systems. Purpose - to develop analytical tools on quantifying the efficiency of organizations. Lack of clear procedures and guidelines on assessing the effectiveness of organizational systems cause many difficulties in the management efficiency of real organizations. In this study the efficiency of the system (facility management) is regarded as a universal comprehensive integrated (cumulative) criterion that characterizes the degree of utilization and development of total system capacity. Article on developing an integrated approach universal methodology for assessing the efficiency of organizational systems. The results of the article can be used in applied research and development on evaluating the performance of real organizational systems. |
588–591 |
The role of logistics service customers in the European market |
Tsymbal J.A. |
The paper proposed approaches regarding the logistics of customer service in the European market. Object of study - logistic enterprise supply chains. Purpose - is the analysis and evaluation diyalnostii logistics service providers in terms of customer service in the European market. Method study - general scientific methods for systematically solve problem tasks selected in the study. Enterprises need new opportunities and chances to increase benefits and effects that are associated with activities in international markets that are constantly changing. One possibility, which goes beyond the functionality of enterprise - is to ensure an appropriate level of customer service. Serving consumer integrates logistics and marketing, which is an expression integrated logistics and marketing concept. Both management concepts collide in the most important place, which is the market that determines the strategy of the company to market and support. However, the purpose of both of these concepts is to use the potential and opportunities for companies to succeed in the market and provide a level of customer service that is required. It is proved that the company is now paying attention to activities in the integrated supply chain, with an increase in value to improve the quality of customer service. All important link in the chain and supply networks are logistic companies. The process of European deregulation forwarding market influenced the development of firms that offer a wide range of high quality and are much higher than typical for carriers and freight forwarders. Modern European logistics businesses are very diverse and comprehensive services adapted to the needs of individual clients. The condition that ensures the implementation of services at a high level, is the possession of appropriate technical infrastructure that includes information network, and access to an extensive logistics network. Thus, it was investigated and analyzed the issue of logistics customer service, which is based on the theory yevrolohistyky, which is developing rapidly. The main attention is paid to the role of logistics enterprises in supply chains. The results of the article can be used by domestic enterprises. Forecast assumptions about the object of study - creation of sustainable competitive advantage of the national economy and the consistent application of new concepts that will help improve the level of logistics services, which, in turn, would increase the degree of customer satisfaction. |
592–596 |
The use of fuzzy sets for the classification of bank loans for individuals and businesses |
Chernov V.G, Dorokhov O.V., Gradusov D.A, Ulanov E.A. |
In this paper autors proposed, justified, and described the technique of using the methodology of fuzzy sets for the classification of bank loans for individuals and legal entities.Object of study – bank lending and the methods of analysis of its customers. Purpose – to development and presentation of an algorithm that allows to classify bank loans based on group of fuzzy expert estimates. Method study – the theory of fuzzy sets. The technique, which is applicable to the classification of the borrower credit – individual persons and organizations. The benefits of the proposed approach are : elimination of the subjective effects of the credit analysts, the views of several experts and their expertise, the ability to analyze both quantitative and qualitative measures, the availability to use for staff, which not having much experience in lending for do decisions about future credit and financial work with each loan (borrower). The practical use of the proposed method showed sufficient accuracy of the results and ease of application in problems of operational decision-making and management of credit in a competitive financial market. The results of the paper can be introduced into the production technology of silicon wafers used in solar batteries.Forecast assumptions about the object of study - the search for optimal production technology wafer without defects. |
597–602 |
Project Management on the stages of the life cycle of the project |
Chechet A.M. |
In this article the emphasis placed on the importance of specific and professional management of the project at various stages of implementation. Object of research - project management stages of the project life cycle. Purpose - analyzed and characterized phases and stages of the project life cycle. Methods - description and characteristics of the specific project management in different phases of its life cycle. And in the article set the goal to review some of the most common in modern economic science and practice approaches to dividing the project life cycle into phases and stages. |
602–606 |
A simulation model of investment project, implemented under uncertainty |
Gavrilenko V.V., Prokudin G.S., Shumeyko A.A. |
The paper presents the method of simulation of investment risks by using built-in functions of the software Mathcad. A model analysis of the effectiveness of investment under uncertainty. Object of research - investments under uncertainty. Purpose - to determine the effectiveness of investment decisions under uncertainty. Methods - operations research, simulation. The results of the article can be used to model real investment decisions and determine their effectiveness. |
606–610 |
Economic-mathematical modeling of the functioning of trucking companies |
Mateichyk V.P., Grysiuk Y.S., Gusev A.V., Grygorenko R.V., Korniychuk Y.A., Tretynychenko Y.O. |
The paper presents the methods and simulation of functioning motor enterprise and determination of optimal values of performance indicators on which to receive optimal management decisions. With the proposed methods can solve the problem of providing the required level of performance transportation. The aim - to offer a method of modeling of operation of trucking companies and determine the optimal values of performance indicators on which to receive optimal management decisions. Object of research - processes functioning trucking companies. Sustained economic development of our country puts more stringent conditions for quality, speed and the growing volume of freight and passengers. This leads to increased competition in the markets of freight and passenger carriers and poses the problem of reducing the cost of service, upgrade rolling stock and other assets. Achieving this is not possible without the use of modern methods of forecasting, planning and control of production processes. Many carriers have up to ten pieces of rolling stock. Even in the presence of desire in such enterprises in most cases not enough resources for innovation and introduction of modern methods of economic management. Management and planning even most medium and large trucking companies by using outdated and inaccurate method that results in a significant discrepancy between desired and achieved results. Given this search techniques, which are allowed to make optimal decisions in managing the work of road transport is an important and urgent task. |
610–620 |
Vorkut T., Prylipko E., Kornienko O. |
A model for optimizing supplies of perishable goods. / Tatiana Vorkut, Eugene Prylipko, Evgen Prilipko, Olena Kornienko // Management of projects, system analysis and logistics. – К.: NТU – 012. – Vol. 10. This model addresses the problems of supplies of perishable goods. The obvious example is perishable foodstuffs, for instance, meat, milk, vegetables, bread, but the term can be used in a wider context to include, for example, flowers, newspapers – a daily newspaper has a shelf life of one day. The model also could be used under the circumstances of purchasing by retailers and wholesalers goods which have to be sold during a short-term selling season. As a rule, a demand for the above-mentioned goods within interval between successive regular deliveries determined by a schedule is not the constant value and it is impossible to forecast this demand absolutely precisely. But managers organizing a sale of these goods have to decide the problem of providing a high level of satisfaction of purchasing demand, and, at the same time, minimizing losses connected with unsold (during periods of their shelf-lives or selling season) goods. This problem could be decided as by using by producers and retailers of technological advances that help to preserve the freshness of perishable goods more long period of time (unfortunately these advances do not guarantee always saving of the same taste of a product and sometimes even they could be injurious to health of consumers), as by rational management by supplies of perishable goods and goods which have to be sold during a short-term selling season. Well known models of supplies of perishable goods and goods which have to be sold during short-term selling season do not analyze a possibility of reaction to random variations of the demand for the goods within the interval between successive regular deliveries by means of transport. The model suggested in the article is proposed to respond to random variations of the demand for the goods between successive regular deliveries by introduction a possibility of an ‘emergency’ delivery. And the total costs of the suggested model of management by supplies of perishable goods and goods which have to be sold during short-term selling season include the transport costs of the regular consignment, expected transport costs of the emergency consignment and the expected costs of carrying the unsold goods. The total costs are minimized and the optimal level of the regular consignment is determined. The model also could be used under the circumstances of supplies of goods which have to be sold during a short-term selling season. A model of optimizing the quantity of trucks for the purposes of making the emergency delivery is also suggested. It could be demonstrated in the future publications. |
620–626 |
Concept and tasks of the legal monitoring |
Dovzhenko E.V. |
In the article the conceptual going is offered near determination of concept of the legal monitoring, and also his value is grounded in the process of perfection and systematization of national legislation of Ukraine. Object of study - monitoring of normative-legal acts. Purpose of work - determination of concept of the legal monitoring, ground of his value in the process of update and systematization of national legislation of Ukraine. Method study – special-legal and formal-logical. Realization of the scientifically grounded activity on perfection and systematization of legislation obuslavlivaet necessity of theoretical development of such ground. Monitoring of normative-legal acts can one of his directions come forward (legal monitoring). In the article author vision of the conceptual going is offered near determination of concept «Legal monitoring», ground of his necessity, establishment of tasks and order of his realization. Results can be drawn on researches, presented in the article, in practical activity on systematization and perfection of legislation as the preparatory stage the basic task of which is establishment of actual necessity for an update or systematization, and also providing of their maximal efficiency. Prognosis suppositions about development of research object are creation of methodical bases of the legal monitoring. |
627–631 |
State registration of rights on movable things as administrative activity of public authorities |
Shcherbatiuk N.V., Chychyrko S.V., Nikitina Z.V. |
Legal frameworks of state registration of transport vehicles of Ukraine are certain in the article. The types of registration and account are analysed. Authors are carry out the analysis of order of registration of different transport vehicles in obedience to a current legislation. A research object is registration of rights on movable things. The aim of work consists in determination of legal nature of state registration of rights on movable things, correlation of state registration of right on a thing with the mode of immobile thing, taking of procedure of state registration to the field of civil or administrative law. The put aim predetermines the decision of next tasks : 1)to define the place of state registration of rights on property in the system of protection of civil rights; 2)to consider the difference of state registration of rights on a thing from state registration of thing; 3)to analyse the place of legal norms that regulate realization of state registration of rights on a thing, in the corresponding field of law; 4)to define correlation of state registration of rights on immobile things and state registration of rights on movable things. Research method. In basis of methodology research is fixed the complex approach predefined by multidimensionalness of the put tasks with the use of scientific methods(foremost, system, logical and structural). For the decision of the put tasks the special methods are also used: comparatively-legal and scientific generalization. Under the mode of immobile thing establishment of state registration of rights understands on such things. It is set that state registration of rights on a thing is simply administrative activity, what closely constrained with other forms of administrative activity. It is well-proven, that procedure of state registration of right is administrative realization of corresponding competent public that has for an object bringing to the state register of record about a presence for the concretely certain person of material right(whether his limitation) on a concretely certain movable thing authority. The results of the article can be drawn on in further research of registration of rights on movable things as administrative activity of public authorities. |
631–635 |