²ÑÍÈÊ Íàö³îíàëüíîãî òðàíñïîðòíîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó Âèïóñê 1 (31), 2015


Bakulich O.O., Dudnik A.A. Expert assessment professional level operator system DVRE.................. 3

Bakulich O.O., Musatenko O.V. Formation of distribution supply................ 12

Bakulich O.O., Oliynik R.V., Samoylenko E.S. Environmental sustainability of metropolis.......... 18

Biloys A.B., Pivtorak H.V. Analysis metods for selecting time points transit for defining moment
of schedule correction.......... 27

Bubela A.V., Polozenko O.P., Melnychenko O.I., Romanyuk R.I. Studies on the basis
of volumes freight traffic models of logistic services.. 37

Vashchilina O.V., Borshch O.I., Kotenko K.E., Tkachenko I.A. Finite-element monitoring
of structures of International exhibition center 43

Vysochylo O.M. Analysis of the nature of total quality management...... 50

Vorkut T.A., Dmytrychenko A.M., Luschay Y.V., Tsymbal N.M. A project management model for development of partnerships of motor carrier firms in providing of maintenance function............. 57

Vorkut T.A., Tsymbal N.M., Chechet A.M. Management internally organizational resources
in the project portfolio with uncertainty demand.... 67

Gavrilenko O.V. Mathematical modelling of solid shock spherical body on the surface cavity
in a compressible fluid................... 76

Gamelyak I.P., Voloshchuk D.V. About the necessity of determination the granular mixtures design characteristics for bases of road pavements......... 86

Glazunov S.M. Torsion autovibrations of deep drill strings in viscous liquid medium............. 96

Glushakova O.V. Relaxational torsional autovibrations of deep drill strings.............. 102

Govorun A.G., Merzhievska L.P., Kutsyy P.V. The results of road tests of awheeled vehicle
under unbalanced conditions of movement........ 111

Gorban A.V. The features of the development and using fleet of USSR 1950 gg............ 118

Gryshchyk O.K., Yazvinska Î.M., Tkachenko V.A. European Ñîmmunity Ñîurse
Ñrådit Transfer System of the Educational Process (ECTS) 126

Grysjuk Y.S., Labuta A.V. Research of models of partnership is in the projects of development
of a transport industry........... 136

Gulyayev V.I., Andrusenko E.N., Levkivska L.V. Minimization of resistance forces
in axial motion of a drill string in a curve bore-hole 145

Guzhevska L.A., Yatsyk V.I., Lytvyn O.O. The task of choosing a bonded warehouse as parts
of the international supply chain.... 153

Gutarevych Y.F., Shuba E.V. Using of an additive hydrogen-containing gas to the air charge
to improve performance engines carburetor power supply system at idle... 161

Danchuk V.D.,  Kozak L.S., Danchuk M.V. Business activity in the conditions of nonlinear
social and economic development of society............. 166

Danchuk V.D., Lemeshko Y.S., Lemeshko T.A. Research projects quality management in the corporate information system with self-organization..... 176

Danchuk V.D., Lyaskovskiy V.P., Tkachenko V.A. The triangle of knowledge is the driving force
of innovation... 183

Dekhtyar A,S. Load carrying capacity of  thin-walled box-girder structures......... 189

Dmytriev M.M., Vorkut T.A, Marunich V.S., Vakarchuk I.M., Kharuta V.S. Innovative solutions
for increasing mobility and transport services for the population of major cities
in the context of the European program CIVITAS 2020................ 195

Dmitrichenko N.F., Bilyakovich O.N., Savchuk A.N., Turitsa Y.A., Kusch A.I., Pedan O.L. Kinetic study
of changes real contact area on the adsorption of the active components of the lubricant 203

Dmytrychenko M.F., Levkivskyi O.P., Tkachuk V.M., Barylovych L.P., Duleba A.D.  Carboboronizing
of low-carbon steel parts................. 210

Dyatchyk D.I., Pokshevnitskaya T.V. The technology transfer offices in the universities of Ukraine............ 220

Iehorov S.O., Rudnyckij E. A., Diatchyk D.I.  Creation and implementation of the system of transfer of
energy and resource saving technologies for the development of road transport complex of Ukraine............ 225

Zaets Yu. O. Diffraction of a discontinuous wave in a plane interface between two elastic
anisotropic media............... 230

Kabanov V.G., Kravechnko T.I. Ways to optimize the investment activities of the tourism business........... 237

Kovalchuk O.P. Nonlinear dynamics pipelines with high-speed fluid flow in different ways consolidation... 242

Kovalchuk O.P. Research model forms of vibrations pipeline-liquid with high-speed fluid
flow at different ways consolidation of pipeline....... 246

Kovalchuk S.O. Methodological researching base of optimal supplier choicing........... 250

Kovbasenko S.V., Simonenko V.V. Motor research indicators of diesel engines running on biodiesel.......... 255

Kosarchuk V.V., Kulbovskiy I.I., Agarkov O.V. Modern methods strengthen and improve
the wear resistance of friction pairs 263

Kotsiuk O.Y., Luzhanska N.O. Optimizing a number of distribution warehouses
in logistics system............. 269

Kotsiuk M.O. Researching the storing and realization process for perishable goods............... 275

Krasnoshtan O.M. Clock schedule of piggyback trains as a basis for multimodal transportation
in Ukraine........ 285

Kunda N.T., Kravchuk N.M. The geometric configuration of cross-docking warehouses...... 294

Kutuzov A. Concept development programs of state highways and local roads in the region of Ukraine....... 300

Lanovyy O. Definition of consumer behavior of users of public roads 309

Lisoval A.A., Svistun Yu.A., Nyzhnyk M.Ye. Efficiency of main replacement gaseous fuels
with carbon dioxide............ 317

Lytvyn  O.V. Comparative characteristics of existing piggyback systems worldwide........ 324

Loza I.A. Kinematic Analysis of Axisymmetric Acoustoelectric Waves Propagation
in Layered Cylinder with Piezoceramic Lays Polarized in Axial Direction.......... 333

Malysh M.I., Kulish N.R. Effect temperature on form absorption  quantum dots... 342

Marchuck O.V., Raskazov O.O., Gnedash S.V., Levkivskiy S.A. Thick cylindrical sheath stress strain
behavior under the influence of local shearing stress load at different contour fitting conditions........ 350

Mateichyk V., Khrutba V., Horid’ko N. Statistical analysis of monitoring results of prerequisites
for EcoBRU project implementation 358

Melnik T.V., Posviatenko N.I. Restore and protect the surface of the pipe of the compressor
oil and gas wells.......... 367

Melnychenko O.I., Kabanov V.G., Tsekov K.V. Lifelong Education in the Context of Enterprise’s Competitiveness Increase........... 372

Melnychenko O., Kotsiuk O., Lysenko I., Dmytrychenko A. Methods of analysing urban
passenger transportation... 379

Musiiko V.D. Phisico-mathematical modeling of the work processes for continuous
earthmoving machines......... 385

Osipa L.V. An innovative approach to the formation of algorithmic culture of the students
of non-computer specialization... 395

Pavliuk D.A., Pavliuk V.V., Pavliuk V.V., LebedevA.S., IvaschenkoA.P., Shuryakov M.V.,
 Shulyak I.S., Tereschuk V.P., Chapovskyi V.S., Klitchenko B.V.
The results of the research
and experimental-design work of the roads and airfields laboratory under the National
transport university of Ukraine....... 401

Pasichnyk A.M., Nestoryshen I.V., Lebid I.H., Klen O.M. System analysis of structure network Ukrainian highways and level the equipment international checkpoints customs border 415

Pelykh V.Y. Models alternatives logistics chain of cargo delivery.. 429

Petryk A.V. Mathematical modelling of transport service agricultural traffic in specialized terminals.......... 435

Posviatenko E.K., Aksom P.A. Features of processing of details of transport austenitic steels 443

Prokudin G.S., Dmytrychenko A.M., Tsymbal N.M., Dudnik O.S., Omarov D.A. The use of modern information technology in solving problems bahatoyetapnyh tranportnyh...... 450

Savchenko L.V., D’yachenko Y.S., Velichko A.V. Doble-staged chart of hard domestic wastes
transportation of city.................. 463

Sakhno V.P., Korpach O.A. Determination of transmission gear ratios with minimum
fuel consumption at steady automobile movement........ 469

Sakhno V. P., Prohnii P.B. Elaboration of a computer model of lorry convoy 476

Sakhno V.P., Timkov O.M., Poliakov V.M., Bosenko V.M., Moysya D.L. Experimental researches
of lorry convoy with the selfstability semitrailer’s axle.................. 483

Semenchenko O.V. Methodological approaches to assess the conditions of formation
of the state capital of accident in the territory economic region.............. 494

Sokhan V.V. Network models of operational projects management in road construction..... 499

Tarasenko O.M., Gusha O.O. Break-even point of bus transportation... 508

Khabutdinov R.A. Management paradigms on a motor transport: technoempiric profitocracy
and innovative technocracy..... 513

Khabutdinov A.R. The bases of algorithmic driving: productivity-safety-energy efficiency........ 519

Khabutdinov R.A., Halona I.I. Motivational analysis of conceptual preferences carrier
buyer light-duty vehicle on the basis of life cycle..... 525

Kharuta V.S. The methodology of creating a database management of office projects
and programs of urban passenger transportations. 532

Khmelov I. V., Gusev O. V. Evaluation method of trucks’ transport-technological
quality using the development of structural parameters....... 539

Khomyak A. Ya., Shkit M.A. Characteristics movement of freight transport in transport hubs.. 545

Hoodoliy S.M., Mazurok P.S. Mathematical modeling of vertical wells stability with respect t
o static loads at pressure testing 554

Shevchuk L.V. Analysis of drill string bit whirling on the basis of friction model.............. 561

Shyr³aieva S.V., Dankivska K.I. Main components multimodal transport network........... 568

Shlyun N.V. Computer simulation of drill string bending in channels of curvilinear bore-holes................ 574

Shramenko N.U. Methodology of effective organization of the terminal system in delivery loads.. 581

Shurupov V.O. Designing a route network for dangerous goods shipments........ 588